

The Rsearch of Blood Resourse and Quality of Donated Blood in Zhangjiajie

【作者】 汪小华

【导师】 王小万; 朱新星;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 公共卫生, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:全面了解张家界市献血人群的结构、血液质量、血液偿还现状,为建立无偿献血者队伍,保障临床用血质量,促进无偿献血的良好发展及出台无偿献血管理办法提供科学参考依据。方法:对张家界市中心血站建立后,全市献血人群、血液检测结果、无偿献血及献血后血液偿还情况等数据资料,建立SPSS数据库,并采用SPSS12.0对原始数据进行处理,所用统计分析方法主要是x~2分析、Poisson分布分析等。结果:献血者17706人,其中有偿献血者4489人,无偿献血者13217人。献血者年龄在16岁-57岁之间,平均27.73岁,男性10597人、女性7109人;无偿献血模式血液五项指标检测合格率91.4%,高于有偿献血的56%。有偿献血者以农民、无业人员为主,占88.3%,在25~34岁年龄段占42.4%,无偿献血者以学生、职员为主,占78.8%,≤24岁人员占53.8%。献血者以汉族、土家族为主,其他少数民族占5.9%。献血人群ABO血型分布:A型33.3%、B型23.9%、O型34.4%、AB型8.4%,无偿献血者RH阴性率5.67‰,高于我国人群平均3‰的阴性率,RH阴性率的ABO血型系统分布:A型8.43‰,B型3.47‰,O型1.99‰,AB型16.01‰,与人群ABO血型系统的分布不一致。年无偿献血人数从1999年的190人增长到2005年的4061人,以2001年及最近3年发展较快,2005年无偿献血量占临床用血的比例达到最高75.6%。无偿献血的血液不合格顺位是HBsAg3.1%、ALT1.7%、梅毒1.3%、抗-HCV0.6%、抗-HIV0.1%。血液合格率以学生、职员、军人及重复献血者较高,分别依次为96.5%、92.2%、97.9%、96.8%。献血后血液偿还人次和血量逐年增长,从2000年的6人增长到2005年的53人,偿还人次年增长17-46%。结论:无偿献血模式的血液合格率93.2%高于有献血模式的56%;该市无偿献血在适龄献血公民及城乡间的发展极不平衡,≤24岁人员占58.3%,≥25岁年龄段人员占41.7%,各城区人员占89.6%,各乡镇人员占10.4%;无偿献血在临床用血中的所占比例在全省或全国均处于较落后的地位。

【Abstract】 OBJECTIVE: This thesis is meant to have an all-round knowledge of blood donators of the city, the development of free blood donation and the present condition of blood repayment management so as to provide referential information for establishing the ranks of free blood donators, ensuring the quality of blood for clinical use, stimulating a sound development of free blood donation and laying down some basic rules for blood donation management.METHODS: To conduct an investigation of blood donators of the city, of the development of free blood donation, of the policy for and the situation of repayment after blood donation; to establish a SPSS databank and deal with the original data through SPSS12.0; to sum up the analytic means: x~2analysis, Poisson distribution, ratio.RESULTS: the blood from free blood donation is superior to the blood from paid blood donation: the paid blood donators are mainly farmers and unemployed people, taking up 88.3% of the whole paid donating population and ranking highest among people aging from 25 to 36; in comparison, the free blood donators are mainly students and staff members, taking up 78.8% of the whole free donating population and people aging below 24 accounting for 53.8%. The free blood donators are mainly the Han and Tujia nationalities, with other minority nationalities accounting for 5.9%. The distribution of the blood types, namely, ABO, of the donating population is as follows: A—33.3%,B—23.9%,O—34.4%,AB—8.4%.Among the free blood donators, the ratio of RH-negative donators occupies 5.67‰, higher than the national average rate, 3‰. The distribution of blood types ABO goes as follows: A 8.43‰,B—3.47‰,0—1.99‰%, AB—16.01‰, which is not in accordance with the case of the general public. Free blood donation started in 1999 and has made the most rapid development in the latest three years, with a larger and larger donating population. The ranking of the not up-to-standard free blood donators is as follows: HBsAg—3.1%, ALT—1.7%, syphilis—1.3%, anti-HIV—0.1%. The highest up-to-standard rate belongs to students, staff members and servicemen.The number of people repaying blood and the amount of repayment is increasing year by year, with an annual 17-46% increase of the former. The year 2001, however, is an exception.CONCLUSION: the blood from free blood donation is superior to the blood from paid blood donation; the government should strengthen its leadership and support, ensure enough propaganda work and improve the quality of service, which constitute the effective measures of stimulating free blood donation; regular blood donators should be chosen from students, staff members and those who have donated blood more than twice; the proportion of the free blood donators over 25 at the township is low; the management of free blood donation is in need of improvement.

【关键词】 献血献血模式合格率质量
【Key words】 blood donationblood donation patternup-to-standard raterepayment
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期
  • 【分类号】R193
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】114

