

A Study on the Lexicalization of "Ran-family" Phrases

【作者】 吴凯风

【导师】 高列过;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 “然”系词语不管是在古代汉语中,还是在现代汉语中,都是一个比较庞大的系统。其发展演变的过程,得到了以往学者的普遍关注,主要集中在对“然X”类连词语法功能的分析和对“X然”类词语中“然”尾的形成进行了历时的研究。目前几乎没有学者对“然X”类词语词汇化的作过具体的历时研究,及对“X然”类词语词汇化的过程作过全面系统的研究。本文尝试运用词汇化和语法化的相关理论,从“然”系词语的句法结构和句法语义两方面对汉语中“然”系词语的词汇化过程作一个比较全面的考察,提出了一些与前贤不同的看法。全文共分三大部分:第一部分是绪论,是本文的第一章。主要介绍了词组与词的区分原则、语法化与词汇化的相关理论及关于“然”的相关研究现状。并在简介相关理论和研究现状的基础上,说明了研究“然”系词语词汇的价值及本文要达到的研究目的。第二部分是主体,包括第二章,第三章和第四章。在第二章中分折了指示代词“然”的语义和语法形式,考察了指示代词“然”的衍生历程,同时,从指示代词“然”不同的语法位置入手,探讨了其不同的语法功能及向连词、词尾的语法化现象。第三章考察了“然X”类词语的词汇化过程,主要分析了“然后”、“然且”、“然犹”、“然而”、“然则”、“然故”等词语的词汇化过程,揭示了句法语义与句法结构对该类词语词汇化的影响。指出“然X”类词语的词汇化主要受所在句法语义的影响,当前后两个分句在句法语义上的相互依存性不强,联系不紧密时,指示代词“然”容易发生虚化,而与后面的副词或连词凝合成双音节连词。反之,当前后两个分句之间在句法语义是条件与结果的关系时,因两分句在语义上的相互依存性较强,指示代词“然”在句中仍起激活话题的作用,不易发生虚化,因而很难与其后的副词或连词凝合成双音节连词。第四章考察了“X然”类词语的词汇化过程,全面分析了“然”尾形容词、“然”尾副词及“然”尾连词产生的不同途径。认为形容词尾“然”一部分由词缀“然”的进一步虚化而来的,另一部分是由助动词、副词或代词与指示代词“然”组合的短语词汇化为双音节形容词,指示代词“然”虚化为形容词词尾;副词词尾“然”一部分来源于“然”尾形容词进一步语法化为副词,原来的形容词词尾变成副词词尾,另一部分来源于副词与指示代词“然”组合成的短语词汇化为双音节副词,指示代词“然”虚化为副词词尾;连词词尾“然”也来源于两个方面,一部分是“然”尾副词进一步语法化为连词,原来的副词词尾变成连词词尾,另一部分来源于连词与指示代词“然”组合成的短语词汇化为双音节连词,指示代词“然”虚化为连词词尾。第三部分是结语,主要从汉语双音化的趋势分析“然”系词语词汇化的必然性,同时指出“然”系词语词汇化过程中的共性与个性,并进一步提出指示代词的普遍语法化,及它们同样与别的词凝合成词的词汇化现象。

【Abstract】 Ran-family phrases form quite a large system, whether in ancient Chinese or modern Chinese. The process of its development and evolvement has attracted many scholars’ attention, which mainly focus on the analysis of the grammatical functions of conjunctions with a prefix of ran and the synchronic studies on the formation of ran as a suffix in phrases with a patter of "X-Ran". Until now, almost no scholars have made specific synchronic studies on the lexicalization of Ran-X patterned phrases or systematic studies on the process of lexicalization of X-Ran patterned phrases. In this thesis, we research into the lexicalization process of ran-family phrases in Chinese from the aspects of syntax and semantics, and put forward some views different from former scholars’. The whole thesis consists of three parts.The first part, namely Chapter One, is an introduction. It presents some related theories on dipartite principles of phrases and words, grammaticalization and lexicalization; and the status quo concerned with Ran. In addition, we talks about the values and aims of the study.Part 2 is the body of the thesis, composed of Chapters 2, 3 and 4. In Chapter Two, the semantic and grammatical forms of the demostrative pronoun Ran are analyzed and the derivative process of the demosstrative pronoun Ran is reviewed. Furthermore, we probe into its different grammatical functions and the phenomenon of grammaticalization into conjunctives and suffix. Chapter Three discusses the lexicalizational process of the Ran-X patterned phrases, primarily analyzing Ranhou, Ranqie, Ranyou, Ran’er, Ranze, Rangu, etc and unveils the effect of the semantic and syntactic structures on the grammaticalization of this kind of phrases. In this chapter, we indicate the lexicalization of Ran-X patterned phrases is chiefly influenced by the semantical context. When two cor-ordinate clauses don’t depend on each other closely, Ran will turn to be a functional word, combined with the following adverb or conjunctive to become a double-syllable conjunctive. On the contrary, when the When two co-ordinate clauses depend on each other closely,Ran activates the topic and is not easy to be functionalized, so it is not easy for it to form a double-syllable conjunctive with the folloing adverb or conjunctive. Chapter Four reviews the grammatical process of X-Ran patterned phrases, analyzing roundly the different ways of formation of adjectives, adverbs and conjunctives with a suffix of Ran. We propose that some of Ran as an adjective suffix are functionalized from the affix Ran, and the other are lexicalized into double-syllable adjectives from the phrases formed by auxiliaries, adverbs or pronouns and demonstrative pronoun Ran, Ran functionalized into an adjective suffix; some of Ran as an adverb suffix derive from adjective suffix Ran grammaticalized into adverb, and the other derive from the phrases of the combination of adverbs and the demonstrative pronoun Ran, lexicalized into double-syllable adverbs, the demonstrative pronoun Ran functionalized into an adverb suffix; A conjunctive Ran also comes from two similar ways: some grammaticalized into conjunctives, and the others functionalized.The third part is a conclusion, principally analyzing the inevitability of the Ran-family phrases’ grammaticalization, according to the tendency of double-syllablization of Chinese language. We also point out the similarities and individualities of the Ran-family phrases in their lexicalization process. Moreover, we put forward the idea of common grammaticalization of demonstrative pronouns and the lexicalizational phenomena that they can combined with other words.

  • 【分类号】H146
  • 【被引频次】22
  • 【下载频次】968

