

【作者】 何洪涛

【导师】 王坚强;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 工商管理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 社区卫生服务是当前我国卫生工作的重点,是实现人人享有初级卫生保健的基本途径。发展城市社区卫生服务,是推进城市医疗卫生体制改革的重要环节,是解决群众看病难、看病贵问题的重要举措。但是,多年来形成的卫生资源配置不合理的问题仍很突出,优质资源过度向大中型医院集中,社区卫生服务的基础十分薄弱,社区卫生服务还远不能满足人民群众的医疗保健需求。因此,我们要充分认识发展城市社区卫生工作的紧迫性,当务之急是加强城市社区卫生服务的能力建设。文章从社区卫生服务机构、人员和所提供服务内容三大方面对株洲市社区卫生服务的供给状况进行了调查和资料收集,并结合对社区居民的卫生服务需求调查,分析了目前株洲市社区卫生服务“供给能力”不足的原因,从现实的角度,就这些影响社区卫生服务发展的关键因素提出了相应的对策和措施:通过政府的政策引导、制度安排,使社区卫生资源得到优化配置;通过完善社区卫生服务机构的准入和退出机制,使社区卫生服务提供的质和量能适应人民群众的要求。

【Abstract】 The community health service (CHS) is not only the key point of current hygienic work in our country, but also the essential way of realizing the primary medical care for everyone. Further development of CHS not only can advance the reform of medical health system in cities, but also is a solution to reducing high cost of treatment of illness for citizens. But uneven distribution of medical care resources formed before is still outstanding, high quality medical resources excessively converge on large and medium sized hospitals, and the situation of community health service is bad, and it can’t satisfy the people’s medical health demands. So we should fully realize the significance of developing community health service, and it is more urgent for us to enhance the delivery capabilities of community health service institutions at present time.The article analyzes the cause of inadequate delivery of community health service in Zhuzhou from the data and survey which focus on community health service institution, medical staffs, and health care delivery, combined with the survey of health service demands of community residents. From the view of reality, relevant measures and strategies are forwarded aiming at these key factors which are crucial to the development of community health service: through the guide and implementation of government policies, to optimize the distribution of medical resources in the communities, and through the perfection of mechanism of admittance and retreat of community health service institutions, to ensure the quality and quantity of community health service delivery to meet the demands of the local residents.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期
  • 【分类号】R197.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】207

