

Research on the Scientific Training System of Juvenile Sprinter on 100-metre Race in Hebei

【作者】 闫新红

【导师】 刘建国;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 在田径运动中,百米跑属于典型的体能类速度性竞技项目,近些年来,世界短跑运动员技水平出现了持续增长的趋势,新的世界纪录又多次受到冲击,运动员还能否继续地快下去,这也一直是体育科研人员、教练员和运动员努力的方向。然而,我国的短跑运动水平与世界水平还有很大的差距,因此,在理论和实践上探讨提高短跑运动员技术和训练水平的途径是十分必要和迫切的任务。我国对田径运动员进行运动训练时,尚未根据及时的评价情况建立高度一致的、有针对性的定量化和合理化的科学化训练体系,本文依据运动训练的基本理论,采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、专家访谈法、测试法和数理统计法等研究方法,从系统论角度出发,试图探索我省青少年男子百米运动员训练的全过程,建立一套完整、科学的训练体系,为进一步深入研究百米运动提供实践和理论依据。以我省青少年男子百米运动员为研究对象,并对研究对象进行了多项指标的测试,通过数理统计我们得出以下结果:1、影响我省青少年男子百米运动员运动成绩的主要体能指标为:踝围/跟腱长、下肢长/身高、克托莱指数、肺活量/体重、ATP-CP、行进间30米跑、立定跳远、400米跑、半蹲。2、根据对我省青少年男子百米运动员的多项身体素质指标的测试结果,建立了我省青少年男子百米运动员身体素质水平的评价和诊断体系。3、通过研究发现我省青少年百米运动员意志品质和特质焦虑水平均处于中等水平,在训练过程中教练可以根据运动员的各因素的实际出发,发展和提高运动员的心理能力水平。4、通过研究发现我省教练员在运动员初级选材方面采用了一定的科学手段,但大部分教练员还是凭经验来选拔运动员,建议教练员在运动员选材时应根据百米项目的特点,根据身体形态的踝围/跟腱长、下肢长/身高、克托莱指数等指标进行科学选材。5、由于研究条件所限,我们解决了系统内一部分的自身优化问题,但这不是系统优化的全部,欲想使训练完全科学化,还需解决各个因素的协调和优化问题。因此,建议教练员训练过程中要协调运动体能、专项技术、心理素质等的合理发展,在有条件的情况下我们将继续作进一步研究。

【Abstract】 In the track and field events, sprint belongs to the typical events that need energy and speed. In recent years, the skill level of world sprinter appear to keep on the trend of growth, the new world record was impacted again and again for many times. It is a research direction for the researchers, coaches and the athletes to make the sprinter run even faster. However, there is a gap between the skill level of sprinters in our country and sprinters in the world. Therefore it is a very necessary and urgent mission for us to find out the method to improve the training and funning level, and there is no such a scientific training system for the sprinter training. According to the sports training theory, this research adopted the way of documents, questionnaire, interviewing, testing and statistics, from the systematical theory point of view, try to explore the whole training process of our province sprinter and to put forward a complete and scientific training system. It can be a practical and theoretical basis of sprint research.This research takes the young male sprinter of our province as research object. In the research, several aspects had been tested, and the results are as follows: 1. The main physical factors that influences record are ankle circumference/heel string length, lower limb length/body height, body height/bodyweight, vital capacity/body weight, ATP-CP, 30-meter running, long jump, 400-meter running, half squat.2. According to the physical attribute test of our province young male sprinter, construct an evaluation and testing system of physical attribute.3. Through the research, we found that the will and physical attribute of young male sprinters are in average. During the training process, the coach could consider the practical factors of the athletes and develop and improve the athletes’physical level.4. Through the research, we found that many coaches still choose the young sprinters by their experience though they have some new scientific ways; we suggested that the coaches choose the sprinters according to the characteristics of 100-meter race and the human physical type of the people.5. Because of the limitation of our research, we only solve a small part of the problem but not all. In order to make the training more scientific, we should further our research. We suggest the coaches adjust the different aspects of training.

【关键词】 青少年男子百米指标体系评价方法评价标准
【Key words】 youthmalesprintaspect systemevaluationevaluating system
  • 【分类号】G822
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】311

