

Institutional Study on Elementary and Middle Schools Teachers Flow

【作者】 陈阳

【导师】 周晓红;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 教育, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究的视角为“制度化”,研究主题是对引起我国中小学教师不合理流动的制度原因进行剖析,揭示导致目前中小学教师流动无序失衡的正式制度和非正式制度之根源,寻求解决中国教师流动问题的策略。全文分引言、正文、结语三个部分。引言部分:简要的分析了研究的缘起。正文部分:共由三章构成。第一章理论基础和现状分析第一小节明确了本研究的范围,对研究中所使用的概念意义作以界定;第二小节为了说明本研究的合理性,从理论层面论证了在中小学阶段建立教师流动制度的必要性;第三小节分析了我国目前中小学教师流动的现状及其引发的问题。第二章制度归因根据目前学术界已有研究成果及对现实的深刻反思,提出了理论假设,即我国教师流动失衡无序可归结为正式制度的缺失和非正式制度惯性的影响。第三章制度建设提出实现我国教师合理流动的制度路径:推动以政府为主导的正式制度创新、加强非正式制度建设。结语部分:流动也要有一定的“度”。

【Abstract】 The angle of view is institutionalization. The subject of this dissertation is analyzing and revealing the official and unofficial institutional reasons that caused the unreasonable flow of elementary and middle schools teachers in China. The author wants to put forward countermeasures that realizing the teachers’reasonable flow.The whole thesis is composed of three parts. They are preface, main body and closing.Preface. The author analyzes the origination of this research in this part.Main Body. It consists of three chapters.The Fist Chapter. Rationale and reality analysis. Firstly, the author expounds the key conception of this research. Secondly, the author analyses the rationale of teachers flow in order to give a reasonable explanation for this research. Thirdly, the author analyses the present state of Chinese teachers flow in primary school and secondary school and discusses their negative effects.The Second Chapter. Institutional reasons. According to existing research results, the author proposes the theory supposition. That is to say, the lacks of official institution and the inertia of unofficial institution caused the unreasonable flow of elementary and middle schools teachers in China.The Third Chapter. Institutional construction. The author points out the system way to realize the teachers’reasonable flow.Closing. Flows must have certain limit.

  • 【分类号】G635.1
  • 【被引频次】53
  • 【下载频次】1031

