

Optimization of Feeder in Offsetting Imprinter and Simulation Research

【作者】 刘中杰

【导师】 侯文君;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国加入WTO组织,印刷业在国内迅猛发展,印刷速度作为制约印刷业发展的瓶颈,急需被以较好的方式解决。本文就是在这种背景下,与上海光华印刷机械厂联合以改进胶印机PZ4650的输纸机构。胶印机的输纸机构是凸轮连杆组合机构。本文首先研究了凸轮连杆机构的运动规律,然后基于逆向工程的思想,得出现有凸轮的轮廓曲线。利用UG强大的建模、装配及运动仿真功能完成对现有机构的运动仿真,得出其速度、加速度数据及图表。在MATLAB中构建输纸机构模型并进行仿真,绘出速度、加速度曲线,得出与UG相近的结果,证明建模的成功。基于遗传算法在MATLAB中编制优化程序,对凸轮轮廓线进行优化。最后通过对比优化前后的凸轮连杆机构的速度、加速度数值,证明了优化改进了凸轮连杆机构的运动性能。具体完成工作如下:1.基于逆向工程的思想,得出现有凸轮的轮廓线数据,并利用UG/Open Grip语言编制了凸轮生成程序,完成了从离散数据到凸轮模型的转化。2.在UG中完成输纸机构的建模、装配、运动仿真,得到现有凸轮机构的速度、加速度数据。3.根据数据选择现有机构的运动规律,在MATLAB中建立输纸机构数学模型,逆着机构传动方向,求得现有凸轮在理想状态下的轮廓线。4.在MATLAB中完成输纸机构模型的构建,作为运动仿真的平台。5.研究了遗传算法的基本原理及其在机械设计中的应用。根据本课题的情况编制相应的算法函数,运算求解,得出优化结果。

【Abstract】 Printing industry has been developing quickly, since China joined into WTO in 2003. Improve the printing speed is the most important question should be solved as soon as possible. This paper is based on project with Shanghai Guanghua Imprinter Company to optimize the feeder in offsetting imprinter PZ4650.Feeder in offsetting imprinter is a combine of cam and four-bar linkages. This paper discusses the motion law of cam-mechanism, and then get exist cam profile via reverse engineering. UG is powerful in modeling and motion simulation, use it get the velocity and acceleration of exist mechanism. MATLAB is powerful in calculation and simulation, modeling the exist mechanism and get the velocity and acceleration, compare with the result from UG, prove the model in MATLAB is available. Then use these two powerful tools improve the profile of cam based on genetic algorithms, achieves a better result both in machine’s velocity and acceleration.Finished work is followed:1. Get data of exist cam via reverse engineering, use UG/Open GRIP make the data into real cam profile.2. Finished machine modeling, assembly, and motion simulation in UG, get the velocity and acceleration data.3. Select motion low of mechanism based on the velocity and acceleration data, model this mechanism in MATLAB, get the ideal profile of exist cam.4. Model this mechanism in SimMechanics, make it the platform for Experiment.5. Learn about genetic algorithms theory and their use in mechanical design. Finished genetic algorithms program, run it, get optimized result.

【关键词】 输纸机构遗传算法MATLAB
【Key words】 FeederGenetic AlgorithmsMATLAB
  • 【分类号】TS803
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】370

