

An Empirical Study on Improving the English Learning Method of Non-English Majors via Learning Strategy Training

【作者】 周慧霞

【导师】 孔凡哲;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究采用了问卷调查、质的研究和教学实验相结合的多种研究方法对本人所教授的三个班级的学生进行了三次英语学习策略方面的指导,希望这些活动能使学生认识到语言这门课程的特殊属性,以期他们能在学习方法和学习观念上有根本的改变,从而提高自主学习能力。他们是山东理工大学一年级的理工科学生。本研究收集资料的时间分两个阶段,研究的第一个阶段是学习策略培训期间,时间从2006年的3月底至2006年的7月初,大致跨越了一学期,收集资料的方式主要是访谈、实物收集等。研究的第二个阶段是十个月后的学习策略持久效果回访,时间是2007年的4月5日至7日,收集资料的方式主要是访谈,附带电话访谈。本研究通过构建一次问卷调查、三次学习策略培养活动和事隔十个月以后的一次学习策略培养持久效果回访来展开整个研究过程,它们分别属于本论文的第三章和第四章。第三章的内容是整个研究的第一阶段,即2006年的3月底至2006年的7月初的学习策略培养阶段,这个阶段设计了两方面的内容,一是作为前测的学习方法情况问卷调,二是所进行的三次学习策略培养。学习方法问卷调查以Rod Ellis(1994)总结出的优秀语言学习者与非优秀语言学习者在学习策略上的五大差异为设计基础,旨在发现学生英语学习方法上存在的问题,说明进行学习策略培训的必要性和迫切性。三次学习策略培养活动分别为:第一次的学习策略培训探索,第二次的学习风格调查和第三次的学习和加强词汇知识。第一次学习策略培养活动是一次由二十几位所教学生参加,以Rod Ellis(1994)总结出的优秀语言学习者与非优秀语言学习者在学习策略上的五大差异为中心展开的一次英语学习策略讲座,笔者希望从讨论语言是什么开始使学生逐渐认识语言课的特殊属性,认识到要学好语言不仅要注重语言的意义,更要注重语言的形式。第一次学习策略培养活动除个别学生外,没有收到预期的效果。第二次学习策略培养活动是采用Andrew Cohen, Rebecca Oxford和Julie Chi共同设计的学习风格调查量表进行的学习风格测量,目的是使学生了解自身学习风格的优势及局限性,认识英语这门课的性质,补救并拓宽自己的学习风格。学生对学习风格测量表现出异常的热情。第三次学习策略培养活动是学习和加强词汇知识,也同样在三个班进行,要求学生在背过给出的十个单词后参与五人一组的小组单词记忆交流活动并由组长作记录,最后由小组长在全班范围阅读小组交流结果,希望学生通过相互交流、相互学习的机会收到意想不到的效果,当时学生讨论热烈,看似收效显著。这三次学习策略培养活动中,第二次的学习风格调查十个月后的访谈证明非常成功,从根本上改变了学生的英语学习观念和学习方法,是本研究最亮丽的一部分,也是最让笔者感到欣慰的一部分。第四章的内容是整个研究的第二阶段,即2007年的4月5日至7日的三天,这三天笔者分别与四位学习策略培养活动的受益者进行了访谈,对方谈内容作了尽可能翔实的记录,分别记录了这四位学生学习风格调查前后英语学习观念和学习方法上的改变以及学习风格调查前后学习英语时的心情和学习态度上的变化。这四位接受访谈的学生中,除第一位在学习方法上笔者认为没有发生根本变化外,其余三位的英语学习可以说发生了翻天覆地的变化。学习方法问卷调查发现:(1)学生学习方法上存在严重缺陷。90%多的学生没认识到关注语言形式的重要性;58.70%的学生只以读明白文章的意思作为语言学习目标,他们只关注到了语言的意思,没有认识到要学好语言更要关注语言的形式。(2)教师与学生之间存在“供”“需”矛盾。教师传授的学习策略知识73.27%的学生不知怎么用。(3)学生缺乏甚至没有解决问题的意识学习策略培养研究发现:从优秀语言学习者与非优秀语言学习者的五大差别开始学习策略培养,除少数学生外,绝大多数的学生在理解像“语言的意义”、“语言的形式”等概念上有困难。在学习风格调查活动中,平均74.13%的学生认为从中受益,有些学生认识到学习语言要像小孩学母语那样去模仿、去理解,说明他们认识到了语言这门课的特殊属性,从而树立了全新的语言学习观念,改变了学习方法,说明学习风格调查能使学生认识到关注语言形式的重要性和必要性,这正是笔者进行学习策略培养要灌输的主要学习观念之一。不仅如此,访谈的四位学生中有一位甚至发明了一种非常独到的、有效的听力练习法,该方法与世界著名右脑研究专家七田真博士的超右脑英语学习法方法一致。通过词汇学习策略培养活动,学生从他人身上学到了记忆单词的新方法,认识到通过精细加工可以形象生动地把单词的音、形、义都牢记在心,这样记忆单词就不再是死记硬背枯燥乏味而是丰富多彩了。不过接受访谈的四位同学都否认了词汇策略对他们的持久作用。事隔十个月之久的学习策略持久效果回访结果令人振奋,回访的四个学生中有三人找到了正确的学习方法,已完全走上了自主学习的道路,学习策略培训的真正意义不仅于此,它更大的意义在于英语学习不再没有意义。

【Abstract】 The study intended to seek a way to train the student learning strategy. The subjects involved in the study are freshmen of three different classes whom I teach. All of them are students of science of Shandong University of Technology. The study employed two types of researching designs. One is quantitative, and the other is qualitative. The aim of the study is to make the student be aware of the fact that language learning has its unique properties, which makes it different from other knowledge, therefore a unique learning method should be employed in order to learn it well. So to imbue the student with such notion is its supreme aim.The research is done during two separate period of time. The first period of the research time is from March, 2006 to July, 2006, during which three sessions of learning strategy training were given to my three classes of students and before that a questionnaire is issued in order to learn the defects the student have in learning English. The third chapter contains the contents of this period of time. The second period of the research time is from April 5, 2007 to April 7, 2007, during which four students once benefited from the learning strategy training were interviewed. The fourth chapter wrote the stories of English learning of the four students before and after learning strategy training, including the change that has taken place in their language learning notion and learning method. The first part of chapter three is a questionnaire,using a quantitative design intending to find the flaws the student have in their English learning method. The finding is really shocking, because more than 90% of the students studied failed to store language form as an essential link of language learning process. Another 58.70% students merely read for meaning, a fatal flaw and a distinguishing feature for unsuccessful language learners. The questionnaire also suggested that 73.27% of the student studied failed to understand the strategies the teacher tried to deliver to them. Therefore there is a gap between the demand and the supply. The questionnaire also revealed that the students lack problem solving consciousness. The finding of the questionnaire points to the extreme urgency to train the student learning strategy. The subsequent parts of the research employed a qualitative design. They are the three sessions to deliver student learning strategy and an interview with four students to determine the effectiveness of the strategy training, 10 months after it was delivered. The three sessions of learning strategy training are the first session of training exploration ---- An Attempt to Teach Students the Successful Learner Strategies, a lecture not very successful; the second session of strategy training ---- learning style survey and the third session of strategy training -----reinforcing your knowledge of vocabulary. In the first session of strategy training, it is found that of about 20 students only a couple of them benefit from the lecture, the rest of them have difficulty understanding terms like language form and language meaning, and one of the student said it was not interesting. Anyway the attempt to teach student the successful learner strategies proved not very successful. The second session of strategy training aims to make the student be aware of the advantages and disadvantages of their own learning style and find remedy for their disadvantages, what’s more, it aims to have the student realize the special feature that language learning has as a subject and find appropriate learning method. In the second session of strategy training, of about 250 students an average of 74.13% benefited from it, which illustrated the value of the learning style survey, and it seemed to suggest that strategy training would become dead water without source if learning style survey was not included in. It also suggests that learning style survey have the students realized that successful language learner should show concern to language form as well as language meaning. The third session of style training is an opportunity provided for the students to share their vocabulary knowledge. The student seemed to learn from it. But the four students interviewed 10 months later denied its long-lasting effect on them. The interview with the four students was inspiring, because three of them have got the right language learning method and will be undoubtedly the most successful language learners. One of the students even invented a highly effective method to practice listening skills, which he has used for 10 months and now he can listen to English much clearly and can comprehend 60% of the listening for once only. The true value of the three sessions of strategy training lies not only in that but in in the fact that they find it meaningful to learn English.

  • 【分类号】H319
  • 【下载频次】889

