

Research on the Yang Wenhui and Modernization of Chinese Buddhism

【作者】 王小明

【导师】 张松辉;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 历史学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 中国佛教近代化的历程是一个漫长而又艰难的历史过程。中国佛教的近代化是传统佛教面对“天崩地解”的近代社会所做出的种种努力和调适。就它的思想资源而言,至少包括两个方面:一是传统佛教内部存在的能与近代社会相沟通的思想资源得到发扬和凸显;二是外在资源,这在近代社会主要是指西学,西方比中国更早进入近代社会,它的近代化历程从总体上说应该是走的比中国快的,在宗教界也存在类似的情况,中国传统佛教向西方和日本宗教界学习的种种方面也是中国传统佛教走向近代化的努力。杨文会居士是近代中国伟大的佛教活动家和佛学家。他在推动中国传统佛教近代化的进程中做出了开创性的贡献。总结而言,杨文会居士在这方面的贡献主要有以下几个方面:首先,由于杨文会居士所处的时代是中国传统社会向近代社会转型的历史时期,所以他在对传统佛教的批判上,体现出新的时代特点。第二,由于杨文会居士生活在中华民族灾难深重、岌岌可危的历史时期,所以居士的佛学思想体现出鲜明的“救世”特征。第三,针对中国传统佛教面临的新的历史社会环境,为振兴佛教,培养弘法人才,杨文会居士提出了新型的佛教教育思想并予以了实践。第四,西学的传入对中国传统文化造成了极大的冲击,为了回应西学的冲击,杨文会居士积极发扬和凸显中国传统佛教中能与西学相会通的思想资源,其中杨文会佛学思想中对主观能动性的强调、杨文会佛学思想中的圆融和平等意识和杨文会佛学思想中的理性因素都是这种努力的结果。第五,为了更好的应对中国传统佛教面临的危机,杨文会从各个方面阐发了自己的佛学思想,其佛学思想带有明显的体系化特征。第六,杨文会居士在一生的护法、弘法过程中,培养了大批的佛教人才,他们跟随杨文会并在杨文会往生后继续推动中国传统佛教的近代化历程。其中,欧阳渐居士和太虚法师是杨文会门下弟子中的杰出代表,他们从不同方面将杨文会的中国佛教近代化事业推进了一大步。杨文会居士的这些贡献表明居士是开中国传统佛教近代化风气之先的伟大佛教徒。同时,从杨文会的这些努力我们也可以总结出中国传统佛教近代化的基本内涵,深化学术界对杨文会居士的历史地位和佛教近代化的理性认识

【Abstract】 Modernization of the Chinese Buddhist history is a long and difficult historical process. Modernization of Traditional Chinese Buddhism runs into the turbulent period. Modern society is making efforts to adapt to that time. Its ideological resources can be included two aspects. The First one is the traditional Buddhist internal communication with the thinking of modern society to promote and highlight resources. The Second is external resources. It mainly refers to modern Western society. Western early goes into modern society than China. In general, the modernization process should be soon than China. The religious is also like that. Traditional Chinese Buddhism learns religious from West and Japan in various aspects is the efforts to modernization of the Chinese Buddhist.Yang is a great scholar of modern Chinese Buddhism and Buddhist activist. He has given pioneering contributions to modernization of the Chinese Buddhist. Yang’s contributions can be concluded in the following aspects. First, Yang lives in the times that change from a traditional Chinese society to a modern society. Yang’s critique of traditional Buddhism demonstrates the characteristics of this new era. Second, Yang lives in the calamity-ridden and precarious period. There is a distinctive Buddhist thinking of the "save" feature. Third, to adapt to the history of Chinese Buddhism in the new social environment for the revitalization of Buddhism to cultivate talents of Law, Yang present and practice a scholar of Buddhist education. Fourth, the introduction of Western has a tremendous impact on China’s traditional culture. To response to the impact of Western, Yang actively promotes and highlights the resources that traditional Chinese Buddhist scholar links with Western, such as Yang’s emphasis of the initiative, the concept of harmony and equality awareness and rational thinking. All of them results of such efforts. Fifth, in order to respond to the crisis of traditional Chinese Buddhism, Yang attends the exposition from all aspects of their Buddhist thinking. The Buddhism’s characteristics of system has obviously comes out. Sixth, Yang threw his life to protect the law of Buddhism. He has trained a large number of Buddhist personnel. They will follow Yang and continue to promote the modernization of traditional Chinese Buddhist history. Among them, Ouyang is a lay Buddhist Master Yang universe and will serve as an outstanding representative of the disciples. They have advanced the course of modern Chinese Buddhism in different aspects.Yang’s contribution shows to us that scholar is the first great modern trend of Buddhists. Meanwhile, we can sum up Modernization of Traditional Chinese Buddhism’s radical connotation from Yang’s efforts. It will also deepen the academic scholar on the history and status of the verities of modern Buddhism.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 05期
  • 【分类号】B949.2
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】303

