

【作者】 崔小苗

【导师】 刘静;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 学科教学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 生命构成了世界存在的基础,世界因生命而精彩。然而随着人们物质文化水平的提高,人类的精神生活却走进了空旷的荒原。教育也难以坚守住自己的理想与使命,青少年生命意识越来越淡薄,自杀、杀人、残害生命的现象时有发生。面对这种状况,与生命教育有不解之缘的语文学科应责无旁贷地担负起生命教育的责任。中学语文阅读教材中蕴含着丰富的生命教育资源,但是,目前中学的语文教师还没有形成生命教育资源开发与利用的意识。因此,本文对中学语文阅读教材中的生命教育资源的开发与利用进行探讨,并提出一些生命教育资源开发和利用的策略,以期能够让学生更好地认识生命的本质,理解生命的意义,提升生命的价值。

【Abstract】 The life constitutes the existence foundation of world, the world has been splendid because of the life. However ,along with people matter cultural level enhancing, humanity’s spiritual life actually enters the spacious wilderness. The education also with difficulty firmly defends own ideal and the mission.The life consciousness of young people is more and more light, the suicide,the murder, cruelly harms the life of the phenomenon sometimes occurs. Facing this kind of condition, the Chinese discipline which has the indissoluble bond with the life education ,should be supposed dutifully to shoulder the life education . The middle school teaching material of Chinese reading contains therich life education resources,but,at present middle school’s Chinese teachers have not formed the development and use consciousness of life education resources. Therefore, The article discusses development and the use of life education resources in the middle school teaching material of Chinese reading, and proposes some usestrategies of life education resources’development and use.It can let the students better understanding the essence of life, understanding the significance of life,and promoting the value of life.

  • 【分类号】G633.3
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】472

