

Ethical Thoughts on the Accountability System for Administrative

【作者】 吴春江

【导师】 彭定光;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 伦理学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 行政问责制是指特定的问责主体针对各级政府及其公务员承担的职责和义务的履行情况而实施的、并要求其承担否定性结果的一种制度。在现实的公共管理实践中,存在着因缺乏执政为民的行政理念而导致公共权力滥用的现象,为此,必须切实加强对行政权力的事后监督,实现行政问责的制度化。行政问责制改变了以往我国传统政治文化下对行政者法律责任予以追究的单一情况,使得行政人员在没有触犯法律或直接过失情况下也要承担道德和政治责任,完善了行政人员责任追究的制度体系。行政问责制内含着主权在民和平等正义的思想,坚持行政权力和行政责任相一致的原则,是政府实现行政责任的一种自律。行政问责制是一种具有道德合理性的制度,应遵循权责对等原则、赏罚分明原则、程序正当原则和惩前毖后原则等道德原则。当前,我国实施行政问责制还存在着一些问题和困难,主要表现为:问责对象责任意识淡薄;责任界限模糊;制度可操作性不强;法制建设滞后。针对这种情况,本文认为应当以行政职责明晰、政务公开、树立合理的行政文化、制度健全作为行政问责制实现的道德条件。合理的行政问责制的推行,能够起到建设政治文明、树立政府的良好形象、提高行政主体的行政能力和促进社会发展的作用。

【Abstract】 The accountability system for administrative refers to a system in which a specific accountability body requests all levels of governments and their functionaries to undertake the denial result in view of fulfilling situation of their duty and obligation.In the practical public management, the lacking of the idea of governing for the benefit of the people has led to the abuse of public power. Thus, it is necessary to supervise the administration so as to realize the systemization of the administrative accountability. The implementation of the accountability system for administrative changes the sole law liability for administrative bodies under the traditional political cultures of our country and makes administrative officials take the moral and political responsibilities if no violation of law or direct wrong doings. It perfects the responsibility-running system for administrative officials.This system embodies people’s dominion; it sticks to the unity of administrative power and obligation; it is a self-discipline for the government to take its responsibility. In order to put this system into practice, four moral principles should be followed by :the balance of right and obligation, the justice punishment and reward, the procedural principle and the principle of profiting from the past mistakesPresently, there still exists some difficulties and questions in the implementation of the accountability system for administrative. The concrete manifestation is: responsibility consciousness of whom is accountable is light; the responsibility boundary is fuzzy; the feasibility is not strong; the legislative construction is lagging. Therefore, this article has carried on the analysis from the view of four moral factors to implement this system: precise administrative responsibilities, public state affairs, new administrative culture and a sound system.The implementation of such a reasonable system of accountability system for administrative enables our country construct political civilization, to foster a better image for government ,to improve administrative abilities of the government, and to stimulate the development of our society.

  • 【分类号】D630
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】401

