

The Analysis of the Importance of Digial Music in Chinese Music Therapy

【作者】 孙淼

【导师】 文岩;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 音乐学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 21世纪的今天,当人们还惊骇于新技术革命给人类社会带来的剧烈震荡变革的时候,数字化时代早已悄然而至。数字化技术已无所不在地渗透到了我们的工作、学习和生活之中。当我们还在为数字化给我们带来的便捷而惊喜的时候,我们的生活也在因为数字化科技的迅猛发展带来的负面影响而感到苦恼,人们的生活节奏加快了,每天的工作压力、学习压力不断增加,智商不断增高,可是,人们渐渐忽略了对情商的培养。这些苦恼一天一日不断增加,渐渐演变成疾病,可是,这种疾病不是吃药、开刀能解决的,于是,“音乐治疗”走入了我们的生活。如今的中国,数字化高科技产品十分丰富,电脑、效果器、调音台、音响、DVD等一系列电子设备早已进入到百姓的日常生活之中,这些为建立数字化音乐治疗室,深化数字化音乐治疗的研究提供了可靠的物质保障。同时,祖国传统的中医理论和千年累积的实践经验是我国数字化音乐治疗有可能走到世界前列的重要因素。一些研究者尝试着在音乐治疗过程中辅以按摩,疏通经络,将音乐影响个体情绪的心理疗法同按摩疏经的物理疗法相结合,取得了较好的治疗效果。本文作者主要侧重于对数字化音乐在当今社会和时代的发展中不可替代的重要地位及它的与时俱进性进行阐述。这里主要将数字音乐与音乐治疗这两门在音乐领域里较前沿的学科进行结合性、探索性、试论性的阐述。

【Abstract】 Since 21st century commenced, digital era has quietly come into human’s life when people are appalled by the new technological revolution in the whole society turbulent changes. Today’s digital technology has been embedded into the way we work, study and daily life.After initial pleasant enjoy and surprise from a great number of digital stuffs, people are becoming upset because they found that today’s life is no longer as easy as it was supposed to be. This is mainly due to the negative impacts of rapid development of digital technology has caused a lot problems, such as accelerated pace of life, increased pressure of work, rising IQ competition and etc. These worries increased day after day, and gradually developed into a kind of diseases, which cannot be solved by common medicine or surgery. Therefore,“Music Therapy”has been introduced to deal with these new problems by providing a sort of EQ training activities.In today’s China, the number of high-tech products is very rich, the computer effects device, mixer, sound system, DVD and other electronic equipment have entered people’s daily life, which can provide a very strong infrastructure for building up digital music therapy room and deepen the study of digital music. Meanwhile, Traditional Chinese medicine theory and practical experience cumulated through thousands of years can be viewed as essential factors to enable our“music therapy”comes to the forefront of today’s research. For example, some researchers invented a new successful combination method by introducing massage to aid the process of injury healing, relieve psychological stress, manage pain and improve circulation to improve the music psychological individual impacts throughout the normal process of music therapy.In this essay, the author will focus mainly on important role of digital music and its irreplaceable natures in the development of contemporary society. Both of the digital music and music therapy will be elaborated in details.

  • 【分类号】J618.9
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】427

