

Error Analysis of Attributive Clauses by Chinese College Non-English Majors

【作者】 史钰

【导师】 田贵森;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着语言学理论的发展,第二外语教学的重心从以教师为中心转变到了以学生为中心。这点更加强调了学生在学习中的核心、重点角色,这一转变的主要结果之一就是错误分析理论的发展和应用。在外语教学过程中,老师对于学生的语言错误问题总是觉得很头疼。无论教与学双方做出如何的努力,错误似乎总是难以避免的。尤其是定语从句的学习和掌握,这个句型是英语学习过程中的难点,那么,中国学生在定语从句学习过程中经常会犯哪些类型的错误呢?造成这些错误的原因何在?如何有效地预防这些错误的发生?教师可以在教学中采取哪些具体措施呢?这些都是本文拟探讨的一些问题。本文立足于非英语专业大学生在定语从句的学习和使用过程当中出现的一些问题,通过语料分析的方法收集了200份测试卷,其中155份为有效试卷,本文作者就这155份试卷进行了分析。对于整理后的语料中的中国非英语专业大学生在定语从句使用中出现的错误,根据定语从句相关的语法知识对于中国非英语专业大学生使用定语从句中出现的错误类型进行了区分,在相关语法知识的基础上侧重于从实际应用的角度探讨了中国非英语专业学生在使用定语从句时出现问题的原因。从总体上说明了平时不仔细认真追究定语从句确定的使用方法的习惯和一些学生怕犯错误的心理对中国大学生英语定语从句使用的影响,旨在对提高非英语专业大学生学习和适当使用定语从句的水平有所帮助,同时对定语从句的教学给予了一些启示,此外,还提出了一些合理化的教学建议。具体来讲,本文由以下六个部分组成,第一部分简要叙述了本研究的意义和目的和背景,指出了错误分析对定语从句教学的指导意义。通过错误分析,教师可以发现学生在学习和使用英语定语从句的过程中所存在的问题从而更好地指导教学实践活动。第二部分简要回顾了第二语言习得研究中一些相关术语,对与本研究相关的概念进行了必要的解释、说明和界定。此外,还对错误分析理论、对比分析理论、中介语理论以及迁移理论等与本研究相关的理论知识进行了介绍。第三部分对本研究的语料收集方法,具体操作过程和所研究的内容进行了详尽的叙述和介绍。第四部分是本文的重点所在,通过分析中国非英语专业大学生在学习和使用定语从句中的不同类型的错误,用大量的语料详尽地分析了如何正确使用这些定语从句和造成这些错误的原因,并提出了一些具体的教学建议。第五部分总结全文,指出了本文的局限性,为以后的研究提出了一些建议,并且提供了解决问题的一些基本途径。

【Abstract】 Along with the development of the linguistic theories, the focus of the foreign and second language teaching shifted from the view of the teacher centered to the learner centered. And it stresses the learners’creative role in second language learning. One major result of this shift has been the development and application of error analysis.In the process of teaching foreign language, teachers feel headache about the errors made by the students. No matter how many efforts they spare, the errors still seem to be inevitable. Virtually every student makes errors in one way or another. This has become a most thorny issue and a matter of utmost concern to teachers of English. Problems arise and press us to look into such fields. What kinds of errors are most frequently committed in learners’learning and using attributive clauses? What are the causes for these errors? How to prevent them in advance? What specific measures can teachers take? These are the problems probed and discussed in this thesis.This thesis is based on a careful analysis on the errors of 155 non-English majors’question papers (200 students took part in the experiment, within which 155 are valid) by way of authentic linguistic data analysis, especially that of error types. It lays particularly stress on the causes of errors in attributive clause due to grammar knowledge concerning to attributive clause. The goal of the thesis is to offer some inspirations and useful proposals for teaching attributive clause. This thesis is composed of the following 6 chapters:Chapter One examines the important role of error analysis in teaching attributive clauses by showing the significance, purpose and background of the present study. It is found that through error analysis, teachers can find problems existing in the process of learning and using attributive clause, so that they can guide learners’learning and using attributive clause activities with better prospects.Chapter Two reviews some theoretical terms relating to second language acquisition concerning the present study and offers some necessary illustrations, explanations and clarifications. This chapter also reviews some correlative theories such as error analysis, contrastive analysis, interlanguage and transfer.Chapter Three serves as an introduction and detailed narration of the methods of the experiment, specific processes and the subject matter being explored.Chapter Four lies the core of this thesis, which enquires into 5 typical error types in attributive clause and tracks down the causes of each type with a lot of examples.Chapter Five is a general discussion, followed by some practical and useful suggestions for teaching attributive clause.Chapter Six summarizes the thesis, yields some proposals for further study and provides some solutions while pointing out the limitations of the present study.

  • 【分类号】H319.3
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】713

