

The Research on the Theory of the Offense of Joint Negligence

【作者】 何琳

【导师】 余松龄;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 刑事法学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 共同过失犯罪是共同犯罪的一种客观存在形态,不能仅依据刑事立法的规定和传统刑法理论就否定其存在价值,而将其排除在共同犯罪的门外。尤其是在科学技术迅猛发展、社会分工日益细密的现代社会,很多重大事故的发生往往不是个人造成的,而是数人共同过失导致了符合构成要件的危害结果。因此,从理论上探讨共同过失犯罪的成立问题,是更好地打击和预防共同犯罪的要求,也是构建社会主义和谐社会的现实需要。文章主要采用理论与案例相结合的写作方法,从肯定共同过失犯罪的立场出发,从立法、判例与理论学说等方面分别对大陆法系国家关于共同过失犯罪的态度进行考察与探讨,并与我国现阶段理论和实践状况进行比较研究,从总体上把握共同过失犯罪的研究和发展现状;采取“先驳后立”方式,先对否定共同过失犯罪成立的理论依据进行全面批驳,进而分别从过失犯罪本质和共同犯罪本质分析出发,对共同过失犯罪成立的理论依据加以探讨,同时从实际需求出发对共同过失犯罪成立的现实依据进行分析和归纳;在对现有诸多观点进行比较分析的基础上,归纳总结出共同过失犯罪的概念,并进一步对其构成要素:共同注意义务、主体、主观方面、客观方面等进行全面分析探讨;以共同过失犯罪理论构成为依据,对过失教唆、过失帮助、监督过失与结果加重犯中的共同过失行为性质加以认定,并对现行《解释》相关规定加以评析,在此基础上,对共同过失犯罪定罪、量刑时应遵循的基本原则以及责任分配的具体依据加以探讨,并引入“信赖原则”对排出共同过失犯罪情形加以论述。

【Abstract】 Joint negligence crime objectively exists as one form of joint crime. We can’t consider it out of joint crime because of the lack of legislation and theory. Especially as the science developing more rapidly and the social labor being divided more complexly, a large number of significant accidents happened due to the act of joint negligence rather than the independent action. Therefore, the affirmation of joint negligence crime is not only necessary to punish and prevent offense, but also helpful to realize the harmonious society.Holding the views of acknowledging the offense of joint crime by verious kinds of ways, this thesis discusses the general view of the issues of joint negligence crime, based upon analyzing the advanced theory abroad and comparing the legislations, legal practices and doctrines of the counties of the world. And then this thesis discusses the basis for the establishment of the offense of joint negligence, by vetoing to the negation view and analyses the possibility from essence of negligence crime and joint crime. Meanwhile, it also talks about the necessity of affirmation of joint negligence crime in real society. The thesis then brings forth its own definition, based upon analyzing and commenting the different definitions of the subject matter, and discusses the constitutive elements, such as: joint duty of care, joint criminal behavior and joint negligence. Finally, this thesis discusses the scopes and criminal liability of the offense of joint negligence. In addition to analyze the instigator of negligent offense and accessory negligent offense, this thesis also discusses the Surveillance error, the aggravated consequential offence, and the judicial interpretation of the Supreme People’s count of the PRC. Meanwhile, this thesis studies the principles of sentence and distribution of criminal responsibilities. It also introduces the believable principle to keep some cases out of the establishment of the offense of joint negligence.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 05期
  • 【分类号】D924.1
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】272

