

Sprout Promotion and Establishing Techniques of Cutting Nursery for Teak Clones

【作者】 梁坤南

【导师】 白嘉雨;

【作者基本信息】 中国林业科学研究院 , 林木遗传育种, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 柚木(Tectona grandis L.f.)属马鞭草科(Vcrbenaceae)柚木属(Tectona)的树种。因强度、耐磨性和持久及诱人的外观而闻名于世,是国际市场上最受欢迎的硬木树种之一。由于过度砍伐,柚木天然林急剧下降,柚木原产国大多已停止或限制采伐,因而造成国际柚木木材市场价格剧增。为此,热带许多国家通过柚木遗传改良和集约栽培技术,谋求发展经营周期更短,产量更高的短轮伐期柚木商品用材林。我国引进柚木已有170多年历史,热带、南亚热带地区有着比较适宜柚木生长的气候条件和土壤条件,但由于有性繁殖困难,造成良种短缺以及栽培技术等问题,柚木人工林在这些地区发展缓慢。采用组培、建采穗圃扦插繁殖是解决柚木良种短缺的重要手段。本研究是通过密度与施肥试验、密度与截干高度试验、无性系与药物处理促萌试验以及萌芽条留取方式试验等研究,为柚木无性系采穗圃营建提供切实可行的技术。综合4个试验分析结果得出以下结论:(1)采穗圃母株的大小受采穗圃母株种植密度和施肥处理的影响,以低密度处理Ⅲ(40cm×40cm)的苗高生长和地径生长最好。N100P150K100和N0P150K100处理促进了柚木无性系母株的生长。母株的健壮与否直接影响到采穗圃能否产出更多、更好的穗条。(2)密度高低影响了无性系腋芽原基数、单株萌芽数、单株可采穗条数、腋芽原基转化率、穗条可采率、萌芽产量和可采穗条产量。从经济的角度来说,密度Ⅱ(30cm×40cm)是营建柚木无性系采穗圃的最适合种植密度,与密度Ⅰ(30cm×30cm)相比,前者单位面积种植株数(5128株/亩)是后者(6349株庙)的80.77%,即少1221株/亩,但每次穗条产量仅少313条/亩和647条/亩,而比密度Ⅲ(3846株/亩)每次穗条产量多1660条/亩和2183条/亩。高密度的绿篱种植方式不适用于叶片大的柚木采穗圃的营建。(3)施肥处理影响了柚木无性系母株的生长,从而也影响了母株的单株可采穗条数、穗条可采率和可采穗条产量。施肥处理3(N0P150K100)的单株可采穗条数、穗条可采率和单位面积可采穗条产量是9个施肥处理中最高的,且产量比较稳定,平均每次为11451条/亩,比最低产量的施肥处理8(8429条/亩)的增加了35.85%。要获得可采穗条量最多,不宜施N肥,且P和K因子的施肥量应分别施150g·m-2 P2O5和100g·m-2 K2O。(4)不同截干高度显著或极显著影响了单株的腋芽原基数量、萌芽数、可采穗条数、腋芽原基转化率、萌芽产量和可采穗条产量等。单位长度(cm)的单株可采穗条数随着截干高度的增加在急剧减少,45cm截干高度的穗条产量最高,平均为10764条,15cm的穗条产量次之,为9774条,它们间差异不显著,但考虑到不同高度的扦插生根能力,截干高度15cm应为柚木无性系截干的第一选择。(5)选择无性系不同会影响了穗条的产量,尽管8301无性系萌芽数最多,为5.3个,极显著多于其它无性系,但是单株可采穗条数以7559无性系最高,为3.1条,而8301无性系仅1.9条。7559无性系可采穗条产量最高,为9793条/亩,8301无性系最低,仅为7187条庙,两者相差为2606条庙。(6)6BA对提高无性系的萌芽数和穗条量有一定效果,浓度提高5倍后,处理6(100ppm 6BA)的萌芽数和穗条数最高,为4.7个和3.1条比对照的分别提高了17.5%和19.2%。同样KT药物处理的萌芽数和穗条量均高于对照。但高浓度的2.4-D处理对无性系母株的萌芽具有毒杀的作用,造成母株干枯、甚至死亡,因此,2.4-D不宜用于采穗圃的促萌。(7)柚木截干后采用剪除萌芽条仅留1对叶的效果比留1根萌芽条的好,前者处理后1个月萌芽量和穗条量均是最高的。

【Abstract】 Tectona grandis L.f. (teak) belongs to Verbenaceae genus in Tectona family, which is oneof the most famous timber species in the world in view of its strength, durability and favoredtexture and grain. The price of teak timber in international market is dramatically increasingsince loging is banned in most of teak inherent countries and rapidly declining of natural teakresources resulted from illegal and over logging. Therefore, many tropical countries have to tryto develop teak commercial timber plantations with shorter rotation and higher production bygenetic improvement and intensive cultivation techniques to meet the demand of precioustimbers. China has over 170 years of teak introduction history, and has available climatic andsoil conditions for teak growth and planting in tropical and south subtropical regions, howeverteak plantations were slowly developed as a result of seriously short of improved varieties dueto difficulty in sexual reproduction and some problems in silviculture techniques. Using tissueculture materials and cutting reproduction to establish cutting nursery is the key to solveserious shortage of improved varieties of teak plantations. This research produces a suit ofeffective techniques for establishing cutting nursery of teak clone by series of trials, such asdensity+fertilizer, density+truncation height, clone+chemical reagent and bud-stickmaintain method. The main results are as follows through summarizing analysis of four trials.(1) The size of mother plant in cutting nursery was affected by planting density of motherplant and fertilization treatment. The height and ground diameter growths of mother plants withlow density treatmentⅢ(a density of 40cm x 40cm) performed well. The treatments ofN100P150K100 and N0P150K100 promoted the growth of mother plant of teak clones. The vigorousmother plant can produce more and high quality of available cuttings.(2) The high or low planting density affected the amount of axillary bud primordium, budamount, available cutting, transformation rate of axillary bud primordium, rate of availablecutting, bud yield and available cutting yield. From the point of view of economy, DensitytreatmentⅡwas the best planting density of establishing cutting nursery of teak clone.Compared with densityⅠ(a density of 30cm x 30cm), the planting number of DensityⅡwith adensity of 5128 per mu (about 666.7m2) is only 80.77%of that of DensityⅠwith a density of 6349 per mu, but yields of available cutting for densityⅡevery time was only lower 313 permu and 647 per mu than that of DensityⅠ, and higher 1660 per mu or 2183 per mu than that ofDensityⅢwith a density of 3846 per mu. Accordingly, planting model of hedge with highplanting density was not ideal to establishing cutting nursery of teak clone with big leaves.(3) Fertilizing treatments affected the growth of mother plant of teak clones, accordinglythe amount, rate and yield of available cutting. The amount, rate and yield of available cuttingof fertilizzing treatment 3 (N0P150K100) was the highest one among nine fertilizering treatmentswith a stable yield of 11451 per mu every time and a increase of 35.85%available cuttingcompared with the lowest yield of fertilization treatment 8. Therefore, if high-yield of availablecuttings was expected to produce, it was better not to apply N fertilizer, but needed to addfertilizers of 150g·m2 P2O5 and 100g·m2 K2O.(4) The different truncation height treatment obviously or high obviously affected theamount of axillary bud primordium, bud amount, available cutting, transformation rate ofaxillary bud primordium, bud yield and available cutting yield and so on. Treatment with 45cmtnmcation height had the highest yield of 10764 sprouts per mu for available cutting, treatmentwith 15 cm truncation height was the second with a yield of 9774 sprounts per mu for availablecutting, but there was no obvious difference of available cutting yield between the twotruncation heights. But taking into account the factor of rooting ability from different positionof mother plant, treatment with 15 cm truncation height should be the first choice fortruncation height of cutting nursery for teak clone.(5) The selection of clones affected the yield of available cutting. Clone 7559 had thelargest yield of 9793 sprouts per mu and Clone 8301 the lowest yield of 7187 sprouts per mufor available cutting although Clone 8301 had the highest number of 5.3 per mother plant forbud number and high obviously difference compared with Clone 7559, only has number of 3.1per mother plant.(6) 6BA treatment had a definite effect on promoting the amount of bud and availablecutting of mother plant, when increasing 5 times of 20 ppm of 6BA concentration, 100 ppm of6BA concentration had the highest amount of 4.7 buds and 3.1 available cuttings, respectivelyincreasing 17.5%and 19.2%than those of the contrast (no chemical reagent treated). Similarly, the numbers of bud and available cutting for mother plant with KT treatment were higher than those of the contrast. However, 2.4-D treatment with high concentration (>50 ppm) had aharmful influence on sprout of stem of mother plant and seriously killed mother plant.Therefore, 2.4-D was not suitable to apply for promoting sprout in cutting nursery.(7) The best bud-stick maintain method after truncation was to keep a pair of leaves foreach shoot when pruning available cutting, having the highest number of bud and availablecutting at one month after treated.

  • 【分类号】S792.99
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】191

