

【作者】 尹立波

【导师】 赵其林;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 田径运动后备人才的培养是田径运动发展的战略问题。只有重视优秀运动员的梯队建设,田径运动才能保持竞争力。随着我国经济体制的转轨和社会的转型,田径运动也必将朝着多元化、市场化的方向发展。运行了几十年的“举国体制”面临新的挑战和机遇,田径运动员的培养在新的形势下必须进行改革与创新,才能获得新的可持续发展的动力。田径运动是河北省开展较普遍的项目,体校、传统项目中学是田径运动人才的重要来源渠道。随着社会经济的发展河北省原有的田径运动后备人才培养体系已经受到了冲击。体校生源不足、出路困难;传统项目中学及普通中学的训练水平较低等问题日益突出。这些问题的存在影响了河北省田径运动竞技水平的提高。本研究通过文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈法、数理统计法、归纳法等科研方法,对河北省田径运动后备人才培养现状进行了调查与分析,并得出以下结论:(1)河北省田径运动后备人才的培养是“举国体制”主导下的三级训练体系,这种体制和体系带有明显的封闭性和依赖性,造成体教分离与学训矛盾,培养的运动员已经不能适应社会的需要。(2)从2003-2006年河北省田径运动后备人才的注册数量呈明显的不稳定趋势,这对于选材是极为不利的。注册运动员以14-19岁为主。(3)河北省田径教练员的专业培训工作开展不力,教练员缺乏专业训练理论。(4)河北省田径运动后备人才中男子400米、三级跳远、女子铅球、男女铁饼、女子400米栏、女子三级跳远、男子标枪是在全国占优势的项目,这些项目在河北省程集中分布的特点,应进一步加强对这些项目的支持。(5)河北省田径后备人才的教练员队伍以中青年为主结构。体校和中小学的教练员各有优劣势,但是不能很好的优势互补,这就要求加强教练员的专业理论培训,并建立新的教练员培养模式。(6)河北省田径后备人才的选材和训练的科学化程度较低,应进一步加强教练员的培训和科研对训练的支持。(7)河北省田径运动后备人才的竞赛目的仍是以运动成绩和名次为主,赛练结合不够紧密。竞赛内容不能适应青少年田径运动员的成长。(8)河北省田径后备人才的经费来源单一,以政府拨款为主。教练员和运动员的管理缺乏激励效应。强教练员和运动员的管理的激励效应较弱。最后本研究针对现状调查中发现的问题提出:完善后备人才培养体系;提高选材与训练的科学化水平;竞赛制度的合理化;经费来源多元化;完善教练员和运动员管理的激励机制等对策。

【Abstract】 The cultivation of prospective talents in track and field sports is a strategic problem. Only by paying attention to the elite echelon construction, can we keep the competitiveness in this area. With the transition of the economic system of our country and transition of the society, track and field sports will be developed in the pluralistic and market-based direction. The old system has operated for many years and now is facing new challenges and opportunities. Meanwhile, the athlete’s cultivation must carry on the reform and innovation under the new situation in order to get motive force for the new sustainable development. Track and field sports are popular in Hebei province, and sports schools and school of the traditional sports items are important source channel for talents in this area. With the development of social economy, the already existing talents training system has been assaulted with the new problems. The source of students for sports school is insufficient; the outlet is difficult; and the level of training in general high schools and schools of special sports items is outstanding day by day. These problems greatly affect the improvement of track and field sports in Hebei province.This thesis investigates the present situation of prospective talents in track and field sports in Hebei province through literature review, questionnaire investigation, interview, statistic calculation and generalization method, finally arriving at the following conclusion: (1)The cultivation system of prospective talents in track and field sports in Hebei province is a holistic system, which obviously has closed and dependent characteristics, leading to the separation between physical training and education. This is unable to meet the needs of the society. The level of training in schools with traditional sports items is relatively low, leading to the unsatisfactory results. (2)The registered number of the prospective talents shows an obvious downward trend from2003 to 2006 in Hebei province, which is extremely unfavorable for selecting suitable talents. The registered athletes are mainly from 14 to 19 years old.(3) The number of successful prospective talents in track and field sports is relatively low.(4) Men’s 400-meter race, triple jump, women’s shot, men and women’s discus, women’s 400-meter hurdle race, woman’s triple jump and man’s javelin are the advantageous items among those talents in Hebei province. These items are distributed concentratively which needs further support.(5) The coaches for these prospective talents are mainly young and middle aged and have a two-dimensional structure, namely the academic credentials of the coaches in sports school are generally lower than the coaches in the middle school and the professional theory knowledge of the coaches in sports school is relatively low; the majority teachers also act as coaches in middle and primary schools, who are lacking in high-level sport experience. Coaches in sports school and in middle and primary schools have their respective advantages but they can not complement each other.(6) The degree of scientifically selecting and training prospective talents in Hebei province is relatively low. Thus we should strengthen the coach’s training and the support of science research to training.(7) The contest purpose of the prospective talents mainly relies on the results and ranks. But the training and competition is not closely related. We should adjust the contest contents of 14-15 years old athletes, and increase the times of contest at various levels.(8) The source of funds is single, mainly relying on the allocation of government.According to the problems found during the process of investigation, this thesis proposes the following suggestions: perfection of training system of prospective talents; improvement in the scientific degree of training and selecting; rationalization of the contest system; pluralism of the source of funds; perfection of the incentive mechanism in the management of coaches and athletes.

【关键词】 河北省田径运动后备人才
【Key words】 HebeiTrack and field sportsProspective talents
  • 【分类号】G82-4
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】557

