

【作者】 马喃喃

【导师】 张向达;

【作者基本信息】 东北财经大学 , 行政管理学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 节约是中华民族的一种传统美德,作为一种道德价值取向的节约思想不仅是对个人的一种要求,也是对政府的一种要求。一方面,在以发展经济为中心的今天,中国在经济发展过程中还有许多不尽如人意这处:如资源消耗高、浪费大、环境污染严重就是其中一个重要方面;当然,另一方面,资源日趋匮乏,煤电油全面紧张,资源供需矛盾突出,环境压力不断加大,也是不争的事实。为此,我们急需构建节约型社会。政府的举措在节约型社会的构建中起着决定性的作用,因此,对节约型政府的理论与实践问题进行研究,进而寻求构建节约型政府的对策有十分重要的意义。本文主要研究节约型政府的相关理论文献,探讨了我国建设节约型政府的重要意义及在建设节约型政府过程中存在的问题,介绍了国外建设节约型政府的成功举措,并在文章最后提出了推进中国节约型政府建设的若干政策建议。第一部分主要是对节约型政府的相关文献进行回顾和梳理。本文首先阐述了循环经济理论的内涵和原则,分析了我国循环经济的开展状况,从相关学者的观点出发比较了国内外发展循环经济的差距,最后探讨了我国发展循环经济的重要意义。通过多维研究得出发展循环经济是建设节约型政府的一把金钥匙。其次,分析了了可持续发展理论的产生及内容,提出可持续发展理论的理念、原则和方法都适合于节约型政府的建设实践。最后,探讨了节约型社会理论基础及发展历程。从理论性、实用性等诸多方面提出我国建设节约型社会已成为刻不容缓的当务之急,通过分析得出:建设节约型政府是建设节约型社会的重中之重,因此在转变发展模式,走新型发展道路,建设节约型社会中必须以政府对全社会具有表率和榜样为核心。通过以上理论成果的引述,本文力图实证研究的角度,从我国节约型政府的现状出发,借鉴国外的成功经验,推进我国节约型政府的建设。第二部分对中国节约型政府建设的意义及存在的问题进行了深入分析,该部分首先阐述了我国建设节约型政府的重要意义,指出:节约型政府建设是关系我国社会经济发展的战略性问题,从节约型政府对节约型社会的促进作用阐述了建设节约型政府的巨大意义。其次介绍了中国节约型政府建设的开展情况。最后对节约型政府建设存在的问题进行了分析,介绍了我国节约型政府建设的现状,分析了当前存在的问题及原因,强调指出:观念陈旧、政府体制存在的弊端等问题是阻碍我国节约型政府建设顺利推进的主要因素。第三部分介绍了国外节约型政府的成功举措,以澳大利亚和美国为例,分析了两个国家发展状况:美国成立管理机构,制定激励政策,通过实施“联邦能源管理计划”,推动政府机构节能;澳大利亚从政府自身节能做起,推广使用太阳能和其它可再生能源技术,开展生态办公室计划,从而对各州和地方政府产生了积极表率作用。另外,上述举措体现了西方国家从政府改革入手积极打造节约型政府的建设,指出:各国通过推行电子政府、低成本政府、透明政府等政府改革运动构建整合型架构的节约型政府。第四部分提出了推进中国节约型政府建设的若干政策建议。本部分是该论文的结尾部分,也是该论文的重点,在此部分提出了一系列推进政府节约的方案和措施。从建设我国节约型政府的思想指导出发,分析我国建设节约型政府的可行性,提出了实现节约型政府的政策建议,指出:政府应为节约型社会的建设创造制度环境,建立科学的决策机制,转变政府职能,提高工作效率,强调政府应该自身垂范,以增强政府的公信力,带领全社会做好资源节约工作。并针对此方案构建了一系列节约型政府的保障机制。

【Abstract】 Economy is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. As a moral value of the savings is not only a personal request, a request to the government.On one hand, economic development as the central task Today, there are many disadvantages in the course of economic development, for example, resource consumption highly, waste and environmental pollution seriously which is an important aspect; Of course, on the other hand, the increasingly scarce resources, round tension of coal and oil, the obvious contradiction between supply and demand, increasing environmental pressures, it is also an indisputable fact. Therefore, we must urgently build a society-saving. The government plays a decisive role in building a society-saving. Therefore, studies the issue on the theory and practice of government-saving, then seeks the construction to government -saving countermeasure have extremely vital significanceThis paper studies the theory of the document in government-saving, discussed our country to construct government-saving vital significance and existed question in the process of construction which in the government-saving introduced successful action that the overseas construct government-saving, and finally proposed some suggestion about government-saving construction in China.The first part, reviewing and sorting out the relevant literature of government -saving, discussing circulation economy research on historical evolution and with government-saving connection of the domestic and foreign.In fact, the cycle of economic theory advocating is a model of economic development in harmony with the environment, first by American economist K.Pohl Ding proposes in the 1960s; the report "The Limits to Growth" in the "Club of Rome" devoted to the recycling problem in April 1968 in Italy, Japanese government promulgated the "recycling-oriented society to promote the Basic Law" to improve the use of recycled resources in June 2000.According to the study based on the development of recycling economy construction of a society-saving as the goal. The second, the emergence of the theory of sustainable development, capacity building and content, the concept of sustainable development, principles and methods are suitable for the practice of building in a society -saving.Finally, explored the theoretical foundation for the social and economical development. In theorical, practical and many other aspects of building a society -saving has been urgent in China. Through analyzing: building government-saving is the priority in society-saving, changing the mode of development, taking a new path of development and the construction of a conservation-minded society, the government must take an example and model for the whole society as the core. The theoretical results quoted above article and tried empirical research perspective, embark on the current situation from our government-saving, learn from the successful experience of foreign, promoting government-saving building.The second part, the significance and existing problems of government-saving is conducted an in-depth analysis in China. The first expounded the important significance of government-saving, that is: The government-saving relates to our socio-economic development of the strategic relationship. Elaborating the construction government-saving huge significance from government-saving to society -saving promoter action .Second, analyzing the current the issue of building government-saving, analysis the existing problems and reasons, noted: Outmoded concept and the disadvantages of the government system is the main obstacle to the smooth progress of construction of the government-saving.The third part , introduced the successful experience of the foreign government-saving, took the example of Australia and the United States, analysis of the development of the two countries: The United States set up regulatory bodies to formulate incentive policies. By "the Federal Energy Management Program" to promote saving the government’s energy; in Australia start saving energy from itself, to promote the use of solar and other renewable energy technologies, ecological office, so as to State and local governments have a positive role model. In addition, these initiatives reflects the positive change the government from the Western countries to build a government-saving, noted : any countries through the implementation of e-government, low-cost government and transparent government and other government reform movement integrated structure of government-saving.The fourth part put forward a number of policy recommendation on government-saving building. This is the concluding part and the focus of the thesis, in this part proposed a series of advancement government-saving plan and the measure. From guiding ideology of building government-saving, analyzed the feasibility of constructing, government-saving, proposed policy on government -saving , noted : the government should create a system environment for society-saving, established a scientific decision-making mechanism, transformed government functions, improved work efficiency, and stressed that the government should own politics, to strengthen the government’s credibility and lead the whole society to do a good job in resource conservation. In view of this program and the government built a series-saving mechanism.

  • 【分类号】D623
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】369

