

The Dissertation about Life Consciousness Lacking Problerm in Primary School Chinese Teaching Material

【作者】 程会书

【导师】 于伟;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 教育, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 论文通过对国外生命意识教育情况对比,分析了建国以来人教版小学语文教材中对生命意识的渗透不足的基本现状。论文主要从生命意识理解的误区、社会环境整体上生命意识淡漠、生命意识教育的错误导向、生命意识初始教育的重视程度不够、教育观念的终极指向功利性影响几个方面,剖析了当今的少年儿童生命意识欠缺的原因。在此论述基础上,论文采用了文献综述法,案例法和问卷调查等研究方法,深入探寻了当今的教育中对生命的关注程度,对古今中外的生命意识观念和教育观念进行整合,提出了适合人的身心发展的长远的教育策略。并从以下几个方面进行了生命意识教育内容强化的方法及对策探讨:增加教材中的儿童生命意识教育内容、强化教育工作者的生命意识教育理念、提升儿童的生命意识,培养儿童的健全人格、强调生命意识教育过程中的问题及对策研究。论文研究的目标在于:通过本课题的研究,找出现有小学语文教材中的不足,从关注少年儿童的精神世界入手,通过对文化传统、思想意识、教育环境、教育手段等方面探寻其解决问题的途径。并力求通过对现行教材的修订,提升教师的生命意识,使这一教育理念得以建立。最终解决小学语文教材如何体现生命意识,教育工作者如何唤起少年儿童对生命的关爱,对生命的重视的问题。本论文研究的创新之处主要体现在以下两个方面:一是引入生命意识教育理念,探索将这一理念融入小学语文课程的方法,并提出解决的对策;二是从人的长远发展角度探寻当代思想道德品质教育中存在的根源问题。

【Abstract】 From contrasting the internal educational situation with the external’s, this dissertation has a very good analysis of basic conditions that there have been lack of life consciousness in the Chinese teaching material of primary school published by People’s Education Press since 1949. Then the thesis focuses on analyzing the reasons for the children’s lack of life consciousness. The main kinds of reasons comprise the misunderstanding of life consciousness, the social indifference to life consciousness, the mistaken guiding of education of life consciousness, the ignoring of initial education of life consciousness and the utilitarianism of educational ideas. Basing the arguments upon these facts, the paper widely adopts some means include the summer of documents, the example of cases, the survey of questionnaire,deeply explores the degree of attention to life during the current teaching, combines the educational ideas of life consciousness of both ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign, and then puts forward the educational strategy perfecting for the development of body and mind. In the end, the dissertation deals with the ways to the teaching of life consciousness. The ways consist of increasing the content of life consciousness in the teaching material, strengthening the teachers’educational ideas of life consciousness, promoting children’s life consciousness, cultivating children’s sound personality and stressing on the study of problems and countermeasures during the teaching of life consciousness.This dissertation aims to find the shortages in the Chinese teaching material of primary school and the methods in paying more attention to children’s mental world through culture, ideas, circumstances and measures. If we can revise teaching plans and advance teachers’life consciousness, the educational ideas would be built totally and the education of life consciousness would be true completely.The paper brings forth two new ideas: one is importing the new word -- educational ideas of life consciousness, the other is seeking the new view -- exploring the source of current moral education from the development of children’s body and mind.

  • 【分类号】G623.2
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】1028

