

【作者】 徐桂华

【导师】 董丛林;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 程德全于清末先后署理齐齐哈尔副都统以及黑龙江将军、巡抚,在黑龙江主政四年多期间,他稳步举办各项新政事业,推进了黑龙江社会的近代化进程。但受主、客条件的限制,其在黑龙江举办的新政也有着明显的局限性。本文对相关情况进行考察。除绪论之外,设置七个部分。第一部分从主、客观两方面分析程德全在黑龙江实行新政的背景、原因。第二部分考察所推行的行政改革,具体分整顿吏治、官制改革和确立司法官制。通过这一层面的改革,初步构建起具有资产阶级三权分立雏形的新的行省体制,在一定程度上刷新了吏治,培养了一批新式行政人才,开启了清末地方政治改革的先河。第三部分内容是移民实边和振兴实业方面。论述了程德全在黑龙江兴的垦荒情况和取得的成效及创办广信公司、发展工业、农业、矿业、交通、邮政和振兴商业,这初步启动了该省经济近代化。第四部分则介绍司法、警政和军事变革。司法改革促进了司法体制的近代化,警政革新加强了有效统治,统一军制、编练新军增强了黑龙江防务。第五部分则考察了教育改革的情况。揭示出通过兴办小学教育、实业教育、女学教育而取得了明显的成效,为黑龙江社会由传统向现代转型奠定了文化基础。第六部分陈述和分析程德全对宪政的筹议,显示出他提倡宪政改革的积极性和较为进步的见识,体现了他的开明。总之,上述这五个部分,分项对程德全在黑龙江推行新政的情况进行了审视,综合起来,即可见其人与清末黑龙江地区新政密切关联的大概。最后的第七部分对程德全在黑龙江推行新政的情况进行总体评价,分析了其积极作用和局限性,并指出由于财政困窘,治安混乱,致使黑龙江新政在实施过程中困难重重,举步维艰,这限制了新政事业的深入发展。

【Abstract】 Cheng De Quan took charge of adjutant, general, governor of Hei Long Jiang by acting as deputy. During his four year’s administration, Cheng De Quan gradually threw his body in the New Movement at the transformation process in Hei Long Jiang. But it has obvious limitations. The paper examines close things. Except preface, the thesis could be divided into seven parts:The first part analyses the serious condition of reformation in Hei Long Jiang. It includes objectivity and dominant ideas.Part two is about political reformation, such as reorganization of government and bureaucracy reformation etc. By this, he was the first one to conduct the reform of administrative system in the Qing Dynasty, which resulted in a new system of province characteristic of bourgeois management. Furthermore, he cultivated new officials, which improved political systems. Part three investigates movement of farmers and development industry. He practiced the developing economic measures, such as establishing Guang Xin Company,financial reform, agricultural reforming, Mining industry, transportation, postal service and promoting business. Part four introduces judicial reform firstly. He built up a model jail of Hei Long Jiang province and trained criminals, thus judicial systems were enhanced. He united the systems of army, trained new armed forces, endeavored to build schools and promoted the development of the modern style education. By primary education, industry education, woman education, a cultural foundation was set up for a turn form traditional to modern society. Part six describes he promoted impending constitutional policy, which stands out in contrast his enthusiasm and progress about reform and shows his wise. In all, these parts examine Cheng De Quan’s reform in Hei Long Jiang partly. Synthetically, we can see he had connected closely with new policy in Hei Long Jiang at the end of Qing Dynasty.At last, part seven is general introduction and analysis about its good and bad aspects of reform. His reform was confronted with many difficulties in practice due to poor finance and social instability, which is bad for development of new deal movement.

【关键词】 程德全清末黑龙江新政近代化
【Key words】 Cheng De Quanthe late QingHei Long JiangtransformationModernize
  • 【分类号】K257
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】177

