

A Study of Problems in Classroom Teaching of Reading at Senior High School

【作者】 高颖

【导师】 王启燕;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 许多年以来,阅读在高中英语教学中起着举足轻重的作用。阅读是把英语作为第二外语学习的学习者学习语言所必备的一项社会文化技能,而且阅读能力的提高是高中阶段英语教学和学习的主要目标之一。根据《高中英语教学大纲》的要求,高中英语教学应强调阅读教学的重要性,而新课程标准也明确指出:高级中学英语教学应进一步巩固基础知识,发展听、说、读、写的基本技能,侧重培养学生的阅读能力,为学生继续学习,运用英语打好基础(张玉凤,2006)。另外,大学入学考试也明确要求提高学生的阅读能力。因为近几年高考试卷的150分中,阅读理解就占40%-45%。此外,随着我国的发展及加入世贸组织,教师也必须培养和提高学生的阅读能力。然而,由于深受传统教学理念和教学方法的影响和束缚,目前的高中英语阅读教学中存在着许多问题需要尽快解决。为了找出教学中存在的具体问题,本文在前人研究的基础上,以调查问卷,访谈等具体的调查分析为依据,以作者本人的高中英语阅读教学实践为基础,以现代语言教学理论为指导,探讨了高中英语阅读教学现状、教学模式,总结归纳出其中存在的问题与不足。本文包括引言、文献综述、研究设计、结果与分析、问题与建议及结论六部分。第一部分为引言:介绍研究背景,必要性及本文主要内容。第二部分为文献综述:逐一介绍相关理论、阅读的实质、阅读教学法等。第三部分为研究设计:这是本文的中心,主要介绍研究方法,包括研究的主体、工具、研究问题、问卷设计及数据的收集和分析。第四部分为结果与分析:在调查问卷后进行数据分析并找出主要问题。第五部分为建议。第六部分是结论。

【Abstract】 For many years, reading plays a valuable part in English teaching and learning in senior high middle school. According to the English syllabus for senior high middle school, middle school English teaching should emphasize the importance of reading in English teaching. In accordance with the new curriculum standard: high school English teaching should make the students’basic knowledge stronger and develop their four basic language abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing, laying emphasis on the training of their reading ability so that they can have a solid foundation for the further studies and for the use of English in the future ( Zhang Yufeng 2006). In addition, the college entrance examination also requires the promotion of students’reading ability with 40-45% out of the total marks of 150. Besides, with the development of our country and China’s entry WTO, cultivating and improving students’reading ability and competence is a necessary program. However, due to the deep-seated traditional teaching and learning theories and methods, there are some serious problems existing in senior high middle school classroom teaching instruction which need to be improved and solved as soon as possible.In order to investigate the problems, this thesis is to research and analyze the situation and process of classroom reading instruction in Grade Two in senior high middle school. After finding out the possible problems in reading class, the author puts forwards some possible solutions to help both teachers and students improve the effect of reading teaching and learning. The thesis consists of six parts. Part one is an introduction, which gives a brief account of the background of the research concerning with the topic. Part two is the literature review which introduces some important theories focusing on the nature of reading, the teaching approaches of reading and an overview of studies in EFL reading. Part three is the core of the research. It introduces the research methodology, including participants, research approach, procedures of data collection and data analysis methods. Part four is about findings and discussions mainly focusing on the problems of classroom reading instruction, its respective reasons. Part five focused on the implications to the problems. The last part concludes the paper.

  • 【分类号】G633.41
  • 【下载频次】485

