

【作者】 刘敏

【导师】 张卫良; 刘媛; 高飞跃;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 公共管理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 农村教师是农村教育大厦的基石。发展农村教育,关系到我国教育发展的整体进程,关系到国民素质的整体提高,关系到社会主义新农村建设的顺利开展。教育的发展关键在于有一支高素质的教师队伍。近年来,随着社会主义市场经济体制的建立和《教师法》的实施,教师聘任制和教师资格制的不断推行,教师的流动已经在法律法规保障、国家政策引导的大背景下成为普遍的现象,教师作为社会人才的一部分开始加入了人才流动的大军。但由于社会主义市场经济体制还不完善,关于人才流动的法制不健全,教师流动更多现出一种无序、不合理的状态,严重影响到了农村教育事业的可持续发展与教育资源的均衡配置。本文以新化县农村教师流动的现状为例,通过问卷调查、访谈以及对有关数据的统计分析,发现新化县农村教师流动呈现以下趋势:1、流动的主体以中青年教师和“双高”教师(高学历、高职称)者居多,2、流动渠道上,流入教师以毕业生就业分配为主;正常流出的方式包括:调动、考研、自动离职三种,这些教师是农村教师中素质较高的人群,永久性流失的离退休和在职死亡教师每年也不占少数。3、流动的方向上,以本县内部学校的单一上位流动为主。这种不合理的流动状态导致了教师队伍知识结构、年龄结构严重失衡和农村基础教育的落后。而致使新化县农村教师不合理流动的成因主要包括:农村教师物质待遇差强人意;农村教师激励因素的缺失;农村教师自身发展的限制;农村学校发展的动力不足;农村教育管理体制的不完善,这些因素的影响使农村教师流动成为必然。农村教师队伍的失衡已引起了新化县教育部门的关注,因此,新化县从2002年起逐步实施针对农村教师的公开招聘、培训、支教和定向招生等制度,本文对这些现行制度的实施效果和应当注意的问题进行了评析。综合上述分析,本文从政策和制度层面提出了构建新化县农村教师合理流动机制的对策与建议:加大政府教育经费投入,提高农村教师物质待遇;加快农村学校布局调整,改善农村学校办学条件;加强农村校园文化建设,提高农村教师工作满意度;培训农村教师队伍,提升农村教师队伍整体素质;推进教师专业发展,建立教师发展的职业生涯规划;完善农村教师管理制度,促进农村教师有序流动。

【Abstract】 To develop rural education is of vital importance to the wholedeveloping process of the nation’s education, to the overall enhancementpeople’s quality, to the development of the Socialist Rural Construction.The key of rural education is to own a group of high-qualified teachers,the major element in education. With the establishment of socialistmarket economic system, the enforcement of Teachers Law, thecontinuous pursuing of teachers’ employment system and teachers’qualification certificate, the teachers’ flowing in primary and middleschools has become a common phenomenon with the law insurance andthe guiding of national policies as its background. Teachers, as a part ofsocial talents, take part in the flowing. But due to the imperfection ofsocialist market economy system and the law of talent flowing, theteachers’ flowing presents a state of disorder and unreason, which affectsthe development of rural education and the distribution of educationalresources.Taking the present situation of rural teachers’ flowing in XinhuaCounty for example, via questionnaires, interviewing and analyzingrelated statistics, the thesis discovers the flowing of rural teachers inXinhua presents the following tendency: 1. the main body of the flowingis the middle-aged and young teachers and the teachers with higheducation background and high professional title; 2. the flow-in teachersare mostly the educates from the universities and the flow-out ones arethe high-qualified, most of whom are transferred, or go to get theirpostgraduate study, or resign. The number of the teachers, who retire ordie every year, leaving their posts forever, is not small. 3. The teachersmostly flow to the better schools or higher department in the same county.This unreasonable flowing results in rural schools results in the losing ofbalance in the teachers’ knowledge structure and age structure and thebackwardness of rural basic education. The principle reasons affectingteachers’ flowing are the teachers’ underpaying, the lack of teachers’encouraging elements, the limitation of teachers’ self-development inrural areas, the inadequacy of rural school’s developing motivation, the imperfection of rural educational management system, which cause theinevitability of teachers’ flow.The imbalance of rural teachers draws attention of educationaldepartments in Xinhua County. So, from 2002, the county carries outsome policies aiming at the rural teachers, such as public employment,training, teaching aid and targeted-area enrollment. This thesis analyzesthe implementation effect of these present policies and the problemsattracting our attention.Based on the above analysis, the thesis, from the point view ofpolicy and system, proposes some countermeasures and suggestions for areasonable rural teachers’ flowing mechanism in Xinhua County: toenlarge the funds investment of rural education from the government toimprove rural teachers’ material treatment, to accelerate the compositionadjustment of rural schools to improve rural school conditions, tostrengthen cultural construction in schools to increase rural teachers’satisfaction with their work, to improve the rural teachers’ training toenhance their qualifications as a whole, to improve teachers’ professiondevelopment to set up career plans for teachers’ development, to improvethe management system of rural teachers to promote the orderly flow ofrural teachers.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期
  • 【分类号】G527
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】853

