

Design and Implementation of Wireless Mail System Based on Mobile Agent Service

【作者】 陈韬

【导师】 吴国仕;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 软件工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着WAP协议族的制订和推出,以及支持WAP协议的手持设备的广泛流行,使用手持设备来访问Internet资源已经成为一种可能。Email作为Internet上最为重要的服务之一,同样也成为了手机上网者最想得到的服务。比之传统的基于固定设备例,如PC的访问方式,移动邮件使得用户无论身在何处,都能够通过手中的手机来访问信箱,从而给予用户最大的便利。在这种情况下,移动邮件系统成为中国移动推出的移动代理(MAS)业务最重要的部分之一,本文就是在此背景下进行了MAS业务中邮件系统的研究和实现。本文旨在开发一种不仅能够以一般Web方式接入,还能够以WAP和SMS方式接入的移动邮件系统。论文首先分析了对于移动数据业务,特别是移动邮件系统的来自用户和移动服务提供商的需求驱动;然后详细介绍了移动邮件系统的技术基础,包括WAP协议族WAP的承载网络以及基本邮件协议,并且介绍了当前流行的邮件系统协议;在本文的第三章,描述了整个邮件系统的总体框架和设计,对构成该邮件系统的四层结构进行了分别介绍;本文的第四章介绍了该邮件系统的内部通信消息结构及使用JAVA技术对通信消息的封装;最后,详细介绍了MAS业务邮件系统的结构,以及详细设计和实现。目前,还存在许多因素制约无线技术的应用,本文的最后,说明了本课题的当前状况,并且指出了该系统的特点以及不足之处,对该系统后续需要解决的问题作出了说明。

【Abstract】 As the WAP protocol suite getting rapidly recognized and deployed as the standprotocol for wireless Internet access, WAP-enabled handheld devices now are becoming less expensive and popular. People now are able to access the Internet through their handheld devices,such as cell phones and PDAs. E- mail, as the most important service on the Internet, no doubt becomes the most desired service people want to use through their phones. Compared with traditional desktop-based Internet access, mobile access allows users to log onto their mailbox, browse Internet no matter where they are and what link they have. As long as their hand-held devices connected, they can stay connected.In this condition, wireless mail system became the most important part of MAS(Mobile Agent Service). The paper proposes the wireless mail system based on MAS.The thesis starts with the introduction of the basic technologies of mobile email system, mainly on WAP protocols. Then the thesis presents the design of a wireless mail system system where the author once participated as a core member. At Chapter 3, this thesis gives the architecture of wireless mail system. At Chapter 4, this thesis gives the design and relization of the communication mechanism in the mail system. At last, this thesis gives the detail implementation of four main components of this project, WAP Porxy, Wap Portal, Email Interface and Email Proxy.

  • 【分类号】TP393.098
  • 【下载频次】77

