

Study on Cognitive Strategies of Junior Middle School Students in English Reading

【作者】 朱莉琼

【导师】 朱泌太;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 学科教学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 学习策略在近二、三十年来一直被许多学者所关注。新颁布的《英语课程标准》(2001)指出:英语教学不但要发展学生的基本技能,更应该帮助他们养成良好的学习习惯和形成有效的学习策略。学习策略是提高学习效率、发展学生自主学习能力的保证。本文从学习策略入手,应用学习策略研究领域中的相关理论和方法,研究和探讨了学习策略分类中的认知策略及其在初中八年级学生英语阅读学习中的培训。本实验旨在验证以下假设:(1)通过以认知策略为基础的培训,实验组学生的阅读成绩高于控制组的学生;(2)通过以认知策略为基础的培训,实验组的学生比控制组的学生使用认知策略的频率更高一些。(3)通过以认知策略为基础的培训,试验组的优秀生比后进生在阅读中使用更多的认知策略。本文首先介绍了学习策略和认知策略以及国内外对学习策略和认知策略的相关研究。本项研究的理论依据包括以下三种认知理论:格式塔心理学、奧苏伯尔的有意义的学习原理和安得森的认知语言学习理论。然后介绍了认知策略培训的操作过程、研究中的被试、方法、假设、测量工具和教师在策略培训中的角色,并通过SPSS软件对数据进行统计和分析,结果都与以上三条假设一致。实验结果表明:明确而详细的认知策略培训对学生阅读能力的提高有积极的影响。通过认知策略的培训,实验组的学生在阅读方面取得了一些进步,实验组的学生在阅读中能使用更多的认知策略。总而言之对学生进行英语阅读策略的培训有利于提高学生的英语阅读水平。本项研究的特点是能将认知策略与英语阅读有机结合,它能在中学得以推广使用。

【Abstract】 In the last few decades, many researchers have been focusing on learning strategies. The task of the New English Curriculum Standards (2001) is to develop not only the students’ language knowledge and skills but also a good learning habit and strategy. Learning strategy can be the insurance of improving the students’ learning proficiency and developing their ability of autonomous study. The present study aims at one of the learning strategy categories—cognitive strategies and their application in reading for Grade Eight students. The research instruments are a set of English reading test papers and a Strategy Inventory for Language Learning. The hypotheses of this thesis are as follows : (1) The English reading achievement of Experimental Group is higher than that of Control Group through cognitive-strategies-based instruction; (2) The students in Experimental Group employ cognitive strategies in reading more frequently than those in Control Group through cognitive-strategies-based instruction; (3) The effective students in Experimental Group employ more cognitive strategies than the ineffective students through cognitive-strategies-based instruction.In this thesis we present learning strategies, cognitive strategies and relevant survey in this regard in China and abroad. The theoretical bases of this study are three cognitive theories: Gestalt psychology, Ausubel’s theory of meaningful learning and Anderson’s cognitive theory of language learning. Then come the procedures , hypotheses, subjects, methods, instruments and the role of teachers in strategies-based instruction.Software SPSS 12.0 is employed to analyze the data. The results are concored with the three hypotheses above.The result suggests that explicit cognitive strategies instruction has positive impact on students’ reading ability. Through cognitive strategies instruction, the experimental group can make some progress in reading, and the experimental group employ cognitive strategies in reading more frequently. In a word, the cognitive strategies-based instruction is helpful to improving the students’ reading proficiency. The characteristic of this study is that it can integrate the cognitive strategies into English reading. It can be widely used in middle schools.

  • 【分类号】G633.41
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】519

