

Research into the Creation Process and Dissemination of Feng Shen Yan Yi in Ming and Qing Dynasties

【作者】 周博

【导师】 阙真;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 《封神演义》是一部著名的历史神魔演义小说,在明清时期流传很广,它在明清小说史上占有重要地位。人们对《封神演义》的研究,自明代至今一直不断,但成果较少。这与它在明清小说史上的地位很不相称。就《封神演义》的成书与传播而言,前人已作了不少探讨,但仍有不如人意的地方。本文在前人已有成果的基础上,针对前人言之不详、言之不深、言之不到的薄弱环节,再作进一步的研究,目的是弄清《封神演义》的成书过程及其在时清时期的传播概况,以期揭示出《封神演义》的成书特征及其传播意义。本文分四章。第一章:主要论述《封神演义》的成书过程。这一部分主要从武王伐纣故事的题材流变来考察其成书过程,具体分为:历史史实;传说、仙话和神话;戏曲和小说三节来展开论述。关于传说、仙话、神话和戏曲对《封神演义》成书的影响,本文主要以人物故事为中心,从故事内容的演化上去考察。本文重点论述了《尚书》、《史记》等史书与《武王伐纣平话》、《列国志传》及《有商志传》等小说对《封神演义》成书的重要影响。从内容与语言两方面论证《尚书》、《史记》、《有商志传》对《封神演义》成书的影响,这是本文的创新点。本文还论述了《三国演义》、《水浒传》、《西游记》和《四游记》对《封神演义》成书的影响。其中,有些内容也有创新。第二章:主要论述了《封神演义》在明清时期的传播。《封神演义》主要有文本传播、戏剧传播和说唱传播三种传播媒介。文本传播主要是商业性质的传播。戏剧和说唱传播主要是娱乐性质的传播,它们扩大了接受者的范围。传播者和接受者对《封神演义》的传播都做出了贡献。第三章:对《封神演义》广泛传播的原因进行阐释。影响《封神演义》广泛传播的原因有四种:政治因素、经济因素、文化因素和受众因素。文化因素包括文学传统因素、文人炒作因素(文化外因)和文本本身因素(文化内因)。文本本身因素包括三个方面:奇幻见长、趣味娱心和教化功能,它是最主要的因素。这是本文的第二个亮点。第四章:着重论述《封神演义》传播的重大影响。这部分对《封神演义》的影响作了初步总结,分别从对后世文艺作品的影响、对百姓生活的影响及在国外的影响三个方面来展开论述。本文主要运用了考据学、统计学和传播学的方法,对《封神演义》的成书及其在明清时期的传播进行研究。通过研究,得出如下结论:1、《封神演义》就性质而言应是一部历史神魔演义小说;2、《封神演义》的成书过程经历了一个复杂的动态的形成过程,是以“滚雪球”的方式而成书,它同《三国演义》、《水浒传》和《西游记》一样,属世代累积型小说。不过,它的成书又有其个性特点;3、《封神演义》在明清时期主要以三种传媒进行传播,它的传播给人们带来了一定的认识教育价值和审美愉悦价值;4、它流传很广,原因众多,既有政治、经济上的原因,也有文化和受众的原因;5、它对后世产生了重要影响,体现了它的文学价值、民俗学价值和跨文化传播的价值。

【Abstract】 Feng Shen Yan Yi is a famous historical gods’and devils’romance novel , it spreads very broadly and holds an important status in the Ming and Qing Dynasties novel history . The research into the novel Feng Shen Yan Yi has constantly been done from the Ming Dynasty till now, but the achievements are hot as great as expected , which is not as equivalent as its status in the Ming and Qing Dynasties novel history . As far as the Feng Shen Yan Yi in the text production and dissemination, the predecessors have made much exploration of Feng Shen Yan Yi, but there’s still a long concerned way to go . On the basis of the predecessors’research achievements , this thesis does further research with regard to the predecessors’such weak links as undetailed or unclarified illustration , aims at clarifying the novel’s text production process and dissemination survey in the Ming and Qing Dynasties , and expects to reveal the novel’s creation features and dissemination significance .This thesis is divided into four chapters.Chapter One: It mainly elaborates the creation process of Feng Shen Yan Yi. This part mainly explores the novel’s creation process in the theme evolution of the story of Emperor Wu Attacking Emperor Zhou. It consists of three sections: events; folk tales, fairy tales and myths; the dramas and novels. As to the influence of folk tales, fairy tales, myths and the dramas over the novel’s creation, this thesis mainly takes the characters’stories as a core and takes the evolution of the content of the stories as a breakthrough. This thesis emphatically illustrates the influence of such historical books over the novel’s creation as Shang Shu, Shi Ji, and such novels as Wu Wang Fa Zhou Ping Hua, Lie Guo Zhi Zhuan and You Shang Zhi Zhuan . This thesis creatively puts forward the viewpoint that both the content and the language two aspects of Shang Shu, Shi Ji and You Shang Zhi Zhuan prove to exert much influence on the novel’s creation. This thesis also illustrates the great influence of the four classic works: The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Heroes of the Marshes, Journey to the West and Si You Ji over the creation of Feng Shen Yan Yi . Some of this content is also innovative.Chapter Two: It mainly elaborates the dissemination of Feng Shen Yan Yi in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. The novel was mainly disseminated by mean’s of text, drama and talk-song show. The text dissemination is mainly of the commercial nature. The drama and the talk-song show have the nature of entertainment, They expanded the audiences’scope. The disseminators and audiences contributed a lot to the dissemination of Feng Shen Yan Yi.Chapter three:It explains the reasons of the wide dissemination of Feng Shen Yan Yi . The four major reasons are political, economic, cultural and audiences’factors. The cultural factor includes the literature tradition element, scholars’propaganda element (external cultural element ) and the text-self element ( internal cultural element ).The text-self element includes three aspects: strange and illusory grows perceptibly, the interest attacks the audiences’hearts and the instruction and enlightenment. This is the most primary element and is also this thesis’s second luminous spot .Chapter Four: It mainly illustrates the dissemination’s the great influence of Feng Shen Yan Yi. It summarizes specific influence, such as its influence on the literature, on the people’s life of later generations and its influence abroad.This thesis has mainly utilized methods of textual criticism science, the statistics and media studies, has done much research into the text production and dissemination of Feng Shen Yan Yi in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Through the research, it draws the following conclusions: First, Feng Shen Yan Yi has the attribute of historical gods and devils’romance novel by nature; Second, the novel’s Creation process has experienced a complex and progressive process ,it is created in the way of“rolling snowball”, just like the creation of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Heroes of the Marshes , Journey to the West, it belongs to the type of generation accumulation novels, but it has its individuality characteristic in the text production ;Third , Feng Shen Yan Yi is mainly disseminated by three kinds of media in the Ming and Qing Dynasties , its dissemination has exerted certain recognizable and educational value and aesthetic and entertaining value for people; Fourth , it was disseminated very broadly , which has various reasons , such as political factor , economical factor , cultural factor and audiences’factor ; Fifth , it has exerted great influence over the latter generations , manifesting its great literature value , folklore value and crossing cultural dissemination value .

【关键词】 封神演义成书传播
【Key words】 Feng Shen Yan YiCreation ProcessDissemination
  • 【分类号】I207.41
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】810

