

【作者】 王慧

【导师】 马云;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 施蛰存,中国现代文学史上开“现代派”之风的文学大师。他的小说创作在30年代的中国文坛上曾经引起很大轰动。他的心理分析手法以及他对人性的独特关注方式,都为他奠定了在现代文学史上的独特地位。在他创作的一系列小说作品中有一种茶道古香的中国式的自然亲切,尤其体现在前期创作中,作为一位“现代派”的领军人物,此不可谓不奇。施蛰存创作的“现代派”式的小说作品,在30年代就能深刻的洞察“现代人”的人心、人性、人情。在经历了如此多时世变幻之后,他的作品仍然能够对21世纪的现代青年人起到“现代启示录”的作用。更为重要的是,其身上所带有的文化冲撞意味。他由古典“雅士”向“现代人”,由沉溺历史想象向体察现实生活,由信仰宗教神性向正视世俗人性,由江南小镇的恬静安逸向都市生活的繁华躁动的巨大转变,其间所体会到的文化转型焦虑之情深深触动了我,这些也正是作为“现代人”的我的深切体会。本文用文本细读和文化研究的方法对施蛰存小说进行详尽系统的文本解读,用当下人的生存经验对其文本进行重新激活,对施蛰存的小说创作进行全方位的系统的研究和整理。从题材选择、主题倾向、文本阐释焦虑三个方面探讨其小说创作的文化转型焦虑是如何表现的。试图解决的关键问题是:当时作家的创作心态,文本超越时代的文化意蕴以及对当下人的带来的思考。

【Abstract】 Shi Zhecun was a literature master who opened created "the modernist school" in the Chinese modern history of literature . His novel creation once caused the very big stir in the 30’s Chinese literary arenas. His psychoanalysis technique and his unique way of paying attention to the human nature had all established unique status for him in the modern history of literature. In a series of his novels especially in his earlier period of creation permeated Chinese natural kind like tea, as a person who initiated "modernist school",which was wonderfully. The novels of "the modernist school" created by Shi Zhecun had clearly profound human spirit ,human nature and human sentiment of" the modern people" since in the 30’s. After experiencing so much time, his work still could play a role like "the modern inspiration" to the modern young people living 21st century . More importantly, the meaning of cultural dashing was soaked in his work .During the huge transformation in his novels from classical "elegant gentleman" to "modern people", from indulging the historical imagination to carefully examining the real life, from believing religion divine nature to facing up to the civil human nature and from easy and comfortable town life of Chiangnan to bustling and blundering city life, I realize the anxious sentiment about cultural reforming, which deeply touches me. And these are also my sincere experiences as a "the modern people".In this article I read the texts of the novels written by ShiZhecun exhaustively and systematically using the ways of attentive text reading and cultural research , reactivated to the texts with currant person’s survival experiences, and researched and organized his novels fully and systematically . In this article I explore how to display anxiety of cultural reforming in his novels from three aspects ----the theme choice, the subject tendency and anxieties explained by the texts .The key questions which I attempt to solve are the writer’s position about creation at that time, the cultural meaning of the texts beyond that age and the ponder to the currant person.

【关键词】 施蛰存文化转型焦虑小说创作
【Key words】 ShiZheCuncultural reformingAnxietynovel creation
  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】208

