

Chinese Image in the Literature Works of Tanizaki Junyichirou

【作者】 崔玮玮

【导师】 尚侠;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 日语语言文学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 大正时代从1912年到1926年,虽然仅有短短14年,但却是极其动荡不安的一个时期。在动荡的社会、思想的影响下,大正年代的日本文学呈现出与明治年代完全不同的旨趣。最为明显的是:在这个时期,异国情趣流行,并且在不断地变换着对象和领域。中国以其广阔的国土、悠久的历史、适度的亲切感以及距离感成为大正文学家和画家所普遍关注的“异国”,而现代交通工具的发达也使去中国实地旅游不再是难事,最终诞生了“中国情趣”。谷崎润一郎作为“中国情趣”的开创者和代表者,创作了大量以中国为背景的小说。这些小说中创造的中国形象于作者自身的经历有着直接的关系。谷崎接触中国文化的不同方式以及本身的修养决定了他观察中国的方式,这种方式贯穿于他所有与中国有关的作品中,创造出的中国形象自然也带有了鲜明的个人印记。即使是在谷崎润一郎亲身体验到现实的中国后,他笔下的中国依然延续了一贯的形象。而在真实的现代中国展现在谷崎的面前迫使他放弃固有的中国观时,他选择了关西作为新的创作素材。因此,在某种意义上,中国只是谷崎中国情趣的满足对象,因其遥远和神秘才成为作家想象力充分发挥的舞台。当中国成为现实的一部分时,谷崎用西洋人的眼光发现了关西的传统日本之美,谷崎润一郎的异国情趣也因关西得到了延续。

【Abstract】 Taisho age is from1912 to 1926, despite only 14 years, it was a period of being in ferment. With the effect of unrest society and its thoughts, the Japanese literature ofTaisho age had taken on the special purport which was quite different from that of Meiji age. The most obvious is that: exoticism was very popular in that age and gradually changed its object/ target and field. China, as a foreign country, which is known for its vast land, long history, modest cordial feeling, and distant feeling, has attracted litterateur and artist. While modernization of vehicle has made it possible and easy to visit China on their own , and even has given birth to Chinese Sentiment.Tanizaki junyichiro, as the creator and representative of Chinese Sentiment, has written a large quantity of novels which are set in Chinese background. The Chinese images in his novel have direct relation with the writer’s own experience. The different ways of his approaching Chinese culture and his good refinement have decided his way of observing China. And these ways have run through all his works which are related to the China. Naturally, the Chinese images in his works have vivid personal impression. Although Tanizaki junyichiro has experienced Chinese reality on his own, the image of China in his works has enjoyed its normal impression. When the real modern China has forced him give up his immanent Chinese attitude, he began to choose Kansai as his new creating material.As a result, to some extent, China has satisfied Tanizaki junyichiro, because China’s being far away and mystery have offered a stage for the writers to develop the creation to the fullest. When China becomes part of reality, Tanizaki junyichiro with the western view discovers the traditional Japanese beauty of Kansai. Because of this, exoticism of Tanizaki junyichiro has continued.

  • 【分类号】I313
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】603

