

Design and Implementation of Network Video Moinitor System Software Based on Network

【作者】 张雨

【导师】 王安生;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 软件工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 视频监控系统现在已经转入了数字时代。随着数字网络通信技术的发展,视频监控系统也越来越多地利用了数字网络。人们在生活中越来越多地接触到网络网络视频的应用。它在城市安全,公路交通,银行柜台交易方面监控都得到了应用。通过网络传输视频流与传统的模拟方式相比,可以大大减少铺设视频线缆的费用。通过互联网的传送,视频数据传播的带宽范围也扩大了。人们获得视频的也更便捷,视频的应用也将更加广泛,为视频业务在应用领域的开展也提供了机遇。本文的工作是作者对先进视讯公司工作项目的总结。本文的主要内容如下:第一部分,介绍了视频监控的概念,讲述了它的发展背景,经历的几个阶段,以及视频监控系统的发展前景。第二部分,对图像声音的编解码的国际和国内标准展开讨论。分别对H.26x系列和MPEG系列的视频编码标准,以及中国的AVS标准作了详细说明。论述了视频监控系统中的关键核心技术。第三部分,在前面论述的基础上,根据网络远程监控系统的需求,论述设计了目录服务模块、录像服务模块等的设计。第四部分,详细地论述视频监控终端客户软件的设计。第五部分,使用了成功安装和应用的监控系统,对软件的应用作了细致的描述。第六部分,对视频监控系统的软件开发进行了总结,探索了视频监控领域的一些新技术,展望了网络视频监控的未来。

【Abstract】 Network video moinitor systems have towards gone to digital time. With the rapid development of network communication technologies, people in daily life are more and more concerned about the application of network video moinitor, in city security, traffic and banking. Comparing to traditional analoge mode, the video stream transfer on networks can reduce the cost of laying video cable and others. The bandwide with video digital transfer is wider than the analogue’s. It is easy for users to get lots of video information, and use video application broadly, which is the opportunity for developing information industry.The paper concludes the project developd by the Advance Video Company based in Beijing, China. The content is as the following:In the part 1,I introduce the concept of video monitor system and describe the its background and the three stages of video monitor system. The international standard of encoding/decoding of audio and video, such as, H.26x and MPEG series , as well as AVS—the China nationa standards are disussed in part 2, Some key tehcnilogies to implement video monitor system. In part 3, in order to meet the demand of the network long-distance supervisory system, we design central server module, video recording server module, DVR module and so on. Part 4 describes the client software, in particular, the implementation od video player software. Part 5 shows an application of remote video surveillance software system in one university to verify and validate our designing and implementation In the end, the system and software are concluded and some technologies for the coming development is presented.

【关键词】 MPEG4组播视频监控视频服务器UDP
【Key words】 MPEG4multicastvideo surveillanceVideo serverUDP
  • 【分类号】TP277;TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】681

