

The Structural Analysis and Intelligent Optimization of Hydraulic Pressure Flexible Flap Gate

【作者】 李英

【导师】 郄志红;

【作者基本信息】 河北农业大学 , 农业水土工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 柔性液压翻板钢闸门是一种新型的闸门形式,它借助于闸门后橡胶袋中注入的水的压力,撑起闸门,起到拦河蓄水的作用,闸门在开启时是通过逐渐释放橡胶袋中的水压力得以实现的。整套系统主要由闸门、闸门支铰、橡胶袋、橡胶袋上支铰、下支铰及止水构成。闸门由钢面板,型钢主架等构成,门间以止水和连环扣件联系,可以多门一联,联间以闸墩分隔,与普通钢闸门比较,该闸门可以允许较大的变形,有一定的柔性,因此可以节省钢材的用量。现在柔性液压翻板钢闸门正处于试验阶段,相关的设计规范还没有出台,其结构计算等理论也还不太成熟。对柔性液压翻板闸门进行研究对于改善翻板闸门的结构形式,推动我国小水电事业的发展,具有重要的现实意义。本文在研究了现有模型的基础上,运用现今先进的结构分析技术和优化技术对其进行了结构分析和优化研究,主要工作如下:1、分析阐述了液压柔性翻板钢闸门的工作原理和基本平衡方程。详细分析了翻板钢闸门的受力情况和过流情况,给出了不同情况下的流量计算公式。2、基于空间有限元方法的液压柔性翻板钢闸门的结构分析,以承德双洞子水电站的翻板钢闸门为例,借助于大型有限元分析软件ANSYS实现了闸门的结构分析,并详细分析了闸门各构件的受力及变形情况。3、将遗传算法与有限元算法相结合,编写了C++与ANSYS软件的接口程序,实现了遗传算法(GA)与ANSYS参数化设计语言(APDL)的有机结合。本文将其运用到闸门的面板及梁格优化中,对闸门结构进行了优化研究。4、提出基于遗传算法和径向基函数响应面的优化方法,将遗传算法与径向基(RBF)神经网络相结合。借助RBF网络的最佳逼近和GA的全局寻优性能,使闸门优化实现了效率与精度的统一。仍以双洞子水电站的翻板闸门优化为例,对该方法进行了验证和比较。5、最后,总结了本文的研究工作,分析了研究的不足之处,并对今后的研究进行了展望。

【Abstract】 Hydraulic pressure flexible flap gate is a new type of flap gate. The gate is supported by the pressure coming from the rubber bag. When the gate is opening, the pressure is released slowly. The whole system is composed of gate, gate hinge, rubber bag, rubber bag hinge and waterstop. Gate is composed of faceplate and beam system. Gate leaf is connected by rubber seal and fastener, and several leafs can be linked. Pier joins the two links. Comparing with the ordinary steel gate, hydraulic pressure flexible flap gate allows greater deformation, and it has flexibility. So the consumption of steel can be saved. At present, this type of gate is at the experimental stage. There is no correlative design specification for it and the theoretical calculation of it is not mature enough. Further research to the hydraulic pressure flexible flap gate is needed. Basing on the existing models, this type of gate is studied by using structural analysis method and optimal techniques. The main contents in the paper are as follows:(1) The operating principle and the basic balance equations in the running course of the hydraulic pressure flexible flap gate were analyzed, and then the force status and the discharge capacity of the gate were further studied.(2) Based on spatial finite element method, structural analysis to the hydraulic pressure flexible flap gate was carried out. The finite element analysis software ANSYS was introduced, and the gate of a hydraulic power station in Chengde city was studied(3) Combing the finite element method with the genetic algorithm, the interface program of C++ and ANSYS software was written, and the integration of genetic algorithm (GA) and ANSYS parametric design language (APDL) was realized. This method was applied to optimize the beam system and faceplate of hydraulic pressure flexible flap gate.(4) The method that combines GA and radial basis function response surface was brought forward. It was the integration of GA and radial basis artificial neural network (RBF). The best approximation performance of RBF and global optimization performance of GA made gate calculation realize unification of efficiency and accuracy. This method was verified by optimizing the hydraulic pressure flexible flap gate.(5) In the last section of the paper, the whole research is summarized and the prospects to the further research are put forward.

  • 【分类号】TV663.4
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】106

