

【作者】 张蓓

【导师】 王慧芳;

【作者基本信息】 天津师范大学 , 现代教育技术, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 当今,社会正处在转型时期,激烈的竞争,传播媒介的影响,再加上父母望子成龙,盼女成风的迫切希望,使中学生们面临着很大的心理压力。近几年来大量的调查表明:在校学生的心理健康状况不容乐观。由于各种原因而产生不同心理问题的学生,人数比例相当高。因此关注学生的心理健康,加强学校对学生的心理健康教育已成为学校、家长和社会所重视的大事。如今社会进入信息时代,现代教育技术广泛应用于教育教学的各个领域。网络以其独有的隐秘性、互动性、自主性等特点,成为学校心理健康教育一条有效的途径。所以建立一个中学心理健康教育网站,可以为学校心理健康教育提供有力的支持和重要补充。并可帮助教师切实地全面提高学生的心理素质,促进学生的健康成长。心理健康教育网站主要应用php和Access数据库技术设计,适用于在网络环境下,针对青少年学生的年龄特征和学习特点,采取切实可行的教育模式和教学方法,宣传普及心理健康知识,介绍增进心理健康的途径,传授心理调适方法,解析心理异常现象;帮助学生树立心理健康意识,优化心理品质,预防和缓解心理问题,提高心理健康水平;同时开展学生心理辅导或咨询。是一次信息技术与课程整合的有益尝试。

【Abstract】 Nowadays our society is in the state of changing the students takegreat pressure because of the serious competition, media influence as wellas great expectation. Surreys made recently show that psychologicalhealth is not optimistic. Student with psychological problems take upgreat percentage. It has become more and more important for school, parentand society to concentrate on the students psychological health andstrengthen the school’s psychological education. now the society haswent into an information time, and the modern education technologies arebroadly used in all the teaching and education areas. The net becomes aneffective way of school education on psychological health for its secrecy,interactivity and independence. so the psychological health educationwebsite is a very good learning platform, and offers powerful effect andimportant supply. it help the teachers improve the students psychologymaking, promotes the students grew 1 healthily.The psychological health education website is mainly used in PHP and Accessdatabase design, and the same with adopting reliable education platform and methodaccording to the student’s age and habits on the net condition to propagandize thepsychological knowledge; introduce the way to keep it psychologically; import meansof psychological debugging, analysis psychological abnormality; and help thestudents be aware of psychological health, better their psychological quality, preventand mitigate psychological problems, increase the Level of psychological health aswell as start to coach and consult the students psychologically. It a good attempt ofintegrating Information Technology into the Curriculum.

  • 【分类号】TP393.092
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】417

