

【作者】 曹旭

【导师】 戴仲川;

【作者基本信息】 华侨大学 , 数量经济学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 区域贸易安排在20世纪90年代得到了迅速的发展,在WTO的150个成员中,近90%隶属于不同程度的区域贸易安排。本文通过对区域贸易安排的货物与服务原产地规则的探讨,阐明其制定的内在规律,剖析其目的和作用。以期使我国在与区域贸易安排的交往中能够更好地发挥区域贸易安排原产地规则的作用,促进我国经济贸易的发展。本文采用了理论研究、实证研究以及比较研究相结合的方法,对区域贸易安排的原产地规则进行了分析。全文分为引言、正文四章,约四万字。论文的前言主要阐述在该研究领域国内外的研究水平和动态,以及本论题研究的理论和实践意义及本文的创新之处。第一章主要是对区域贸易安排原产地规则的概述,阐述了原产地规则的涵义与分类以及各国的原产地立法情况;区域贸易安排的涵义与分类、现状与发展趋势以及其与多边贸易体制的关系。并在此基础上更进一步,分析了区域贸易安排原产地规则产生的原因、其特点以及它与多边贸易体制原产地规则的关系。第二章详细分析了区域贸易安排货物原产地规则,以自由贸易区、关税同盟和共同市场为例,分别比较了它们在货物原产地认定标准和货物原产地体制方面的区别与一致性。第三章阐述的是区域贸易安排服务原产地规则,探讨了货物贸易与服务贸易的区别,并具体研究了当今几个有代表性的区域贸易安排的服务原产地规则。第四章主要研究区域贸易安排与中国之间的关系,分析了中国-东盟自由贸易区的原产地规则,提出了一些对其完善的建议;针对北美自由贸易区纺织品原产地规则,提出了我国的应对措施;提出了针对欧盟关于原产地规则方面的新方案的对策;以及对CEPA原产地规则完善的提议。

【Abstract】 Regional Trading Arrangements(RTAs) obtained rapid development in the 1990s. In the WTO 150 members, nearly 90% join different kind of RTAs. This dissertation expounds the formulation inherent laws ;analyze the goal and the function of the rules of origin of RTAs through inquiring into the rules of origin on trade both in goods and services.Aim at making our country apply rules of origin well in associating with FTAs, and promoting our country economical trade developmentThis dissertation consists of preface,4 chapters. Its includes about 40,000 words.In the preface ,the author discusses the significance of the dissertion and the research level in this field.Then puts forward the new idea about the issue.Chapter 1 is the summary of the rules of origin of RTAs.It analyzes the implication and the classification of the rules of origin and the circumstances of legislation of other countries;the implication and the classification of the RTAs and the history ,present condition and the trend of it,also including the relationship between RTAs and multilateral trade system.In the end explores the reason of emerging of rules of origin of RTAs;the characteristic and the relationship with the rules of origin of WTO.Chapter 2 details the rules of origin on trade in goods of RTAs,take the FTAs ,CU,CM as example,compares the standard of identity of goods and other specific rules of them.Chapter 3 discusses the rules of origin on trade in service,Analyzing the differences between trade in goods and in service,and then introduce the rules of origin on trade in service of some typical RTAs.Chapter 4 mainly disucusses the relationship between RTAs and China .Analyzes the rules of origin of CAFTA,and then puts forwod some suggestion;poses some measures directing at the rules of origin of textile of NAFTA;puts forward the step to the new plan of rules of origin of EU.In the last gives some advice on perfecting the rules of origin of CEPA.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 华侨大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期
  • 【分类号】F752.7
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】242

