

Studied the Propagated System of Stewartia Sinensis

【作者】 左艺芳

【导师】 黄成林;

【作者基本信息】 安徽农业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 紫茎(Stewartia sinensis)是山茶科紫茎属落叶小乔木,列入国家三级珍稀濒危植物,也是珍贵的野生观赏树种,研究其繁殖技术体系,开发应用于城市园林绿化,对有效实现该珍稀树种的异地保护,对丰富城市园林植物种类和景观都具有重要的理论和实践意义。本研究从紫茎的播种、扦插和组织培养三个方面入手,系统地探讨了紫茎的繁殖技术体系,其结果如下:1、紫茎种子的适宜储藏方式为湿藏,干藏种子的生活力较湿藏种子低,为63.3%,且无论是实验室还是圃地其发芽率均为0;而湿藏种子的生活力为78.3%,其实验室绝对发芽率为10.2%,平均发芽率为5.5%,圃地发芽率为1%。2、紫茎的一年生枝条硬枝扦插成活率为0,二年生枝条扦插成活率也只为2.2%。3、紫茎沙藏催芽硬枝扦插中,吲哚丁酸(IBA)处理的插穗成活率较高,最高可达31.3%,而奈乙酸(NAA)处理的插穗最高成活率为15%,生根粉处理的插穗最高成活率为16.7%,并且各处理激素的高浓度快醮均高于低浓度浸泡。4、紫茎软枝扦插宜在6月上旬进行,以浓度为50ppm的IBA溶液浸泡插穗1小时,插于珍珠岩基质上成活率最高,可达28.3%,而在8月中旬进行的软枝扦插成活率为0。5、不同种类、不同浓度激素处理插穗对软枝扦插成活率影响较大,IBA处理插穗成活率最高为28.3%,最低为8.7%,而NAA处理插穗成活率最高为18.3%,最低为3.3%,IBA处理的插穗无论是低浓度还是高浓度均比NAA处理的成活率高,最高高出10%,平均高出6.7%,而未用任何激素处理的插穗成活率仅为1.7%。6、在组织培养过程中,叶片和茎段的灭菌过程,0.1%的升汞浸泡时间起关键作用,叶片灭菌时升汞最佳浸泡时间为7分钟,无菌率最高可达69.44%;茎段灭菌时升汞最佳浸泡时间为10分钟,无菌率最高可达72.22%。在根段灭菌中,升汞的浓度起关键作用,0.2%的升汞浸泡10分钟灭菌效果较好,无菌率最高可达64.44%7、在组织培养实验中采用幼嫩叶片、茎段和幼嫩根段作为外植体,只有叶片成功诱导出愈伤组织,且愈伤组织生长良好。8、紫茎叶片在MS+BA2.0mg/L+2,4-D1.0mg/L+琼脂8g/1+食糖30g/1+PVP0.5mg/L培养基上诱导出愈伤组织,诱导率最高,可达66.67%,生长良好。9、紫茎在继代培养中增殖速度较快,在Ms+BA2.0mg/L+2,4-D1.0mg/L+琼脂8g/1+食糖30g/1+PVP0.5mg/L培养基上,其愈伤组织经过五个月的培养从4团增殖到260团,增殖65倍。10、经过4个月的芽分化实验,虽采用了6个不同配方,但均未成功从愈伤组织诱导出不定芽。

【Abstract】 Stewartia sinensis is a defoliate little arbor of Theaceae,which is endangered species and rare wild ornamental tree.Studying the propagated system and applying them to the urban greening have important theory and practice meaning for protecting this species effective in another place and enriching the kinds and views of ornamental plants.This paper studied the propagated system of Stewartia sinensis systematically from the three aspects of seeding,cuttage and tissue culture,the results showed that:1、The appropriate storage way for Stewartia sinensis was wet storage,the vitality of dry storage seeds were lower than the wet storage,which were 63.3%. Moreover,the germination percentage of these seeds was 0,no matter in the laboratory or at the nursery land,while the vitality of wet storage seeds was 78.3%.In the laboratory,the absolute germination percentage was 10.2%and the average germination percentage was 5.5%,while the germination percentage of nursery land was 1%.2、The survival rate of annual branches was 0,while the biennial branches was 2.2%for ripe wood cuttings of Stewartia sinensis.3、In the ripe wood cuttings of sand storage accelerating germination of Stewartia sinensis,the highest survival rate of cuttings was processed by IBA which was 31.3%, while the rate was 15%processed by NAA and the rate was 16.7%used root inducing powder.What’s more,the survival rate of dipping in high concentration of plant hormone was higher than immersed in low concentration.4、The best time for green wood cuttage of Stewartia sinensis was in first third of June,immersing the cuttings in IBA of 50ppm for an hour and rooting them in perlites could get the highest survival rate,which was 28.3%.Moreover,the survival rate was 0 in August.5、Different type and concentration of plant hormone had bigger influence to the survival rate of green wood cuttings,the highest survival rate was 28.3%and the lowest was 8.7%processed by IBA,while using NAA the highest was 18.3%and the lowest was 3.3%.The survival rate of the cuttings processed by IBA is higher than NAA no matter low or high concentration which the highest was 10%and the average was 6.7%.The survival rate of cuttings was only 1.7%when didn’t use any plant hormone.6、In the sterilization process of leaves and stems of tissue culture process,the soak period of mercury bichloride which the concentration was 0.1%played an important role.The best soaking time for leaves was 7 minutes and the sterility rate could reach 69.44%,while the best time for stems was 10 minutes and the sterility rate could reach 72.22%.In the sterilization process of roots,the concentration of mercury bichloride played an important role,immersing roots in the mercury bichloride which concentration was 0.2%for 10 minutes could get a good effect and the sterility rate could reach 69.44%.7、In the experiment of tissue culture,only the leaves induced calluses successfully,and the calluses grew well among young leaves,stems and young root segments as explants.8、The best medium for inducing calluses of leaves was MS with 2.0mg/L BA and 1.0mg/L 2,4-D and 8g/L agar and 30g/L sugar and 0.5 mg/L PVP.Through this could get the highest inductivity which was 66.67%.9、In the subculture,Stewartia sinensis had fast proliferation rate,the calluses from 4 masses to 260 masses via the medium which was MS with 2.0mg/L BA and 1.0mg/L 2,4-D and 8g/L agar and 30g/L sugar and 0.5 mg/L PVP after five-month, they grew 65 times.10、Induced the adventitious buds from calluses unsuccessfully although used 6 different formulations through the bud initiation experiments for four-month..

  • 【分类号】S792.99
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】90

