

Studies on Rheological Properties and Texture Evaluation of Jerusalem Artichoke and Pickled Jerusalem Artichoke Tuber

【作者】 孟庆君

【导师】 姜松;

【作者基本信息】 江苏大学 , 食品科学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 菊芋是一种常见的块茎类蔬菜,一般被用来提取菊糖或腌渍咸菜。它具有营养价值高、便于种植管理等优点,因此是极具开发价值的半野生资源。流变特性与质地特性参数是果蔬质量评定的重要参数,往往是影响消费者选择果蔬的主要因素之一。因此,研究菊芋等果蔬采后的流变特性及其质地的变化,对其采后处理及品质评价具有十分重要的意义。本论文以菊芋和腌渍菊芋为主要研究对象,用质构仪对菊芋进行了如下测试:松弛和蠕变等“小变形”的基本流变力学测试,穿刺、压缩、剪切、弯曲、拉伸等破坏力学测试,TPA等模拟力学测试。为了得到实验最佳的测试条件,对菊芋和腌渍菊芋分别用不同的测试参数进行各项测试,结果表明,实验测试速率、位移和时间对实验结果均有不同程度的影响,不同测试方法的主要影响因素不同,因此,分别对测试条件进行了优化:对于新鲜菊芋的测定,取样时应尽量选在芯部取样,应采用去皮测试,探头采用P/3较好。穿刺速率建议取0.2~5mm/s之间,穿刺深度应大于3mm;剪切测试速率应选取0.2~4mm/s之间;TPA测试速率应选取0.2~4mm/s之间,压缩量大于2mm松弛测试得到优化的实验组合为加载速率1mm/s、0.5加载量mm、松弛时间60s;蠕变测试得到优化的实验组合为加载速率0.5mm/s、载荷3000g、时间60s。通过对菊芋在不同贮藏温度和不同贮藏方式下的流变和质地特性的变化趋势进行研究,以及对贮存期间的菊芋进行感官评价,结果表明:不同贮藏温度对菊芋最终保藏效果的影响是显著的,1℃的贮藏温度条件对菊芋品质的保持具有较好的保藏效果;PE保鲜膜(袋)包装对菊芋来说是比较好的常温保藏方法,CaCl2处理的方式也有不错的保鲜效果;菊芋在贮存过程中的流变和质地力学变化与其感官品质、水分含量等的变化具有一定的关联性。特别是脆性、质地、新鲜度等感官指标分别与空间破裂次数NSR、刺破深度D、TPA测试的回复性等质地力学指标具有很好的相关性(R分别为0.952、-0.955、0.957)。通过研究新鲜菊芋和腌渍菊芋在质地力学和流变特性上的差异性,以及热处理过程对菊芋和腌渍菊芋质地特性、流变特性和感官品质的影响。结果表明:新鲜菊芋和腌渍菊芋在质地和流变学特性上的差异较大,热处理过程对二者质地力学和流变特性的变化具有明显的影响。通过上述研究,将菊芋和腌渍菊芋抽象的流变特性和质地力学性质具体化、数字化,建立了简易评价二者综合品质有效方法;通过对其进行感官评价,进一步研究了感官评价和质构分析仪测定结果的相关性。为利用仪器分析代替感官评价测定腌渍菊芋的质地品质提供了理论依据。

【Abstract】 Jerusalem artichoke is a kind of familiar tuber vegetable,and it is usually be used to extract inulin or make pickled vegetable. Jerusalem artichoke has the advantage of high nutrition value and easily growth,so it is semi-wild resource with very important development value. The parameters of rheology and texture are important parameter to evaluate the quality of fruit and vegetable ,they are always primary factors to affects customer to choose fruit and vegetable. So, investigating changes of rheology and texture quality of fruit and vegetable such as Jerusalem artichoke after gathering has very important meaning to dispose and evaluate their quality.With "Jerusalem artichoke and pickled Jerusalem artichoke tuber" as the main objects and texture analyzer as the main instrument, this thesis mainly focuses on the aspects as follows: the "slight deformation" tests such as stress relaxation and creep test,the destructive tests such as puncture test,compression test,shearing test,bending test,tension test,and the simulative test such as TPA (Texture Profile Analysis) test.Different test conditions had been respectively applied to every kind of test in order to get the best test conditions. The results show that speed,time and distance affect the tests differently,and the main influencing factors are different with different measurement. So the test conditions has to be optimized respectively: For Jerusalem artichoke, taking of samples should be in the core region of it and samples should be taken peel out. The probe of P/3 is chosen in the puncture test. The optimal test conditions are as follows: Test speed 0.2~5mm/s,distance > 3mm in the puncture test; Test speed 0.2~4 mm/s in the shearing test; Test speed 0.2~4mm/s,distance > 2mm in the TPA test; Test speed lmm/s,distance 0.5mm,time 60s in the stress relaxation test; Test speed 0.5mm/s,force 3000g,time 60s in the creep test.The trends of rheological and texture properties of Jerusalem artichoke under different storage temperature and Jerusalem artichoke under different storage measure were studied. Meanwhile,sensory assessment was also be made .The results show that ultimately quality of Jerusalem artichoke under different storage temperature is different distinctly. The condition under 1℃is good for keeping its quality;Packing with PE fresh-keeping film or PE fresh-keeping bag is all-right measure for keeping quality of Jerusalem artichoke. Dealing it with CaCl2 is also a good measure;Changes of texture and rheological properties of Jerusalem artichoke are relational with change of its sensory property and water content in course of storage. Specially,there are good correlation between Crispy,Texture,Greenness (sensory parameters) and NSR, Fracture distance of puncture test, Resilience of TPA test (texture parameters),their R is respectively 0.952,-0.955,0.957.The difference of Jerusalem artichoke and pickled Jerusalem artichoke tuber in texture and rheological properties,and the change of texture properties, rheological properties and sensory property of Jerusalem artichoke and pickled Jerusalem artichoke tuber by heating them up are studied. The results show that the difference between Jerusalem artichoke and Pickled Jerusalem artichoke tuber is notable. The effect of heating them up for their rheological and texture properties is distinct.The nonfigurative texture quality of Jerusalem artichoke and Pickled Jerusalem artichoke tuber is be made embodiment and digital by above research,and handy methods are established for estimating their integrated quality. Sensory estimate is also be made simultaneity. The correlation between sensory estimate and texture analyse will be studied farther .The study provides basis for the using of instrumental analysis instead of sensory estimate in the assessment for texture quality of Jerusalem artichoke and Pickled Jerusalem artichoke tuber.

【关键词】 菊芋腌渍质地流变感官评价脆性
【Key words】 Jerusalem artichokepickledtexturerheologicalsensory estimatecrispy
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 江苏大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 05期
  • 【分类号】TS255
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】401

