

【作者】 陈静飞

【导师】 吕健力;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 现代足球竞技水平迅猛提高的现状,使我们清醒地认识到中国足球水平不但没有提高,反而还在原地踏步甚至在倒退。世界上许多国家都深刻地认识到:惟有提高本国的足球联赛水平,才有竞争的基础;惟有雄厚的足球根基,才有资格去胜任当代高水平足球赛事的角逐;惟有对本国的足球资源常抓不懈,才能为本国足球运动持续发展创造根本条件。国外足球运动发展的经验表明:没有一个高水平的联赛不可能有高水平的国家代表队。雄厚的群众基础与高水平的足球联赛才是提高整个国家足球运动水平的关键。当前中国正处在实施和改进职业足球联赛的发展阶段,只有提高中国职业足球联赛的水平,在联赛中不断涌现出优秀的足球人才,才能带动本国足球运动的发展,才能提高中国足球水平。本文以国内“常规技术统计”方法为基础,并综合足球专家和学者的意见,制定统计的标准。采用文献资料法、调查法、观察法等研究方法。以2006年世界杯比赛与2006年中超足球联赛球队为研究对象,分别对其比赛中防守技术运用情况进行观察统计和分析,找出中国足球比赛与世界足球比赛防守技术运用的特点和规律及其不足,为中国足球联赛各球队今后的科学训练和比赛提供一定的理论依据。通过研究结果表明:1世界杯比赛中前场、中场、后场运用抢球、断球、犯规技术与中超联赛相比差异具有非常显著性。运用铲球技术时世界杯与中超联赛相比在前场差异不具有显著性,但在中场和后场差异具有非常显著性。运用防守头顶球技术世界杯与中超联赛在前场、中场、后场相比差异不具有显著性。中超联赛各球队运用防守技术时与世界杯高水平球队有差距。2世界杯比赛防守区域大都在中场区域,防守技术运用也主要在中场,而中超联赛防守区域主要在中、后场区域,防守区域比世界杯防守区域靠后。同时中场进行防守抢截的能力不强,防守时队员相互保护不够,造成后卫队员防守压力大。3世界杯队员运用防守技术的数据都高于中国中超联赛队员,表明中国队员防守意识和防守能力和世界杯有差距。世界杯前锋、前卫、后卫防守技术运用全面、合理,中超联前锋、前卫、后卫防守不积极,各自单兵作战,缺乏有效的配合。本文研究目的是对中超联赛比赛中防守技术运用暴露的问题进行分析研究,找出与世界高水平足球的差距,为教练员提供理论参考依据,以提高中国联赛球员的实战能力。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of modern football competitions, we realize that our nation’s football level is not progressing but stopped, even retrogressive. Most countries have realized that: only enhancing the level of national leagues can they have foundation to compete with others; only having solid foundation can they have quality to compete for modern football matches; only cherishing and utilizing our nation’s football resources consistently can they provide the basic condition for their substantial development of our nation’s football games. The experience of football development in other countries has proved that there is no high-level national team without high-level league. Abundant masses foundation and high-level national league are key to improve the level of whole nation’s football game level. At present, our country is in the developing stage of carrying out and improving football league. Only our enhancement of the level of our national football league can excellent football players boom from the league constantly, so as to develop national football games and the level of football.The thesis tries to draw up the statistical standard on the basis of domestic conventional method‘routine skill statistics’and viewpoints of some football experts and scholars. By using approaches, such as research methods of documents, survey, observation, etc, the thesis chooses 2006 World Cup and 2006 China Football Association Super League (hereafter CFASL) as objects, and analyzes the application of defense skills in these matches separately, tends to find its features, rules of skill usage and its shortcomings in football games, and provides some theoretical basis for the scientific training and teaching in our football league. The research findings indicate that:1.Comparing with CFASL, there is most significance of difference in the application of tackle, interception and foul in the front, midfield and backfield in World Cup. And the slide tackle in the front has no significance of different but most significance of different in midfield and backfield, while the application of header defence has no significance of different in front, midfield and backfield. However, there is an obvious difference in the applications of the defence skills between the teams in CFASL and the top teams in World Cup.2.Most of the defence areas in World Cup are midfield as well as the application of defence skills. But in CFASL, these areas are mainly in midfield and backfield and their weakness in the defence, block tackle and coordination gives the full back much pressure.3.The data of application of defence in World Cup is more than that in CFASL, which shows our nation’s players’sense and ability on defence are behind those of World Cup players. While in World Cup, forward, midfielder and back apply defence fully and reasonably; in CFASL, the players are passive, separate and in lack of effective coordination.The study of this thesis attempts to analyze the problems on defence skills exposed in CFASL, to find out the deficiencies compared with world high-level football teams and to provide references to coaches, so as to improve the practical ability of our nation’s league football players.

  • 【分类号】G843
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】474

