

The Telecontrol System Design of Automatic Spray Machine Chassis

【作者】 韦真博

【导师】 刘俊峰;

【作者基本信息】 河北农业大学 , 农业机械化工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 在诸多的农业操作过程中,喷药的过程一直是比较危险的,并且农药残留、农药雾滴漂移和饮用水污染越来越受到公众的普遍关注。但是由于农药使用过程中技术落后,施药器械跑冒滴漏严重,且没有采取适当的防护措施,特别是在炎热的酷暑下,农药使用者中毒事故屡屡发生。这就促使发明一种智能的,使人在远离田地的情况下仍能完成喷药操作的,而且更加有效、更加环保的自动喷雾机械来代替现有的喷雾机械。目前,国内生产农用喷雾机械的企业有很多,一些新型的喷雾方式也被采用,从而大大提高了喷雾质量和工作效率。但对喷雾机械的研制和改进大都集中和限制在对液压泵和喷头的研制和改进上,而喷雾机械本身在田间的移动方式却一直比较落后。本文根据喷雾机的设计要求以及国内外研究现状,同时结合目前喷雾机械的发展方向,在对喷雾机底盘的硬件、软件详细分析的基础上,提出了自己的控制方案。主要包括以下内容:一、论文分析了喷雾机的功能需求,提出了总体设计思想。分别阐述了喷雾机底盘的遥控控制原理及硬件电路组成,通过对各种专用芯片性能的分析,选择了合适的控制芯片,并且以这些芯片为核心搭建了包括无线控制电路、信号采集电路、电源监测电路、D/A转换电路、电机的正反转控制电路等一系列配套电路。二、通过对底盘的运动、调速控制的分析,给出了主程序、电机的方向控制程序、速度信号采集程序、PID控制调程序的流程图。特别是对于PID控制,是在对传统的PID分析的基础上引入了智能PID模型。从而使底盘的行走稳定性有了进一步的提高。三、针对系统的不同干扰源,给出了相应的抗干扰措施。从硬件设计上介绍了电源系统、总线、接口及印制电路板(PCB)的抗干扰措施。同时,从软件设计看,从干扰引起的后果着手叙述了一些软件抗干扰措施,并且对单片机系统电磁兼容的新动向做了介绍。此外,还对看门狗复位电路的配套程序设计,复位指令的插入原则等做了阐述。四、文章的最后肯定了底盘性能要求的同时,提出了底盘设计的不足,给出了进一步改进的设想。

【Abstract】 In many agricultures operation process The process that sprays the medicine has been the most dangerous. Because the agrochemical remind between each leaf, the agrochemical fog drift anywhere and the drinking water pollution concerned by the public more and moreBut because the agrochemical usage in the technique fall behind time andspray fog apparatus leak severily and did not adopt the right protection measure that lead agrochemical remain between each leaf and drift of the agrochemical fog and the drinking water pollutions are more and more serious. Especially under the hot weather that The poisoned trouble of the agrochemical user takes place repeatedly. This require a kind of that make person still complete to spray under the condition of keeping off the farm land and more valid, more environmental protection to replace the present spray fog machine, The intelligence sprays fog machine to the orchar that undertaked by the the professor HE XIONG KUI of agriculture engineering College of The Chinese agriculture university acceptanted by "15" national science and technologies Group successfully in 2003. This symbolizes the our country to spray fog machine intelligence to turn and develops a major step forward But this mainly spray fog machine is to aim at the fruit tree, Because the geography of the field is much more complicated than orchard, This need a kind of spray fog machine more and precisely to adapt the field homework.In this paper, based on the test demand and research actuality at home and abroad, according to the development direction of instrument at present, its hardware and software design is discussed. Several problems are described: 1) The whole design idea is proposed after analyzing the function demand and design standard. The testing principle and hardware designing of tester are introduced respectively. It includes the signal collecting circuit of breakdown voltage, detecting circuit of breakdown current, control circuit for rotating electromotor on prescriptive direction, and keyboard and display circuit. The anti-interference measures of current detecting circuit are expatiated, it resolved that the power is cut off by hardware circuit. 2) The design and achievement of software is introduced, and the corresponding routine flow chart is given. 3) In the process of data collecting, for improving the dependability of data collection, the distributing diagram approach is used to eliminate the careless mistake data, and arithmetic average and recursive estimation algorithm is applied to process data. The experiment results are analyzed and compared with traditional methods. 4)The corresponding measures of anti-interference are given based on different interference source. Seen from the hardware, the anti-jamming of power system, bus, interface circuit is researched. Some software anti-jamming measures are investigated from the jamming aftereffect, and the development trend of electromagnetic compatibility is prescribed in chip system. Besides, the matching routine design of watchdog is developed. 5) In the end, performance demand of tester is affirmed, and the deficiency of design and the improved idea are proposed.

【关键词】 喷雾机底盘无线控制MCUPID算法
【Key words】 Machine of Spraying FogChassisThe Lead-in ControlMCUPID Arithmetic
  • 【分类号】S491
  • 【下载频次】247

