

Edge Effects on Avian Distribution and Reproductive Success in Fragmented Secondary-forest

【作者】 曹长雷

【导师】 高玮;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 动物学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 作者于2005~2006年3月~8月鸟类繁殖期间,在吉林省左家自然保护区的天然次生林内运用GPS全球定位系统共测量11块森林岛屿(斑块)的面积,利用绝对数量统计方法统计各样地的鸟类物种及数量,探讨边缘效应对鸟类分布格局的影响;另外,在5块样地内利用山雀式人工巢箱的悬挂,观察并测量大山雀的繁殖参数,从而考察边缘效应对鸟类繁殖功效的影响。11块样地面积在10.9~51.2 hm2之间,平均为24.8 hm2;悬挂人工巢箱样地总面积为134.5 hm2,悬挂人工巢箱226个。结果表明,不同斑块的形状指数及隔离度指数均有差异,景观破碎化指数达到0.399。边缘效应对鸟类分布格局的影响主要体现在以下几个方面:不同鸟类对面积的偏好不一样,有的种类在不同面积的斑块内分布差异显著乃至极显著;鸟类种群大小在不同年间存在着很大的波动,差异达到显著水平(P<0.01);回归分析表明,破碎化森林景观中,鸟类物种数随着森林岛屿面积的增大而显著增加,两者呈幂函数关系,验证了经典的岛屿生物地理学理论;森林岛屿面积与鸟类密度呈负相关,并未达到显著性水平。因此,不同面积的森林岛屿对鸟类物种多样性及密度均有影响,大面积的森林岛屿包含的物种数较多,而小面积森林岛屿的平均密度较大。斑块形状对鸟类分布也存在着很大的影响,不同形状的森林岛屿中鸟类物种多样性差异显著(P=0.032),鸟类密度在不同形状的森林岛屿中存在差异,但不显著(P=0.594);回归分析表明,鸟类物种数及密度均与森林岛屿形状指数呈二次多项式关系:鸟类物种数随着森林岛屿形状的不规则程度的增大而显著增加,森林岛屿形状指数与鸟类密度呈负相关。不规则程度大的森林岛屿包含的物种数较多,而不规则程度小的森林岛屿的平均密度较大。不同隔离度的森林斑块中鸟类物种多样性及密度均存在差异,但都未达到显著水平(P>0.05);鸟类物种数及密度与森林斑块隔离度均呈二次多项式关系;鸟类物种数及密度都随着森林斑块隔离度的变化而变化,但变化都不显著。隔离度在5~10之间的森林斑块包含的物种数较少、密度较低,而隔离度过低或过大的森林斑块的鸟类平均密度较大、多样性较高对不同距离梯度内鸟类物种数及密度进行统计,结果表明,鸟类主要集中在0~50m和50~100m两个距离梯度内,物种数百分比(54.65%)和数量百分比(63.02%)均非常大,平均物种数及平均数量较内部其他距离梯度明显增多。内部几个距离梯度内平均物种数趋于稳定,平均数量则越来越少。非参检验表明,不同距离梯度的鸟类物种及数量的分布差异很大,达到极显著水平(P=0.000),证明了边缘效应的存在;另外,0~150m与其他距离段差异极显著,其距离梯度中鸟类无论是物种数还是鸟类的数量,都大大有别于其他的距离梯度,特别是距边缘更远的地域。从对大山雀繁殖功效的分析看,不同距离梯度内大山雀的窝卵数均达到10枚以上,50~100m内窝卵数达到最大;卵重没有什么规律,趋于稳定;卵体积与距离梯度呈;孵化率及出飞率在50~100m距离梯度内达到最大值,随后呈现下降的趋势。非参数检验表明:大山雀的繁殖参数在四个距离段内的差异不显著(P>0.05),边缘效应对大山雀的繁殖参数的影响并不显著。总之,边缘效应在鸟类的繁殖中起着很重要的作用,它可以从斑块面积、斑块形状、斑块隔离度、斑块的边缘宽度等几个方面对鸟类繁殖产生影响。分析表明,边缘效应对巢保护性好的洞巢鸟的影响不是很大,如大山雀。影响繁殖的主要因素应该是其他次级洞巢鸟的竞争和巢捕食;从鸟类的分布格局来看,破碎化次生林斑块的最佳边缘距离应为150m,此距离梯度内鸟类的分布最集中,与内部其他距离梯度呈显著性差异。

【Abstract】 During the bird breeding seasons in 2005 and 2006, we investigated 11 patch size using GPS and observed bird species and quantity in fragmented forest in order to analyze edge effects on bird distribution in Zuojia Natural Protection Area in Jilin province. In addition, we put up nest-boxes in 5 secondary deciduous forest to measure reproductive parameter of great tit in order to analyze edge effects on bird reproductive success. The patch size changes between 10.9 and 51.2 hm2, with average size 24.8 hm2; The total area of patch with 226 nest-boxes is 134.5 hm2.The result showed that the shape index and isolation index of patch had a great change, with forest fragmented index 0.399. The edge effects on bird distribution mainly account for following sides:Different bird species had different reflection for patch size, and significant differences for some species in different patch. There are significant differences (P<0.01) between these two years for Bird population size. The regression model obtained: bird species had power function relationship with patch size, as patch size enhances, the bird species increase as well. Our results support classical island biogeography theory. There are negative correlation between bird density and patch size, but without significant difference. Therefore, patch size all had effects on bird diversity and density, with bigger size patch having more bird species and less size patch having biggish bird density.There are significant differences between Bird distribution and patch shape(P=0.032), and differences for bird density in different patch, but without significant differences(P=0.594). The regression model obtained: bird diversity and density had quadratic equation relationship with island shape. Bird species increase as abnormity enhances. There are negative correlation between bird density and patch shape index. Bigger abnormity patch had more bird species, while less abnormity patch had biggish bird density.The patch isolation had great effect on bird diversity and density, but without significant differences(P>0.05). The regression model obtained: bird diversity and density had quadratic equation relationship with patch isolation. Bird diversity and density differs with Patch isolation’s movement. The patch isolation between 5 and 10 contained less bird species and density, while the rest patch had more bird species and density.By investigating bird species and amount in different distance grade, we obtained that bird mainly concentrated in 0~50 m and 50~100 m, with bigger species percent (54.65%) and amount percent (63.02%) in the two grade than the farness distance grade. Bird species moved to stabilization at inside distances, but amount going less and less. The nonparametric statistics showed that edge effects indeed existed, because there are significant differences between bird diversity & density and distance grade(P=0.00).Otherwise, 0~150 m differed from other distance grade with significant differences for bird diversity as well as bird density, especially from long-distance.By analyzing reproductive success of Great Tit, we obtained that the clutch size in different distance all reached 10, and the best existed in 50~100m.Egg weight had no rule and moved to stabilization. Egg volume had positive correlation with distance. The hatch rate and flying rate reached the biggest in 50~100 m, then appeared decline trend. The nonparametric statistics showed that the reproductive parameter had no significant differences in different distance (P>0.05), and edge effects had no significant effect on reproductive parameter of Great Tit.Anyway, edge effects played a great important role in bird breeding from patch size, patch shape, patch isolation, patch edge width et al. The analysis results showed that edge effect had little effects on secondary-cavity birds with great nest security, eg. Great Tit. The factors to affect bird reproduction are mainly competition and nest predation. From the bird distribution, we considered the best edge width as 150 m in secondary deciduous forest, with the most bird and significant differences than inside distance.

  • 【分类号】Q958
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】328

