

Analyze and Research of the Streaming Client

【作者】 申志伟

【导师】 盛立东;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 信号与信息处理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着网络技术的飞速发展,网络上的信息不再只是文本、图像或者简单的声音文件,为解决文件下载时间过长的问题,适应网络多媒体化的发展趋势,流媒体是未来互联网发展的一个标志,它将彻底改变传统互联网只能表现文字和图片的缺陷,而可集音频、视频及图文于一体,成为未来互联网应用的主流。其中流媒体客户端是流媒体系统一个非常关键的组成部分,用来播放网络中的流式媒体文件。本论文以优化VLC为目的,分析了目前主流的流媒体客户端技术并剖析了VLC系统的技术;从硬件的搭建和软件的优化两个方面对VLC进行了分析研究,在硬件方面采用Helix作为服务器端,以优化前后的VLC作为客户端,通过RTSP协议进行两者的通信;在软件方面实现了VLC的嵌入网页、界面的设计以及对解码相关模块的优化。论文的第一章介绍了整个流媒体系统的概况以及其应用;第二章比较详细的论述了流媒体的传输与控制协议,包括传输层和网络层的RTP、RTCP、RTSP等的相关特性;论文的第三章比较充分的分析了目前主流的流媒体客户端技术(Real Networks的Real player,微软的Windows Media Player以及Apple公司的Quictime)的编码、解码、流的产生以及文件格式的结构等;论文第四章比较详细的剖析了VLC系统的技术,阐述了功能组件、解码器技术以及音视频的输出层技术等;第五章为基于VLC的优化实现,实现了VLC的嵌入网页,设计了VLC的界面以及对解码相关模块的优化,最后给出了用Loadrunner的测试报告,里面给出了优化前后的用户并发数、事务响应时间以及系统吞吐量的对比图表及分析。

【Abstract】 As the network technology at very fast speed development,the information in network not only the text、image or audio files any more.For resolve the files long download time problem and adapt to the development trend of network multimedia,the streaming media is one of signs for future network development.The streaming media will about-face the tradition network limitation of only represent letter and image, and could integrate audio,video,image and letter ,thus became the network application mainstream.In streaming media system,the client is one of the key portion which play streaming media files in network.Aiming at optimize the VLC player, the thesis has analysed the technologies of the main streaming clients and the VLC system, ,at the same time, analysed and studied VLC from the points of view of both the hardware build and software optimize. For the hardware part,adopt the Helix as server and fore-and-aft optimize VLC as client,through RTSP protocol realized communication between Helix server and VLC client. For the software part,realized embed the VLC into web,changed interface and optimized code in decoder correlation module.The survey and application of entire streaming media system introduced in the first chapter of the thesis. In the second chapter,the streaming media transmission and control protocols including RTP,RTCP,RTSP in transport layer and network layer is discussed in detail.The relatively detail analysed the technologies of the current main streaming media clients(Real Networks’s Real player,Microsoft’s windows media player and Apple’s quictime), which including coding,decoding,the streaming produce and structure of file format is covered in the third chapter. In the forth chapter,the entire VLC system technolygies,which composed of function modules,codec module ,the output of audio and video layer are elaborated. In the fifth chapter,the optimize of VLC,realized VLC embed into web,designed the interface and optimized decoder correlation modules are presented. At the last,using with loadruuner give the fore-and-aft optimize VLC test report, which composed of contrast chart and analysed of running user numbers,transaction response times and system throughput.

【关键词】 流媒体客户端播放器VLC协议解码
【Key words】 streaming mediaclientplayervlcprotocoldecoder
  • 【分类号】TN919.8
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】498

