

【作者】 罗美连

【导师】 刘益灯; 张海燕;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 国际法学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 在经济全球化趋势日益明显的形势下,知识产权保护的国际规则正面临深刻的变革。长期以来,遗传资源一直被视为人类的共同遗产,发达国家无偿地利用主要来自发展中国家的遗传资源获取了巨大的经济利益并通过知识产权制度为这一利益提供保障;另一方面,遗传资源却被排斥在知识产权保护制度之外,发展中国家不仅不能分享发达国家后续开发的收益,反而受其知识产权的制约。为了对抗发达国家在知识产权方面的明显优势,发展中国家提出了保护遗传资源的主张。然发展中国家的主张是否具有合理正当性,又将如何来保护遗传资源呢?本文提出了遗传资源知识产权保护的观点,并论述了其正当性。这是一个涉及民族和国家利益的课题,一个可能要面对发达国家反对和抵制的敏感课题;同时这又是一个尚无国际规则和成熟实践可以借鉴的新课题,我们需要在摸索中前行。文章先从遗传资源保护中的知识产权问题谈起,从国际和国内两个层面分析了目前发达国家与发展中国家在遗传资源保护中知识产权问题上的矛盾和分歧,分析了目前遗传资源保护探索和实践的成就与不足;第二章分别从经济学的激励理论、探矿理论和法律的公平、契约理念多个视角分析了遗传资源知识产权保护的正当性,并对传统的知识产权理论——“智力劳动成果说”进行了批判,进一步论证了遗传资源知识产权保护的正当性。第三章分析了现行知识产权制度对遗传资源的排斥或保护的不力。因此在第四章中本文主张对现行知识产权制度进行变革,将遗传资源纳入到其框架中来,最后在第五章通过分析我国遗传资源的保护现状,对我国遗传资源知识产权保护立法提出了建议,并试图从权利主体、客体、内容、权利救济等具体方面构建我国的遗传资源权制度。

【Abstract】 With the trend of economic globalization being increasingly clear, theinternational rules of intellectual property rights (IPRs) are facingprofound changes. For a long time, genetic resources have beenconsidered as the common heritage of mankind. The developed countriesfree use genetic resources mainly from developing countries, and gainenormous economic benefits through IPRs; on the other hand, geneticresources have been excluded from the system of IPRs, so the developingcountries can not benefit from the interests from the following researchand development on genetic resources, but subject to the constraints ofIPRs. To counter the obvious advantages of developed countries in thefield of IPRs, the developing countries propose genetic resources beprotected.However, there are still some problems: is the proposal ofdeveloping countries reasonable and legitimate? And how can we protectgenetic resources? In this thesis, in order to answer these questionsⅠputforward that genetic resources deserve protection under IPRs system, anddiscuss the legitimacy of the protection. Because this is a sensitive topicinvolving national and state interests, it may face opposition andresistance from developed countries; meanwhile, there are no maturepractices and international rules can be learnt from, we need to exploreforward.The thesis begins with discussing IPRs problems in genetic resources’protection, and analyzing the issue of IPRs protection of genetic resourceson international and domestic levels. Then it unveils the contradictionsand divergence on protecting genetic resources between developed anddeveloping countries, and explores success and failures of the currentpractice and probes in protection of genetic resources. Based on incentiveand prospecting theory of economics, fair and lease conception of lawrespectively, the second chapter points out the reasonability onintellectual property protection for genetic resources, and critics theconception of "intellectual works", which is a prevalent theory in IPRssystem currently. Further it proves the reasonability of intellectual property protection for genetic resources. Chapter 3 analyzes theexclusion or inefficacy of current IPRs system to protect geneticresources. Therefore, in the fourth chapter, the author calls for changingthe current system of IPRs so as to protect genetic resources in itsframework. Finally, based on analyzing the conservation status ofChinese genetic resources, the author makes some suggestions forlegislation to protect genetic resources through IPRs, and tries toconstruct subject, object, relief rights and other specific aspects of theright to build our own system to protect Chinese genetic resources.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期
  • 【分类号】D997.1;D913
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】398

