

The Cuttings of Lycium Chinense Mill. and Its Biological and Physiological Characteristics

【作者】 杨志新

【导师】 何云核;

【作者基本信息】 安徽农业大学 , 森林培育, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 2005年3月~2006年11月在安徽淮南农科所的试验田进行了枸杞在不同条件下的扦插繁殖的试验。根据这两年的试验,得出枸杞在本地的扦插繁殖具有它的特殊性和特殊的意义:插穗无需处理;操作简单,不需要特制基质,可以直接在目的地扦插;插后不需管理,成本低;成活率可以高达100%,生长迅速,能很快达到观赏效果,满足栽培目的;枸杞能够满足节水、高效等方面的要求。由于气候,地域的差异,枸杞的扦插有着很大的差别。即使同在本地,随着扦插条件的改变,枸杞的生物学和生理学特性都有很大不同。这次试验采用不同的深度、不同的基质、不同的部位、不同的季节进行扦插,以及倒插试验,结果如下:不同深度扦插。在园土上扦插,春插,以25~35 cm效果为最好;夏插,以30~40 cm效果为最好,夏季比春季扦插略深一些。在疏松透气的建筑垃圾等处,还可以再深插一些,本次试验以40~50 cm效果为较好。不同基质扦插。枸杞能够适应恶劣土壤环境,在这次试验中,选择了建筑垃圾土。建筑垃圾土上的扦插,深插效果比较好。适当的深插,本次试验扦插深度为50 cm,非常有利于枸杞的成活、生长。建筑垃圾土上的扦插,夏季比春季效果好,尤其深层扦插。一般城市绿化的土壤较差,建筑垃圾不可能得到很好的清除,局部小气候也不利,适当的深插,有利于枸杞的成活、生长,枸杞在这种较差的环境中生长较好,当年栽植,当年就能开花结果。枝条不同部位的扦插。枝条不同部位扦插表现出不同性状。以夏季休眠期而论,上段扦插,枝条紧凑,花果繁多;下段扦插,生长健壮,花果稀少,枝条开张,甚至匍匐于地面。中段介于两者之间。扦插百日后地上生物量上段为24.3g,下段为50.6g。春季不同部位扦插都以营养生长为主,但生长势也有很大差别,扦插百日后地上生物量上段为34.2g,下段为46.3g。不同季节的扦插。枸杞在本地有夏眠现象,夏眠时期的枸杞枝条,养分充足,尤其是蛋白质和糖的含量,夏季是春季的2倍多,是秋季的5~6倍。与其它时期相比,更适合扦插;枸杞在本地不适合秋天扦插,因为9~11月正是枸杞开花结果期;也不适合春季扦插,春天,地温较低,完全木质化的枝条生根缓慢,往往先萌芽,造成长势衰弱;另外,枸杞在春季萌芽时间波动较大,像今年(2007年),元月份即萌芽,给春季的扦插造成很大的影响。试验还证明了以下几点:枸杞插穗具有顽强的生命力。几次不同的试验,插条的成活率绝大多数都能达到100%。少数当时没有萌芽的插条,此后也陆续萌芽。更有甚者,夏季扦插当年没有萌芽的枝条,经历了酷暑、严寒、干旱,7个月后,即第二年的春天萌芽了,花蕾绽放,包括其上没有剪除的侧枝。夏季休眠期的扦插能够打破休眠提前萌芽生长。夏季扦插不久插条就可萌芽,而母株仍未萌芽。即使在母株旁扦插,同样的环境下,插条仍然比近旁的母株提前萌芽。是什么因素促使插条打破了休眠,有待于进一步的探讨。枸杞还可以倒插,形成独特的景致,作为盆景,别具一格。倒插适用于老枝,根段,整个植株也可以倒插。总之,枸杞是一种可塑性很强的树种。人工栽培,根据不同的应用,在不同的条件下进行扦插。而且,枸杞的扦插,操作简单,基本不需要管理,成活率高,成本低,值得大力推广种植。

【Abstract】 All the tests on Chinese Wolfberry for two years were carried out on the experiment farms in Agricultural Institution of Huainan city. Chinese Wolfberry grows easier and breeds more quickly. Its reproduction is significant and can be widely used for landscape and forestry.The cutting of Chinese Wolfberry is easy to manage and the cutting can be processed without special media beforehand and without managements and expensive costs after the cutting. The cutting or seedlings is apt to grow in local areas, and also to stand in similar climatic areas.The cutting varys greatly in different regions. It grows differently about biological and physiological characteristics, if different treatments are performed such as different seasons, different depths, different mediums and cutting material from different parts of stems.The comparisons of treatments are also done in this dissertation. The results show as the follows:Dormancy happens in summer and the nutrient of crown branches are ample and vitality is strong in this period, thus survive more smoothly. But it is not suitable in autumn in local areas, because duration flowering here is from September to November. In spring, the rooting process require longer time for lignification and often sprouting processes first. The survival rate can reach 100% with the cutting length of 25-30 cm both in spring and in summer in fertile plantations. The length can be much larger in such areas as low ground water level and barren urban soil. The test shows Chinese Wolfberry can grow well and flower in current year with deeper depths of cutting material, such as 40-50 cm in barren urban soil.The cutting material from different parts of stems have significant features. As far as dormancy is concerned in summer, the below part of stems grow robustly but booming is weak; the upper is to the contrary and the middle grow and flower neutrally. All live on vegetative growth in spring, so little difference happens, but growth potential is different significantly.The tests also prove as the follows:All the tests prove the survival rate of most cuttings can reach 100%, and a few do not sprout temporarily but do in shorter time even in the second year.The dormancy phase can be disturbed by cutting and the cutting material of stems sprout earlier than the mother body do even in the same circumstance. The cause of this phenomenon is to be studied.Inverse cutting is another measure of cutting but develops magnificent landscape, which can be used as an approach designed for pot plant. This treatment is perfect for older cutting, because its polarity decline ,even disappear.In a word, Chinese Wolfberry can be aimed for many use by man-made cultivation, which can respond quickly to the microclimate such as heat, moisture and so on. The treatments of cutting are easier, but survival rate is higher, which is supposed to have mass production.

  • 【分类号】S793.9
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】376

