
冷漠的反叛 温情的认同

Indifferent Rebel; Warm Acceptation

【作者】 王艳慧

【导师】 程革;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 现当代文学, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 余华的小说从发表之日起就一直备受评论界的关注,主要是由于无论是冷漠的反叛,还是温情的认同,呈现在读者眼前的都是令人难以忘记的独特的文本世界,而且余华的创作都是与他的心路历程密切相连的。余华80年代以冷漠反叛为主的小说,主要是揭去了黑暗的面纱,袒露了人性的阴暗和冷酷,展现给读者的是弥漫着血腥和死亡的伤痕累累的世界,但在揭露的同时也表现了对美好人性的渴求。作者的冷漠反叛主要是来自他对自己心路之源的探险:童年感受到的孤独和恐惧,少年时期的“文革”经历,青年的学医生涯,对外国经典作品的阅读和吸收,以及当时叛逆的时代。余华90年代以《在细雨中呼喊》《活着》和《许三观卖血记》等温情认同为主的作品,完成了先锋小说退潮后的完美的转身。“依旧健全而温暖的心窝”是人们的渴望和追求,是对伤痕累累的世界的安抚,也反映了作者内心的温情和对民间生活的认同。由冷漠反叛为主向温情认同为主的转变,主要是源于对心灵家园的寻找,是对记忆资源的重新提取组合:童年生活的美好环境,宣泄后的平静,阅读带来的温暖感受,以及事业和婚姻生活的顺遂等。余华的小说其实并不能截然划分为前期是冷漠反叛,后期是温情认同的。他的小说经常呈现出一种冷漠与温情携手,苦难与悲悯并重的特殊风格,尤其是新出版不久的《兄弟》更体现了冷漠下悄然涌动的温情和温情中难以回避的冷漠的特点。而余华的作品之所以温情与冷漠携手,主要是源于创作主体心路历程里体现出的自身的矛盾的存在。

【Abstract】 That Yu Hua’s novel catches redoubled attention from review boundary right away from the day of issue, is to be the acceptation rebelling against, being still warm indifferently since regardless of mainly, displaying distinctive the version world, moreover Yu Hua’s creation being to make people be difficult to forget in reader before self’s eyes all is to link up with his intention course closely.Hua’s eighties gives first place to indifferent rebel the novel, is to have taken off the Cimmerian veil mainly, have exposed the human nature darkness and callous, display the world being to the scars of wounds strung together like beads bloody and dying be filling the air, but being eager about having also shown to fine human nature while bringing to light to reader. Author’s indifferent rebel is to come from his expedition to source of self intention mainly: Lonely and fear childhood is experienced, "the Cultural Revolution" of teenager period experiences, the youth learning medicine career, to foreign classics work reading and admit, and that time rebellious times.Yu Hua’s nineties work in order to calling "alive" sum "Xu San Guan sells story of blood " "loudly in fine rain" waiting for tender sentiments acceptation giving first place to , the consummate turn-back having accomplished pioneer after the novel ebbs. That "still perfect but warm pit of the stomach " is people’s aspiration and runs after, has been appeasement to the scars of wounds strung together like beads world , has also reflected inward tender sentiments of author and the acceptation to popular life. Be given first place to tender sentiments acceptation by indifferent rebel give first place to the change, is to originate from the searching to intelligent home mainly , is to extract combination again to remembering resource’s: And fine childhood life environment , calmness getting the queen off the chest, read the warm feel bringing about, cause and marriage life easy going etc.That Yu Hua’s novel in fact can not divide sharply for the earlier stage is to rebel against indifferently; later stage is that tender sentiments accept. His novel often displays one kind indifferent and warm suffering has embodied indifferent the tender sentiments pouring down quietly moving and the indifferent characteristic being difficult to avoid in tender sentiments hand in hand, more with having sympathy for peculiar style, especially publishing before long’s newly of equal importance. But, therefore warm and indifferent of Yu Hua’s work is to originate from self’s contradictious existence that the intention creating the main body embodies out in course mainly hand in hand.

  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【下载频次】627

