

Study on Regional Agricultural Mainstay Industry Development of Hebei

【作者】 崔贵芹

【导师】 王健; 王秀芳;

【作者基本信息】 河北农业大学 , 产业经济学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国经济的高速发展,各地对培育农业支柱产业的重要性有了一定的认识,正得到社会各界的广泛重视。河北省农业资源丰富,粮食、畜牧、林果、蔬菜瓜类产量在全国均名列前茅,区域农业支柱产业的发展却只停留在概念提出阶段,尚缺乏系统性研究,没有形成一个完整的产业体系。如何充分利用河北省各地的优势资源,将资源优势转变成经济强势,区域农业支柱产业发展无疑对河北省经济发展的后劲、解决“三农”问题和建设社会主义新农村都具有重要的意义。本文采用产业经济学、区域经济学、发展经济学等理论,运用定性分析和定量分析相结合的方法,结合肃宁县农业支柱产业发展实例,对河北省区域农业支柱产业的发展进行了深入地研究,就农业支柱产业的特点、原则、评价指标体系进行了分析论证,并提出了具有可操作性的对策建议,以期对河北省乃至全国各地农业支柱产的发展具有指导和借鉴意义。本研究对于丰富内在区域农业支柱产业领域研究的不足,具有重要的现实意义和理论价值。全文共分六章,按照背景研究、基础研究、应用研究及对策研究的基本思路和逻辑顺序展开。第一章作为背景分析,主要阐述了本研究的选题背景、研究目的和意义,国内外研究现状,研究方法和创新点。第二章属于基础性研究,本研究从理论依据方面,分别阐述了产业结构优化、区位理论、非平衡增长、资源禀赋学说,增长极理论,对本研究提供了理论基础和指导。并对区域农业支柱产业发展的相关概念和范围进行了界定。第三章和第四章属于理论应用阶段,提出了区域农业支柱产业选择的原则、标准、方法,结合肃宁县的实例,对肃宁县的农业支柱产业从定性和定量方面进行了研究,既包括现有农业支柱产业选择,又着重强调了潜在农业支柱产业的选择,首次将灰色系统理论应用到农业支柱产业选择方法中,有效避开了区域农业支柱产业发展的统计资料不全的问题。第五章和第六章是对策和结论,从资源、政府、市场、金融等方面对河北省发展区域农业支柱产业提出了相应的建议,尤其强调了区域农业支柱产业发展的资金可以考虑通过农民合作银行的形式来解决,并得出了全文的结论,河北省应充分按照比较优势原则,将区域农业资源优势变为经济优势,使区域农业支柱产业成为支撑河北省经济发展的支柱。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of our country, the agricultural mainstay industry hasbeen noticed gradually. The agricultural resource is rich in grain, livestock, fruit andvegetable, which come out top in the nation, but study on the agricultural mainstayindustry is on the phrase of the conception and short of systemic study, no integratedindustry system. We have no doubt that it’s important for Hebei province to develop themainstay industry, to make the agricultural resource to develop dominant industry. It’ssignificant for Hebei to deal with "the three Fs issue" and construct socialism new village.The theories of industry economics, region economics and development economicsand the methods of the qualitative and quantitative analysis were used to study the regionalagricultural mainstay industry in Hebei province, for example, agricultural mainstayindustry of Suning county. The paper analyzed the characters, principles and evaluatingindex system and the maneuverability countermeasures and advices were also put forwardin order to guide the agricultural mainstay industry in Hebei province and other similarareas. The study has practical significance and theory importance for the regionalagricultural mainstay industry. According to the logical order, the whole paper is dividedinto six chapters:the background analysis, the basic research, the applied research and thepolicy choice.The chapter 1 is the background analysis, which includes the background, purposeand significance of this research, introduction of domestic and foreign research, the methodand the innovation spot.The chapter 2 is the fundamental research, mainly basic theory which illuminatesindustry structure optimization, non-balance development, resource gist theory anddevelopment pole theory to provide theory basic and guide, then introduce the relativeconception and the scope limits in the regional agricultural mainstay industry.Chapter 3 and chapter 4 are applied phrase and brought forward principle, standardand method of the regional agricultural mainstay industry choice. As an example ofSuning county, the methods of the qualitative and quantitative analysis were used to studythe agricultural mainstay industry of Suning county, including not only the present industrybut also the latency. The theory of grey system is used to choose the agriculturalmainstay industry in order to avoid the problem of short of the regional statistic data for the first time.Chapter 5 and chapter 6 are countermeasures and the conclusions, which put forwardthe advices on developing the regional agricultural mainstay industry in Hebei province interms of resource,government, market, finance, especially the capital which can be solvedby the villager cooperative bank. According to the comparative dominant principle, it’simportant for Hebei province to make regional agricultural resource dominant to becomeeconomic dominant, and forms its mainstay in economic developing.

  • 【分类号】F327
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】296

