

Design, Realization and Application of Workflow Management System

【作者】 王毅

【导师】 张雷;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 计算机科学与技术, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着市场竞争的日益激烈,企业需要不断改变自身的业务运营模式以求发展。为了适应企业发展的趋势,在软件开发过程中,使用工作流管理系统来管理企业的流程是一种很好的解决方案。工作流管理系统是近年来计算机应用领域比较热门的一个技术。工作流的主要特点是业务过程的自动化处理。本文首先对工作流技术和工作流管理系统的相关概念进行了概述,深入研究了工作流管理联盟所提出的工作流参考模型和一些其他工作流相关产品。然后,根据对工作流参考模型和工作流相关产品的一些基本特性的分析,总结出了工作流管理系统的基本模块,并提出了包括工作流管理平台和工作流引擎的系统总体体系结构。接下来,分别对工作流管理平台和工作流引擎进行了设计和实现。最后,详细介绍了如何使用工作流管理系统和应用系统进行集成以支持软件开发,并且以本人所参与的一个财务稽核系统为例,结合实际情况,分析在与工作流管理系统集成后,所能带来的开发效率的提高和维护成本的下降。

【Abstract】 With the market competition getting more and more intensely, enterprise often have to change their own business pattern for farther development. To match the trend of the development of the enterprise, it is a good solution that uses workflow management system to manage enterprise’s business-flow during the software development.Workflow management system is a fast evolving technology, which is increasingly being exploited by business. Its primary characteristic is the automation of the processes.This article summarizes the correlative concept about workflow technology and workflow management system firstly, studies deeply about the reference model proposed by Workflow Management Coalition(WfMC) and the other correlative workflow productions. And then, sums up the basis modular of workflow management system according to the analysis of reference model and correlative productions and gets the total architecture involving workflow management platform and workflow engine. Then we design and realize workflow management platform and workflow engine. Finally, detail introduces how to integrade this system with the application system to support software development. And analyzes the advantage of using this system based on an example system named Finacial Audit System I have taken part in.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【下载频次】102

