

Network Language Influence on Composition Teaching in Middle School and Tactis

【作者】 覃林忠

【导师】 王德明;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 学科教学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 网络语言是伴随网络技术的发展和网络的广泛使用而产生的一种另类语言形式,是一种新的语体。它的新颖时尚、幽默风趣、张扬个性的特点,吸引了众多的正处于对世界充满好奇、最易受外界事物影响阶段的初中学生,对初中作文教学也产生了较大的影响。网络语言也因此受到了人们的质疑,担心它会冲击汉语教学、破坏汉语的纯洁性。文章通过文献法、问卷调查等方法,对网络语言的形成原因、特点,对初中作文教学的特点和现状,以及网络语言对初中作文教学的影响及其应对策略等等作了探索研究,提出了对待网络语言应采取的态度及在初中作文教学中应对网络语言的方法,以期更好地引导初中生运用祖国的语言文字表情达意,提高写作能力。网络语言的形成原因主要有两个方面:一是体现网民这个特殊群体张扬个性的心理需要;一是满足网民们快捷表达和文化需求的心理需要。网络语言的特点主要体现在:外语词多、术语多;符号与文字交叉使用;语句零散化、直观化。有几种类型:符号叠加谱新意;数字代码谐音语;英文术语和句子;自创英文或汉语拼音缩略语;英、汉语谐音词语;传统词汇新含义;网络文学作品或《大话西游》等电影中的经典语句作密码。网络语言对初中作文教学的影响表现在:对学生作文词语选用的影响;对学生作文表达、结构方式的影响;对学生生活态度的影响导致对作文立意的影响。初中作文教学对网络语言的应对方法,一要引导学生端正学习语言的态度;二要引导学生在作文中正确利用网络语言来提高写作能力:首先,通过网络语言来培养学生的作文兴趣;其次,通过网络语言来唤起学生的创新欲望;第三,通过网络语言来培养学生的阅读兴趣;同时,通过网络语言来培养学生的想象力。网络语言是一种新兴语言,需要我们正确地认识它、对待它、好好地引导学生应用它,在作文教学中发挥它应有的作用。

【Abstract】 Netword language is another lingwistic form.which comes into being with the development of Internet techology and the widelywse of Internet.It is a new language.Its new ang original,humour and exaggerating attracts lots of students in middle school,who are curious about the would and easily affected by the things of the ouside world. It also has great effect upon compositiom teaching in middle school. Therefore, people has some doudt about the netword language.and worried that it will make an attack on Chinese teaching and destroy its cleanes .The article does uses the document and quetionnaire in vestigtion divisor. answers the peculiarity and the actuality of composition teaching in middle school, as well as the influence and tactics.It brings what attitudes should we use as well as methocls in network language. In order to guidance the standents use our language to express idea and enhance their writing ability.There are two main handles of the network language fashion: One.it incarnats the need of psychology of the netcitizen’s special group.The other is content the netcitizen’s shortcut expression and cultural demand.The characteristic of network language: excessive foreign language and techical terms and sentence; across the usage of denatation and character; the sentence is spread and visualize. There anr several kinds of typ: stack denotation compose new meaning ;digital code is aspirate vocable; English technical terms and sentence; and so on. It use the classical sentence of literary work on the Internet, as well as the《大话西游》as code.The embodiment of network language influence on composition teaching in middle: The effect of student choose the word; and the effect of the expression and the structure, and influence the student’s life attitude lead to the effect of composition writing.The methods:One, guide the sthdent’s attidude of leaning language. Two, guide the student to improve their writing ability by the network language :first of all, bring up their interets; second,arouse their desire of creation. third, bring up their reading: at the same time, bring up their imaganation.The network language is a new languag. We must know it corretly and guide the student to use it well. and bring its function into play in composition teaching.

【关键词】 网络语言作文教学影响策略
【Key words】 network languagecompositioninfluencetactics
  • 【分类号】G633.34
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】952

