

Study on Precision Injection Unit

【作者】 赖士兴

【导师】 杨卫民;

【作者基本信息】 北京化工大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着人们对注射制品质量要求的不断提高,各种新型注射成型技术不断发展,精密注射成型技术便是其中一种。对于精密注射成型,精密注射装置起着决定性的作用,它直接关系到制品的内在质量,整机的能耗。目前中国在精密注射成型方面与发达国家相比有较大的差距,因此本课题希望通过对现有注射机进行性能方面的实验研究,找出与世界上现有精密注射机的差距及其根本原因,提出改进措施,使现有注射机精度大幅度地提高,并研究开发一种新型精密注射装置。通过对空、非充满和全充满方式对现有四种类型注射机进行了不同工艺参数条件、不同材料的重复精度对比考核实验,深入研究机械结构、工艺条件和控制系统对制品精度的影响及与现有精密机的差距,在此基础上提出改进措施和开发一种新型精密注射装置。通过研究,主要得出以下结论:1、BTH200x2型注射机的重量重复精度最高,为1.14‰;HTD86-e210型其次,为1.16‰,HTF86x5重量重复精度最低。2、全电动式HTD86-e210型注射机在温度控制、计量精度等方面要高于其它注射机;在液压式注射机里面,ALLROUNDER 270S的液压油温控制精度高,HTH200x2和HTF86x5型注射机的液压冷却系统存在相应的不足。3、HTF86x5型注射机的液压油路系统设计存在着一定的问题。4、新型位移传感器磁尺的计量精度高于电子尺,但是受磁尺的安装、环境、与控制器的兼容及控制器的解析精度的影响,使用磁尺后制品重量重复精度要低于使用电子尺后的制品重量重复精度。5、背压、射速和射压、螺杆射退、转速等参数与制品重量重复精度间并不存在着线性的关系,但是存在使重复精度最高的取值范围。6、新型止逆环整体性能上要高于旧型止逆环,重复精度提高了将近2.3倍;改进设计后解决了新型止逆环流道阻力大的问题,实现了以低成本大幅度提高重复精度目标。

【Abstract】 New injection molding technologies including precision injection molding technology are developing with the requirements of high quality of injection molding parts. Precision injection unit is the key factor affecting internal quality of parts and power consumption for precision injection molding. There is major gap between china and developed countries in precision injection molding, this subject aims to find the causes of gap ,improve precision of injection molding machines at low cost and develop a new precision injection unit by performance experiments of machines and improving measurements.Contrast experiments of repeat precision were carried out with four different types of injection molding machines in shot-to-air, non-fullness and fullness at different process conditions and with different materials. It was to research the affect of machine structure, process conditions and control system on the precision of parts, and find out the differences with existing precision injection molding machine for putting forward some improving measurements and developing a new type of injection unit. The main conclusions are as follows: 1、HTH200x2’s repeat precision is the highest by 1.14‰; HTD86-e210 is second by 1.16‰; HTF86x5’s repeat precision is the lowest.2、HTD86-e210’s precision is higher than other machines in temperature and metering control; Among all hydraulic machines, ALLROUNDER 270S’ hydraulic temperature control is the highest in precision, and there are some problems with hydraulic cooling system of HTH200x2 and HTF86x5.3、There are some problems with hydraulic circuits of HTF86x5.4、Magnetostrictive displacement transducer’s precision is higher than linear position transducer, but the parts’ repeat weight precision is lower due to assembly, environment, resolution of controller, compatibility between magnetostrictive displacement transducer and controller.5、There are not linear relationship between repeat precision and process parameters as backpressure, injection speed, injection pressure and rotation speed, but there is a range of the highest repeat precision.6、Global performance of the new non-return valve is more excellent than old non-return valve, and the repeat precision is improved by 2.3 times; It resolved flow resistant of new non-return valve by improving design to improve repeat precision at low cost.

  • 【分类号】TQ320.52
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】333

