

Comparing Research on TSPS for Middle School Chemistry Teachers

【作者】 高敬芝

【导师】 王克勤;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 问题解决研究一直是国内外心理学、教育学研究的热点问题,然而,学科问题解决的研究直到近30年才引起学科研究者们的关注。化学问题解决研究近十年来虽然取得了可观的进展,但国内基于化学问题解决教学策略的教师比较研究至今仍然是一个空白。有效的教学策略以能否实现教学目标和保持学习者的积极性为主要特征,问题解决教学策略则是教学策略的核心,是体现不同类型教师教学水平高低的重要标志。增强中学化学教师问题解决教学策略的运用意识,不断提高其教学策略水平,对于促进教师自身专业成长和教师整体专业素质的提高,对于基础教育课程改革的健康发展和教育质量的全面提升,都具有十分重要的意义。为了对中学化学教师问题解决教学策略水平进行比较,本论文通过自行编制的具有较高信度和效度的问卷对河北、山东、天津、北京四省市的部分中学化学教师进行了问卷调查。通过对调查结果的统计分析,可以清楚地看到:新手教师与熟手教师、熟手教师与专家教师、专家教师与新手教师的问题解决教学策略水平,无论在教学理念水平、一般教学策略水平,还是问题解决教学策略的掌握和运用水平上,都存在着明显差异,新手教师与专家教师的差异更大。为了进一步探讨中学化学教师问题解决教学策略水平的差异,为广大中学化学教师自觉提高问题解决教学策略水平提供一些有益参考,论文紧密结合具体的中学化学教学案例,从教学理念、集中策略、类比策略、分解策略、逆推策略、探究策略、反思策略等角度,对专家教师和一般教师的问题解决教学策略的运用情况进行了对比分析。为了有效地提高中学化学教师问题解决教学策略水平,论文提出了通过师资培训实现教师观念的转变,通过校本教研引领教师专业成长,构建有利于创造型教师个性发展的环境和机制,完善教师资格认证制度,帮助教师认识到反思对于专业成长的重要意义,建议教师运用反思,学会反思等对策和建议。这些对于促进教师专业成长,尤其是问题解决教学策略水平的提高,是不可或缺的,也是行之有效的。

【Abstract】 The problem solving research has always been the hot point in the realm of psychology and pedagogy both in and outside our country. However,the disciplinary problem solving research starts only from the recent 30 years. Although the problem solving research in chemistry has made certain progress in the domestic, the comparing research based on TSPS (teaching strategy of problem solving) among middle school chemistry teachers is still a blank.Whether it can realize the teaching targets and keep the aggressiveness of the learners or not is the main character of valid teaching strategy. TSPS is just the core of teaching strategy, and the different levels of TSPS mark different levels of teachers. To strengthen the teachers’using consciousness of TSPS and improve their teaching levels is quite important for their professional growth, and for the raising of the whole teachers’level, and for the good development of the curricular reforms of the foundation education, and for the completely promotion of the education qualities.For comparing their TSPS levels among the teachers, the writer had drawn up a questionnaire for investigating, which has good reliability and effectiveness. Several hundreds of questionnaires have been finished by chemistry teachers from Hebei, Shandong, Tianjin and Beijing. From the statistical analysis we can see clearly: nearly in every item, the teaching conception level, the common teaching strategy level and the TSPS level, there is a significant difference between the novice teacher and the proficient teacher, or between the proficient teacher and the expert teacher, and especially between the novice teacher and the expert teacher.Closely combining with concrete teaching cases on chemistry in middle school, the paper gives comparing analysis in TSPS application between expert teachers and common teachers, so as to improve the chemistry teachers’level of TSPS. The analysis is made from the following aspects: teaching conception, analogizing strategy, resolving strategy, anti-deduce strategy, inquiring strategy, rethinking strategy and so on. In order to improve the teachers’level of TSPS in middle school efficiently, the paper presents several strategies and suggestions. As following, to exchange teaching conception by teacher training, to lead their professional growth by school-based research, to construct convenient environment and mechanism for the individuals to develop their creativities, to perfect the teacher’s qualifications certificating system, and to help them realize the importance of rethinking for their professional growth, and suggest teachers to learn and use rethink skill, and so on. All of the strategies and suggestions are necessary and effective to promote the teachers’ professional growth, especially their TSPS levels.

  • 【分类号】G633.8
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】590

