

Optimization on the Transportation Strategy of Distribution for after Sales Spare Automobile Parts

【作者】 裴卫东

【导师】 江志斌;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 物流工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 伴随着中国轿车工业近20年的高速发展,从其发展趋势和内在规律而言,市场售后服务必然同产品营销一样受到高度的关注。赢得了售后服务市场,就意味着赢得了汽车企业的持续发展,而作为售后服务保障的配件供应就是整个售后服务网络的核心资源。现代化物流业和现代化汽车业同步发展的完美结合必然会促进售后配件的配送运输调度优化,但这需要对这两门学科的高度了解和深入分析。本文就是利用笔者长期工作在售后配件供应一线的优势,将现代化物流结合实际工程情况引入配件配送运输决策中去,对其核心问题――车辆调度问题的优化进行了多方位的研究,为全面的、系统的、高效的优化大型汽车主机厂在整个售后配件供应网络中实施配件配送提供了完整的解决方案,具有极强的现实意义。本文的主要工作包括下面几个方面:(1)从汽车行业的发展趋势介绍开始,逐步推进,将汽车售后服务在汽车营销环节过程的重要性进行了论述,同时阐明了作为售后服务实物资源保障的配件供应的核心作用,并在此基础上展开了课题所研究的内容,说明了本课题研究的目的和重要性。(2)物流配送运输优化的综述。首先介绍了现代物流科学的研究的重大意义,概括了物流及物流配送的概念、功能、发展等内容;其次重点介绍了汽车售后配件物流配送和运输优化的流程;最后从理论上介绍了一般物流配送运输优化的问题和一般物流配送车辆运输优化的模型种类。(3)配件物流配送运输优化的建模和算法。对实际配件物流配送运输问题进行针对性的分析并提出解决配送路线优化研究的重要性;由此建立最合适的配件物流配送路线问题的数学模型,并对其启发式算法进行了研究,对启发式算法中的应用最广的节约法进行了实际分析,并针对其存在的不足,提出以局部搜索对线路进行改进方式提高解的精度,并重点寻求以节约启发式算法来解决有时间窗约束的配件非满载车辆优化调度模型。(4)物流配送运输优化的实际应用和调度系统的建立。在确立最合适的配件物流运输调度模型后,以实际工作出发点,以不同的算法对配件配送实际发生的配送业务来进行实际计算,寻求最合适车辆安排和路线安排。为实现配件配送工作实时优化管理的目标,提出和研究了配件车辆优化调度算法计算机实现的设计框架,并在此基础上推出地理信息系统在汽车售后配件配送调度中的应用设计,为汽车主机厂实现高效的配件运作和以制造向服务转变的配件配送运输科学决策过程提供一个配送运输优化示范作用。

【Abstract】 With rapid development in Chinese automobile industry in latest 20 years, it’s a necessity that the after sales service should be paid as much attention as the marketing of the product. Continuing developing of automobile company will be guaranteed only with the winning in after sales service market. The spare parts supplying chain, which work as base of after sales service, become the core resource of the after sales market.Modern logistics and modern automobile made great progress and brought opportunity of optimization on the transportation, scheduling and routing of automobile spare parts distribution. The two fields of knowledge are necessary for the optimization. As an employee who works on site of spare auto parts distribution center, the author combined modern logistics theory with actual projects state and introduced to the distribution transportation strategy. The core issue sof the vehicle scheduling and routing problem is studied, and a complete, systemic and effective optimization solution is provided, which is practical and applicable to large automobile company for its after sales spare parts distribution.The main steps are as follow:(1) The purpose and importance of the study are clarified. The trend of automobile industry and the importance of the after sales service are analyzed. Then it is illustrated to guarantee the material supplying is core task of after sales service and the topic is opened out based on the description.(2) The optimization on the transportation strategy of distribution for after sales spare automobile parts are summarized. The great meanings for research of modern science of logistics are introduced. The definition, function and developing of logistics and logistics distribution are summed. The optimization procedure is described on the transportation strategy of distribution for after sales spare automobile parts. The model category of common logistics distribution optimizing and usual logistic vehicle scheduling and routing optimizing are illustrated. (3) The mode and algorithms of the transportation optimization of spare parts logistic distribution are developed. The actual cases of spare parts logistics distribution problems are analyzed and the importance of optimal routing study are identified. Then the most suitable algorithms mode of spare parts distribution routing issue is built. The heuristic algorithms are studied and saving method is analyzed on actual case. And to ameliorate the method, a solution is brought forward to improve the precision by means of amending the route with local searching. It is tried to find out an optimized attempered model of inadequate loaded vehicles restricted by time window using saving method heuristic algorithms。(4) The transportation optimization of spare parts logistic distribution application and the building optimize logistic scheduling system. After having established the most optimized spare parts logistic distribution mode, the deliver operation is calculated by various algorithms in practice in order to find out the most proper arrangement of vehicles and routes. For the sake of real-time management on spare parts distribution, the advanced and studied framework was created by computer with the algorithms of optimal scheduling for spare parts logistic vehicle. Based on those, the design application was brought forward for the geography information system in after sales automobile spare parts distribution scheduling and routing. A demonstration of optimal distribution transportation is built to automobile company for carrying out effective spare parts movement. The process of advanced strategy is improved by means of transit from manufacture to service.

  • 【分类号】F426.471
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】1048

