

【作者】 张璐

【导师】 张旭;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 翻译作为一种社会实践不可能在真空中进行,它既受制于两种语言的内在规则,又要受制于译本诞生时所处的社会文化环境。根据德国功能翻译理论,作为翻译活动的参与者,译者处在不同的社会文化背景中,由于社会文化背景,原语文本的风格,读者接受能力和译者性格特点的差别,不同的译者对待相同译本时会有不同的目的。译者不同的翻译目的决定了他们各自不同的翻译策略,也直接导致了各个译文的不同效果。赵元任译《阿丽思漫游奇境记》诞生于中国新文化运动初期,在那个彻底破坏旧有系统准则的时代,赵元任的这部译作由于肩负着巨大使命,就使其与时代的因素紧密相连。本文以功能翻译理论为讨论依据,将赵译的《阿丽思漫游奇境记》置于多元文化系统中。尝试在具体的历史语境中和多元系统的观照下,对该译本作文本细读,试图从诗学、意识形态和译者主体性的角度来考察赵元任翻译的目的和策略。全文共分为三部分:第一章从“五四”新文学运动的语境出发,从诗学的角度讨论新文学运动时期的白话文运动及文学翻译中的“欧化”现象的产生对赵元任翻译策略的影响;第二章从新文化运动思想启蒙的本质入手,结合文本、读者、功能和时间等因素,具体分析赵元任在解决翻译过程中遇到的语言和文化问题时所采取的策略;第三章从译者的身份及文化地位出发,一方面,讨论赵元任作为一个文化建构者以他的《阿丽思漫游奇境记》中译本在“五四”这个特定历史时期对汉语文化改革所作的探索和尝试。另一方面,分析赵元任这种兼是语言学家和音乐学家的身份所形成的气质个性对于他翻译方法的影响。

【Abstract】 As a social practice, translation must be restricted into a certain social environment. In this environment, the translator, as a mediator between two cultures, can choose translation strategies which are suitable for the intended purpose according to the concepts of Skopos theory. According to this theory, different translators have different cultural backgrounds because of different time and space. Their translations will bring forth different effects. Based on the framework of the Skopos theory, this thesis tries to explore the skopos and strategies adopted by the translator through a case study of a Chinese translation of an English novel by ZhaoYuanren in 1921. Born in the period of a new cultural movement during the 1920’s, the Chinese version of Alice’s Adventure in Wonderland translated by Zhao Yuanren was influenced by this peculiar era. The translating language features of Zhao’s Chinese version also had a great effect on the development of modem Chinese language. This thesis addresses to the very effect within the host culture system.In this research, three sections are included. The first section gives a detailed analysis of the Chinese version of Alice’s Adventure in Wonderland translated by Zhao Yuanren. In considering of the language reform in the May 4th period, this chapter discusses the language features of Zhao’s translation. The second section examines the strategies of Zhao from the viewpoint of text style, readership, function and the time’s reason. It reveals that Zhao had carried out his own strategies which combined both domestication and foreignization in translating Alice’s Adventure in Wonderland. The third section explicates the influence of the translator’s identity in the process of translation.In the course of the analysis, the perspectives are focused on relationship between the translated language and the target culture, the intentions of the source text, and the strategies of the translator; hence it explains the usefulness of the functional approach in translation studies.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期
  • 【分类号】I046;I206.6
  • 【下载频次】222

