

【作者】 何辉

【导师】 李锡龙;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 在当代文坛,张炜凭借着对文学的严谨态度和不懈追求,创造了一个又一个的文坛奇迹,同时也成为评论界长期关注的焦点。在上个世纪八九十年代的创作中,张炜以对苦难的书写和对道德的弘扬、对社会世俗的批判而获得了广泛的影响,众多评论者也多以此作为切入点来分析作品、研究作家。的确,张炜身上有着浓郁的知识分子救世情怀,面对着社会的黑暗与不公,以及工业化的大举入侵所造成的人们价值观的混乱,张炜以力挽狂澜的豪情,高举着“道德理想”的旗帜,在随波逐流的浩荡人群中展示着一个知识分子应有的铮铮铁骨。然而进入新世纪以来,张炜的创作发生了某些转变,显示了作者面对时代的发展,在抵抗策略上的调整。首先,表现在由以往思想上的抗争转为现在积极的行动,这可从作品精神主体的变化以及书写地点的改变中看出。其次,作品中开始表现出对道德的质疑,同时对自由生命人格表现出向往之情,而这些均显示出作家内心的变化。另外,文本中男性形象的衰落和女性形象的崛起在彰显着张炜对两性关系认识变化的同时,也反映出作家审美的悄然转向。

【Abstract】 At the contemporary literary circles, zhangwei with lend the careful attitude to the literature with pursue unremittingly, created one and other literary circles miracle, also have no to dispute of become the focus which comments on boundary concern. In the last 20 years of last century , zhangwei with write distress and to morals of expand, to society customs of judgment and made its work acquire extensive influence, numerous who comment on was also many to use this as to correspond point to analytical work research writer. Really, zhangwei have heavy knowledge member to save a life time state of mind, when he face a society of dark and unjust, and industrialize of invade people’s value resulted in distinctly of confusion, the feeling of making vigorous efforts to turn the tide, high raise the flag of"morals ideal", Be trending blindly of the concuss to display an iron bone that the knowledge member should have in the crowd.However get into a new century, some changes have taken place in zhangwei’s new works, thats showing the author to face the development of ages, being resisting strategic adjustment. First, The aggro of the thought begin to turn into aggressive of activity now, this can see from the work spirit corpus of the variety and write the change of location. Secondly, in the works writer begin to express the querying of morals ,and express the feeling for looking forward to the free life personality in the meantime, and these varieties which all display the writer’s heart. Moreover, in the text, Declining of male image and Growing of female image showing the writer begin to change the two sexual behaviors understanding, and thats also reflect a writer to appreciate beauty of change direction quietly.

【关键词】 道德理想欲望人格女性转型
【Key words】 Morals idealDesirePersonalityFemaleTransformation
  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】245

