

The Design and Implementation of JCR Based Web Content Management System

【作者】 夏纯中

【导师】 许晓东;

【作者基本信息】 江苏大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 传统方法建设门户网站的主要问题在于:需要专业技术人员,编辑需要手工制作页面;改版不方便,需要修改所有页面;或者需要修改程序,需要技术人员参与改版;网站速度慢,安全性、可靠性不高;无法实现信息的统一发布管理。本课题的目标是设计开发一套基于JCR标准的Web内容管理系统(Web Conent Management,WCM)。系统需要拥有丰富的表现形式和强大的数据管理功能,使一般非专业技术人员可以随时方便地实现信息的发布和维护而无须掌握复杂的技术。本文研究了内容管理的内涵和国内外内容管理系统的发展状况,参考了JCR内容管理标准,实现了一个基于J2EE架构的应用系统底层架构。集成了Struts2,Spring,Hibernate等优秀的开源组件分别实现基于MVC的表现层,轻量级业务中间件和对象关系映射。在此架构的基础上,设计开发了一套完整的基于JCR内容仓库的Web内容管理系统。通过对JCR的扩展,将Web内容管理中的各种Web元素模型和内容对象做了高层的抽象和定义。前台门户实现了面向搜索引擎优化的URL。系统还能够支持包括掌上设备在内的多重设备访问和RSS聚合订阅。在对外展示上,能够灵活的定制各种模板,方便的实现换肤功能。系统还实现了基于RBAC的角色关系控制,以及和其它系统的单点登陆。系统的所有内容结点均可以通过生成静态页面的方式实现缓存,这样系统就更具有伸缩性。最后在Lucene基础之上设计了内容系统的全文搜索引擎。目前该系统已经用于多个门户网站的建设,并且在多个电子政务内网中作为办公系统运行。

【Abstract】 The problem of using traditional way to build portal website is that it needs technical people, edits the content page by hand. The edition change is not convenient, needs to change all pages. Perhaps needs to modify the application, this will involved technical people to participate in. The website performance is slow, the security and the reliability are not high. It is unable to realize the unified information publication management. This goal of this thesis is to develop a JCR standard based Web content management system (WCM). The system needs to have the rich GUI and powerful data management function, enables the general non-professionals conveniently realize the information publication and maintenance without to grasp the complex technology.This thesis has studied the connotation of content management and the development condition of domestic and foreign content management system, We referred to the JCR content management standard and realized a J2EE based web application framework. Integrated Struts2, Spring, Hibernate and so on outstanding open source project to realize the MVC, the lightweight service middleware and the object relations mapping. Based on it, we designed and developed a completely JCR based Web content management system. Through by extending the JCR, we make high-level abstract and definition of all kinds of Web element models and content objects. The front portal has realized search engine friendly URL. The system also can support multiple equipment including the palm and RSS syndication. In the portal, it can custom any templates, facilitates skin-switch function. The system has also realized RBAC based access permission control, as well as SSO plugin with other system. All the content page can be buffered to static HTML page, make the system more scalable. Finally we designed a full-text search engine based on the Lucene.At present this system has already been used to build portal website. It also be used as OA system in e-government network.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 江苏大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 05期
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】217

