

The Development of the Love and Marriage View of ChiLi’s Novels

【作者】 赵丹丹

【导师】 黄凡中;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 现当代文学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 池莉的小说创作,在当代的文学创作中是一道绵长而独特的风景线。在20多年的创作生涯中,她以其独有的视角选择了把当代人的爱情和婚姻生活作为反映人生存现状的切入点。而她本人在作品中所表现出来的婚恋观却与以往的作家有着与众不同的看法。古往今来,有多少作家都在歌颂爱情的美好和婚姻的甜蜜,倡导神话一样的婚姻与爱情。可是池莉却是一个特别的存在,她写爱情和婚姻,不是描摹婚恋的美好,相反,她却是主张“不谈爱情”。婚姻也只是重在双方的理解、互帮互助。而且还通过她的一系列小说,来消解爱情的神话。为现实的普通人的爱情婚姻生活正名。写普通的人生活,写普通人的事,在她那里,让我们看到了大千世界里平凡的众生相。由于池莉在婚恋观方面所表现出来的特殊理解,所以引起很多作家的评论。大家众说纷纭,有人认为她是中性写作,有人认为她是零度情感。本文试从四个方面,按照时间的流程,对池莉的婚恋小说创作的演变做了一个归纳,归纳出其独特的婚恋爱情观,以及透过她的婚恋观,我们所看到的她所追寻的真正意义上的婚恋生活。全文由前言、正文和结语三大部分构成。第一部分为前言,概述了前人的研究成果、本文的研究目的和意义,并综合概括了正文的内容。第二部分为正文,主要写了池莉的婚恋小说的演变历程和分析,分为四章。第一章、初入文坛,美好浪漫;第二章、原味婚姻,烦恼人生;第三章、女权突起,自立自强;第四章、化蛹为蝶,理想之爱;第三部分是结语,总结、归纳和强调了池莉在婚恋观方面所表现出来的独特意义。

【Abstract】 In the contemporary literary creation, Chi Li’s novel is a prolonged and unique view. In her 20 years’writing career, with a unique perspective she chooses the love and marriage lives of the contemporary people as the key point to reflect people’s lives situation. Moreover, the views on love and marriage that her works offer differ from the previous writers. Of all ages, many writers pay a tribute to the sweet of love and marriage, and propose the myth of love and marriage. But Chi Li is special; she writes love and marriage, however doesn’t describe the goodliness of marriage. On the contrary, she advocates about“not speak love”. Marriage only depends on the mutual understanding and help. And through her series of novels, she dispels the myth of love and establishes the station for the love and marriage of the ordinary people. She writes the lives of ordinary people and the things of ordinary people. From her novels, we can see all common appearances in the big world.As Chi Li has a special understanding to the view on love and marriage, this has caused many comments. Everybody has different opinion, some people think that her novels belong to neutral writing; some people think that her novels belong to zero emotion. This paper will analyze Chi Li’s love and marriage novels from four aspects, and will sum up her unique views on love and marriage, and through her views on marriage and love, we see the real marriage life she pursues. The paper consists of foreword, body and conclusion. The first part is foreword; it summarizes the research results of the previous writers、the research purpose and significance of this paper, and generally summarizes the contents of the text. The second part is the body, the analysis to Chi Li’s love views, it divided into four chapters. The first chapter, enter into the literary world, beauty and romance; the second chapter, for the marriage, bother with life; the third chapter, Women’s right appear, self-supporting and the fourth chapter, Pupas become butterflies, ideal love. The third part is the conclusion, it summaries, induces and emphasizes the unique significance of Chi Li’s views on love and marriage.

【关键词】 池莉婚恋小说演变
【Key words】 Chi Limarriage and love novelDevelopment
  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【下载频次】515

