

【作者】 姚朝玉

【导师】 刘世明;

【作者基本信息】 天津师范大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 利益群体和谐是和谐社会的重要组成部分,是和谐社会的直接表现。当前我国正经历着一场广泛而深刻的社会变革,从而带来全民利益格局的大调整,这势必引发各利益群体之间的矛盾。现阶段我国利益群体的矛盾主要包括党群矛盾、国有企业管理者群体与职工群体的矛盾、城乡、城市利益群体矛盾、进城农民工与企业主的矛盾。这些矛盾中的一些是刚露端倪,一些已经激化为大规模的群体冲突,如果不能合理有效的解决,将会给社会稳定带来巨大的负面影响。要避免利益群体间矛盾的激化,维护社会稳定,就必须寻找到产生群体矛盾的根源。而产生这种群体矛盾的根源涉及政治、经济、文化、道德等多个领域,本文主要是侧重于道德层面去寻找产生利益群体矛盾的根源。通过分析可以看到产生这些矛盾的道德根源主要是现阶段人们道德价值观的错位、道德信念的空虚、道德规范的缺失、效率缺乏道德支撑。道德是构建利益群体和谐的道义基础。首先,道德的认识功能是确保利益群体和谐的思想基础。其次,道德的调节功能是确保利益群体和谐的有效手段。再次,道德的教育功能是确保利益群体和谐的内在条件。最后,道德的激励功能是确保利益群体和谐的重要推进器。因此,针对目前我国利益群体道德现状,必须确立能够解决这些群体矛盾的道德原则,如集体主义原则、公平正义原则、诚实守信原则、“以人为本”原则、树立党员干部的荣辱观等,将这些具有普遍性的道德原则内化为人们的道德观念,进而指导人们的行为,那么将有效的化解利益群体间的矛盾,使之达到和谐。

【Abstract】 Benefit group harmony is an important component and direct shows ofharmonious society. Current, with a big adjustment of the whole people interestpattem, a broad and deep society change is occurring in our country. This certainlywill lead to the contradictions between benefit groups. At the present, benefit groupcontradictions mainly consist in some groups, such as Party and Group, state-ownedcorporation manager and employee, city and countryside, city benefit groups, peasantlaborer and enterprise owner. In these contradictions, some are to show clue just, butsome already become acute for the large-scale group conflicts. If not being solvedrationally and effectively, these contradictions will be able to bring gigantic negativeeffect for society stability. To avoid intensifying contradictions among benefit groupsand keep society stability, the origin leading to group contradiction must be found.The origin relates to much field, such as polity, economy, culture, morality, and so on.This paper will put emphasis on morality. Through analysis, we can see that themorality origins of these contradictions are mainly morality value malposition,morality belief inanity, ethics vacancy, and morality auspice insufficiency. Morality ismoral principle basis to construct benefit group harmonious. First, the recognizingability of morality is the thought basis. Secondly, the adjustment function of moralityis the effective means. Again, the education function of morality is the inherentcondition. Finally, the excitation function of morality is the important thruster.Therefore, for our country benefit group morality actuality, morality principle must beestablished to solve these group contradictions. The morality principle mainlyincludes collectivism, justice, honesty, scientific development conception based onpeople, honor-disgrace education of party members, etc. The universality moralityprinciples should be translated into morality ideas for guiding people behavior, wellthe benefit group contradictions will be resolved effectively to reach harmonious.

  • 【分类号】C914-05
  • 【下载频次】163

