

Interactive Teaching and Nurturing Sense of Problem of Research

【作者】 卢华安

【导师】 李恩来;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 教育, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 新课改的实施,要求学生学习方式由传统的接受式学习向发现式学习转变。这种以弘扬人的主体性的自主学习的理念,突显了培养“问题意识”的重要性。当前,我国的课堂教学仍沿用传统的应试教学模式,表现为课堂教学活动的单向灌输,教学气氛沉闷,这与知识经济时代人的全面发展要求格格不入,培养学生问题意识的价值被忽视和低估,学生问题意识缺失现象严重,直接导致了学生批判性精神和创新思维的贫乏。本文着力于在新课程改革的背景下,以互动式教学为载体,探讨学生问题意识的内涵、培养的必要性、培养途经以及问题意识培养的策略和方法,以期为新课程下的课堂教学改革提供实践方面的参考。本研究采用文献法、行动研究、观察、案例研究等方法进行研究。在研究过程中以案例形式进行具体分析。本文分为五个部分:第一部分:前言。阐述了选题的缘由,研究的意义,研究的基本思路与方法。第二部分:问题意识内涵和培养背景。阐述问题意识的概念,并将问题意识与问题、提问加以区分;分析问题意识的培养是弘扬人的主体性的需要,是知识经济时代及国家增强竞争力的需要,是改变应试教育造成的问题意识缺失现状的需要。第三部分:阐述互动式教学的理论与目标。通过对互动式教学的理论分析,明确互动式教学具有多向互动、角色平等、问题探究、过程优先、共同发展的内涵,表明互动式教学是培养问题意识的课堂教学载体;进而阐述互动式教学与问题意识培养的相互关系,明确培养问题意识是互动式教学的内在要求,通过互动教学激发问题意识。第四部分:在互动式教学中培养问题意识。通过对互动式教学培养问题意识中存在的模糊认识进行澄清,提出培养问题意识需要有效互动教学;最后,基于互动式教学与问题意识培养问题的理论分析与思考,提出在有效互动教学中培养问题意识的策略及方法,从学生方面、教师方面以及培养的教学模式方法进行阐述。第五部分:结语。问题意识培养毕竟是复杂的系统和动态过程,研究工作具有复杂性和较大难度,许多理论和实质性的操作问题有待于我们在实践中进行长期而艰苦的探索。文章以理论阐述与案例实践相结合,通过具体案例来说明问题。本文的独特之处在于把问题意识的培养放在互动式教学情境中,在具体的案例教学或案例设计中探究问题意识培养的教学方法。

【Abstract】 The implementation of the new curriculum, students are asked to learn from the traditional ways of learning to find learning to accept change. This subjectivity to promote the idea of the independent study, underscores the train "sense of the importance of". At present, China is still using the traditional exam-oriented teaching approach, the one-way traffic as classroom teaching activities. teaching atmosphere boring, and the era of knowledge economy incompatible with the comprehensive development requirements, training students in the sense of being ignored or underestimated the value of students lack awareness of a serious problem, directly led to the student’s critical thinking and innovative spirit of the poor. This paper focused on the new curriculum reform in the background, with interactive teaching as a carrier to explore awareness of the problem of meaning the need to train and cultivate awareness of the problem through training and the strategies and methods,under the new curriculum with a view to reform the practice of classroom teaching reference.In this paper, we apply literature, action research, observation, case studies, interviews and other methods to study. In the course of the study, we conducted a detailed analysis of case.This paper is divided into five sections:Part I : Introduction. Expounded on the topic of origins, the significance of the study, the basic ideas and methods of research. Part II : cultivating background and awareness of the problem. Expounded the concept of awareness of the problem, and awareness of issues and problems, questions distinction; Analysis of the training is to promote awareness of the problem of subjectivity, the need of enhancing competitiveness in the era of knowledge economy and the need change the exam-oriented education is the lack awareness of the problems caused by the status quo needs. Part III : expounded on the interactive teaching theory and goals. Through theoretical analysis of interactive teaching, we should clearly have more to the interaction of interactive teaching, the role of equality, Problems, process priorities and common development of content that is the cultivation of awareness of the interactive teaching classroom teaching vector; It also describes an interactive teaching and cultivating awareness of the problem of mutual relations, training is a clear awareness of the inherent requirements of interactive teaching through interactive teaching to stimulate awareness of the problem. Part IV : Cultivation of awareness interactive teaching. Interactive teaching through the cultivation of sense to clarify the vague understanding, raised awareness of the need for effective interactive learning cultivation; Finally, interactive teaching and cultivating awareness of the problem based on the theoretical analysis and thinking, put in effective interactive teaching methods and strategies to foster awareness of the issue from students, train teachers and the teaching and learning methods described. Part V : Conclusion. After all, cultivating awareness of the issue is a complex and dynamic process that is complicated and more difficult to study. Many theoretical and actual operational issues be carried out in practice long and arduous exploration.The article described a theoretical case with the practice, through specific cases to illustrate the problem. In this paper, the problem lies in the unique training on interactive teaching situational awareness,Teaching cases in a specific case or design your problem awareness training teaching methods.

【关键词】 问题意识互动式教学策略
【Key words】 Awareness of the problemInteractive TeachingStrategy
  • 【分类号】G632.4
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1022

